You Know You're Bored When...

rock_my_world said:
you know you're bored when you stare at one thing then start thinking.


(staring at a pencil) I wonder how pencils her made? If it wasn't invented, would we be using pens with ink at school? School, the hell. I'm glad I'm home schooled. But homeschooling is so boring. I'm so bored. Maybe I should read a book. Nah, there's no good books to read anyway. Maybe I should watch a movie. Hmm... What movie should I watch? Oooh Speed is a great movie. Oh man I forgot where the video is... Hey, Speed is very simular with the london bombing, maybe I should tell someone on the internet. What message board should I post? Linkin Park? Or IMDb? Both. IMDb is so bad, the layout is ugly and people hate everything there. Well, at least we know some celebrities go there to read some coments. I love Terry O'Quine. Great actor and such a nice guy. I wish I could go to Hawaii like he did. But the vocanos are so scary. I remember when I went to Thailand, it was beautiful, I wonder if it's like Hawaii. Man, that tsunami picked the wrong place to burst. Maybe I should go back to Thailand in a few years. But my mom is saving my collage money so I guess I should go there when I'm older. But what if the tsunami happens again? I don't wanna die in a vacation. Vanessa Carlton has such a great voice, why is she so underrated? I love pianos. I should probably start practicing again since the last time I touched it was when I was 8. If I could play a very quick song and play it like I'm a professional it would be cool. Man, it's so hot. It's raining but it's still hot as hell. I wonder if hell is hot? Maybe that place is really cold. Dark and cold. Lonely. I'm going to hell when I die for sure. I've said so many curse words. Not as much as the other kids though. I miss snow. I haven't touched snow for 9 years. It must be fun to play with the snow. I've already forgot what it feels like. I miss the beaches too. The last time I went there was like half a year ago but I miss it deeply. We were supposed to go swimming but it kept raining and storming.

You know you're bored when you write down everything you're thinking.

hahahaha ive done that so many times! just like the most random things. :p
Dark Angel said:
OK, the title says it all. Here's a list I'm working on, feel free to join in.

1. You start counting dots on the ceiling
2. You sign up on some 100 sites for free (sometimes givig away fake info.)
3. You actually get tired of the computer after spending some 8 hours a day on it for 2 weeks
4. You start to clean your room (messy people)
5. You find staring into space fun
6. You know all kinds of sites with quizzes on them
7. You took so many IQ tests, you don't even know yours now, because you've gotten a range from 101-180.
8. You take stupid quizzes just for the heck of it.
9. You find it really easy to annoy friends on the phone
10. Even your Gamecube/PS2/Xbox/etc. games get boring

There's some for now, have fun adding more on! :cool:

yeahh, the one in bold is soo me. :)
Dark Angel said:
OK, the title says it all. Here's a list I'm working on, feel free to join in.

1. You start counting dots on the ceiling
2. You sign up on some 100 sites for free (sometimes givig away fake info.)
3. You actually get tired of the computer after spending some 8 hours a day on it for 2 weeks
4. You start to clean your room (messy people)
5. You find staring into space fun
6. You know all kinds of sites with quizzes on them
7. You took so many IQ tests, you don't even know yours now, because you've gotten a range from 101-180.
8. You take stupid quizzes just for the heck of it.
9. You find it really easy to annoy friends on the phone
10. Even your Gamecube/PS2/Xbox/etc. games get boring

There's some for now, have fun adding more on! :cool:

Hahaha good seemz lik i do tha same thingz lik u just said...haha...
When you seen Naruto 4 times episodes 1-145. One Piece 3 times 1-150
, and all of DB/Z/GT 4 times... lol
You Know You're Bored When you start making threads entitled "You Know You're Bored When..."

[Sry if someone already said that... I looked but didnt see it anywhere.]
meteora500 said:
off topic I know, but isnt Middlesex where the movie Donnie Darko took place? I love that movie...Jake Gyllenhaal is hot..

haha ya...i live by middlesex though lol.i go 2 middlesex county fair though every aug. cuz i train dogz for blind people which r called Seeing Eye Dogs. im on mi 7th dog now....Virgo a 9 month old female German Shepherd....