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  1. N

    im leaving im not pissed with the site or anythin.....well i guess...... 1. hardly nyone knows me on the site......ive been here for a long time.... 2. i said sorry kuz dat wasnt me in the "chat speak thing" english is not bad....and i got a was rite of atlien 2...
  2. N

    the longest email address ever

    thats exactly wat i was difficult 2 explain
  3. N

    The "Have you ever" Thread

    nope i havent..................i guess its to hitech for me have u ever slapped a teacher and then got expelled??
  4. N

    the longest email address ever

    ok...............sooooooo sorry.............................well its the longest website ever 2 go to the website u have to type in the alphabets thrice and then (.com) u kan register for an email id ...................if your email id is (blah_blah)................. on this website it...
  5. N

    [Hybrid Heart's Journal]

    stoppin by your journal was andd yeah dey forced me 2 andd yeah hitch is a gud movie
  6. N

    Guys are dumb! (help thread)

    heres a problem,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, wat shud i do abt my shyness?????? i mean i kant talk 2 a guy properly................i talk 2 the point and then the guy thiinks im not interested.......................its difficult 2 overcum the shynessppl hit on me......................they try 2...
  7. N

    Yer Favorite Song

    numb pushing me away easier 2 run ass like that(eminem) lots mor..............
  8. N

    the longest email address ever

    guys u no der is dis website its lik its da longest website ever.................wats da site?? u have 2 type abcdefghijkl................3 times......... dats da site and u kan register for an email idd den your email id will be (blah_blah@abcdefghijkl.........(3 times).com)
  9. N

    Twilight's *gasp* Journal! Read at your own risk

    exactly my comments
  10. N

    NVme4ever's journal

    joint families r koool..........................butt.............wen it kums 2 my fathers sid family....................well really i lik 2 stay away frm those ppl.............thgey all r parents r away frm dem also......................dey hate us(me my brother and my...
  11. N

    [Hybrid Heart's Journal]

    i saw hitch........................did u realize that in the end will smith controdicts the entire movie........................he says "10 rules 2 get a woman...............well there r no" i think saw it long bal so i dont remeber the exact lines it was still a nice movie and...
  12. N

    NVme4ever's journal

    ok so i kudnt find my journal so i decided 2 make another one in india...............and the place is ok................but i miss dubai lik hell.............returnin 2 dubai on 17th august......cant wait well tomorrow im goin 2 lonavala..............its a hill...
  13. N

    Guess who?

    welcum bak dudette......................haveee fun
  14. N


    i want a trampoline..................but rite now the most relaxing place is my comp
  15. N


    luv it luv it luv it.................................its nice....................da guy is hotttt
  16. N

    Terrorist attack on London

    all i kan say is.......................................dose ppl r jobless........................nuthin better 2 do in life...................................stupid patriots (btw al queeda(dunno how 2 spell it) has admitted on their website that the had don the attackms)
  17. N

    Hit me baby one more time

    ha8 britney............................shes a peice of crap
  18. N

    Are you a freak??

    *crosses fingers* i hope im not a freak
  19. N

    You Know You're Bored When...

    for me wen im chekin my emails and also wen i add random ppl frm da forum 2 chat
  20. N

    papercut vs. runaway

    papercut anytime