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  1. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    mattleh is my bundle of joyness...thered be no smiles without him<3
  2. keza

    Heart LP´s Journal

    sammi sweetie dont apologisde...i for one didnt feel uncomfortable..this is yoor journal and yoo can write anything yoo want...we may not know yoo vereh well but yoo are our friend<333 i hope everything sorts itself out and i said ima always here for yoo...dont feel like yood be a burden...
  3. keza

    {[The Finals]}

    all knowing haha yea right<333 this time however he was...she ios purtyful...woopness to her<33
  4. keza

    {[The Finals]}

    woopness look at franka go :D:D <333
  5. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    allie is just immensness hehe shes funneness in a box<33
  6. keza

    The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

    abit ill but happee:D
  7. keza

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    yoor call barefeet disciples (friends band>.<) rawr
  8. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    she seems pretty damn cool wouldnt yoo say? well i dont care what yoo say...i say she is *nods*
  9. keza

    the keza journal

    arww franka yoor doggeh sounded like he realleh luffed yoo!! <3 yea haha fribs lmfao why no comment? hahaha yes but yore nice though arent yoo thats why yoo wouldnt those guys were gheyness>.< hehe <3
  10. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    mattlys gone where no man has ever gone before to my sig aint he special ROFL
  11. keza

    the keza journal

    haha yea he did...yupyups...bobs always been there with james...bob used to think he was james guard dog...all teh piccies we have of my brother when he was younger..bobs in the corner watching him lol yea ive been to like 10 different schools and im still shy ud think that would make me...
  12. keza

    the keza journal

    why did no one want to buy him?? arwwwsss yea about...we got him because my mum found out she was pregnant, she knew id be jealous so she got a dog...something for me to look after lol we've had three dogs in total and thats it lol when i lived in kenya we hada doberman and in...
  13. keza

    The Love Topic II.

    is a coolies coolies person of courseleh<3
  14. keza

    the keza journal

    haa thankies sweetie hes nine...we got him when he was a couple of weeks old it was him and he had two brothers when we went to pick him up his whole doggeh family was his mum and dad, his gran was luffly she was a scotty dog hehe, and his aunts and uncles lol <333 arwww
  15. keza

    the keza journal

    thats so unfairness!!! lol OMG HES SO GORGEOUS!!! hijack it anytime lol...hes so luffly...arwww<33333 we were gonna ghet one of those kinda dogs but when we saw bob we kinda feel in love with him lol <3
  16. keza

    the keza journal

    but thats three against one!! how does that work lol? arwww he hada friend lol...yea my dog just wants to lick everything...yo know when he doesnt like a dog though cuz he like stoops realleh low to the ground while we're walking towards it then im like 'oh great' cuz ano hes gonna go for teh...
  17. keza

    the keza journal

    haha ano and its like teh guys that shout it out are realleh not vereh attractive and its like...'i wasnt offering myself to YOO...' rawr ahaha not quite lol...thanks haha... ano he was and he was being realleh patrient with my dog who was so excited he was like climbing all over him...>.<...
  18. keza

    the keza journal

    yea ano...and teh mum is pretty freaking scareh so if she found out it would be like guns at dawn>< yea sometimes 'how much sweetie or yea id tap that' and its GHET A ****ING GF...its realleh annoying/embarrassing specially when im with my mum/stepdad lol... i dunno he lked like a...
  19. keza

    the keza journal

    lmfao franka...not realleh my life is realleh quite boring usualleh>.< summer hols have been pretty disappointing haha
  20. keza

    the keza journal

    heylo joshness haha...yoore invading my journal *gasps* haha<333 ima gd thankies hon...<3 rawr ta for stopping by hope alls well with yoo<33 *huggles* update wells today i got a lie in whoop great start to teh day haha^^ anyway...theres this lil boy thats being abit pervy and my...