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  1. spOoks

    DoNt U jus FeEl lik F***ing WhAcKIng Da S*** OuT Of ppl SoMTimeZ

    ok so wat ive got is poke them in the eye and while they are bent down wailing about how sore it is i lick their face.... thats just great
  2. spOoks

    DoNt U jus FeEl lik F***ing WhAcKIng Da S*** OuT Of ppl SoMTimeZ

    thansk man yer ill just poke them in the eye next time i see em-cheers
  3. spOoks

    DoNt U jus FeEl lik F***ing WhAcKIng Da S*** OuT Of ppl SoMTimeZ

    The only thing diferent to you about me is size. If i came up against someone like you then it would depend on the situation-if i was in a headlock, if it was a stand off-watever. Didnt they teach you in watever martial arts you learned atht no matter much much bigger someone is than you you can...
  4. spOoks

    DoNt U jus FeEl lik F***ing WhAcKIng Da S*** OuT Of ppl SoMTimeZ

    trust me i know know the ppl who hit me pretty well and i resall saying that size does matter. The ppl who do punch me dont know jack **** about pressure points, how to control your centre of gravity and stuff-very important in a fight. So trust me here ok-i hit and theyl go down.
  5. spOoks

    honest replies please.

    i guess i would have to ditch the concert :(
  6. spOoks

    PC Games

    Im sure there is a thread similar to this one that has gone through these forums recently but i am going to start a fresh one coz ...i feel like it. What PC Games do you play (if any) and which ones do you really hate? I play Counter-Strike -i wasnt a big fan of half-life but i am...
  7. spOoks


    Hey yall ma name is spOoks (actually its Jay) Im 14 from Perth Australia. and before anyone asks- No i dont have a pet kangaroo. Got into linkin park with hybrid theory-didnt really like crawling or In the End. BUt i have learned to like em. I also like metalica and slipknot. Cyall on...
  8. spOoks

    DoNt U jus FeEl lik F***ing WhAcKIng Da S*** OuT Of ppl SoMTimeZ

    I am quite small for my age and in 9th grade size does matter. People still have respect for me-i have heaps of friends but.... there are a few of my "friends" who sometimes treat me like crap and punch me and **** and i can feel the anger building inside me but i have to tell myself that their...
  9. spOoks

    Your greatest fear

    my greatest fear is dying without leaving my mark on the world
  10. spOoks

    meeting s online.

    1. ASk her if she wants to meet you | If yes go to 2 | If no go to 6 2. If yes meet her in a public place-like a cafe 3. If she is a hot she go and introduce yourself and a relationship blossoms 4. If she is an OK she, go and introduce yourself and a potential relationship spawns 5. If...
  11. spOoks

    Everyone teach me :)

    doink | verb | Meaning : To Steal | Context: "I left my bling in my room and the mother****er doinked it"
  12. spOoks

    does any one want to have a really random chat about linkin park?

    (; how do you get that
  13. spOoks

    hilary duff VS lindsay lohan

    hillary duff actually looks "good" not that good but better than LL LL is just a spoiled brat hu cant act or sing and is a disgrace to society
  14. spOoks

    does any one want to have a really random chat about linkin park?

    this may seem really stupid but i am a forum noob so here i go HOW THE FUK DO YOU GET WRITING ABOVE YOUR FUKN AVATAR WHERE THE HELL CAN I FIND THIS STUPID CUSTOM USER TEXT OR WATEVER I READ IN THE FAQ!!! thanks and sorry for the unnecisary swearing :thumbsup:
  15. spOoks

    school and stuff.

    i like english and science fav sport is prolly soccer or cricket (im an ozzie btw) I hate : Maths
  16. spOoks

    Less-Liked Linkin Park Song

    i hate easier to run-such a bad example of an LP song :mad:
  17. spOoks


    Thanks man
  18. spOoks


    doesnt anyone have any LP contacts or anything - someone who coould give him a nudge in this direction? :rolleyes: