

Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2005
I say you're all just too god damn sensitive
it's censorship and it's downright blasphemous
let's end this **** now cause I won't stand for this


Censorship on TV and radio is starting to get rediculous. Earlier today I was watching the Hawthorne Heights video Ohio Is For Lovers, and they edited the word "cut"

"and i can't make it on my own
because my love is in ohio
so ... my wrists and black my eyes"

there's so many little words that they edit now, and it's really getting annoying
I saw VH1 edit the word 'bullcrap', then turn around and not bleep 'bitch'.
I think its funny that we censor f-bombs, and condemn coarse language, while we allow all kinds of graphic violence and sex on TV.
Censorship is wack.
Hyper said:
they change the censorship rules every ****ing week i swear. it's so damn stupid.

I know, a week ago it was on there, then today I was watching it and it bleeped cut.

i was like :confused:
They censord "hit" in I hate everything about you by three days grace. They also bleep out "hash" in the song hash pipe by weezer, I could kinda understand that. TV these days can be so messed up.
I predict that by the year 2012, television and radio will be one long censor-beep. :p
yeah clogz, that'd be funny

"hey honey lets watch TV"



but to get to the point... I was listen to the radio and some rap song was on that says "she workin that back" and they cut out "back"

i was all like WTF?
They are going over the top on cutting out the swearwords! It's not like we don't know what they're saying anyway! How obvious, like when they're cutting out the word "****", obviously you can tell it was that word when you hear the FFFFFF bit o_0 And bitch isn't even a swear word =D I guess it makes the parents feel better eh.
I hate censorship. Everyone knows what it says anyway. Bleeping out non-curse words it stupid though. grrrrr......People who came up with censorship piss me off.
^ Same here. What really pisses me off, Good Charlotte somewhere in a song they say ass, but if a 50 Cent song, they ****ing bleep the word! Another thing, why bleep when every little kid already hear main stream cuss words from their parents. My 2 year old cousin says muther ****er all the time!!! It's all bull ****!
it's funny

they're all about not offending people, yet I know that bitch and damn offends many people.

it's all somehow related to the morons who are pollitically correct
Censorship is crap if you ask me. People should hear the truth, but bleeping words is justified if you say the n-word, or if you bash somebody personally with some bad-ass words. Besides that, the truth should be played. We aren't going to solve any problems by hiding away from them.
Where I live, we don't have any censorship. Maybe it's because English is a foreign language and people don't understand, but also we have unwritten rules. Because young children often watch, TV people tend to not say the equivalents for ****, ****, and such words. But more importantly there is no improper language here. People don't feel the need for improper language. There's one rapband, or it used to, who curses a bunch, but that wasn't censored, nobody cares. Plus it would cost money for so little work.

Censorship is wack like someone rightly pointed out, but we need some minimum censorship.
^where do you live? I might move there when I get enough money.

no censorship, no foul language.

sounds like a semi-perfect world