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  1. T

    Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

    Hey RO, Thought you said you drove a pick up and had a confederate flag on the back of it. You see i just changed my user name. Do to not remembering password. So i just said hell with it i'll change it. I'll give you a hint car #3.
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    Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

    Your not just with stupid. You are stupid and very lady like as well. Not!!!!!
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    Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

    What? I didn't know that royalorleans is a queer. I knew he was a peckerwood. But a fag?
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    Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

    There are four kinds of cowboys though! Country Cowboy- Someone who lives on farm or ranch and rides horses and repairs fences, plows fields, milks cows. Who can be left or right. Urban Cowboy- Person who lives in the city who dressses like a cowboy. Also known as city slickers. Rodeo cowboy-...
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    Religion and religious people piss me off.

    You got mad because some body was preaching something on another thread. What do you think you're doing?
  6. T

    The Rebel Flag!

    Go pick your own cotton bitch ass!!!!!!!!!
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    The Rebel Flag!

    I'm not from the south. But i agree 100%.
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    People saying Cheney is a killer piss me off!

    I hate hearing these leftists crying about Cheney shooting his friend while hunting. It was a mistake! I'd rather hunt with Dick Cheney then ride shot gun with Ted Kennedy.
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    Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

    Why must you talk about your self like that Royal poorleans?
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    Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

    Bull riding is as cowboy as it gets. Some body needs to wake the hell up.
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    Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

    I kind of understand what CP is trying to say. If you really look at it bull riding is most likely the toughest sport in the US. If not one of the toughest. That also goes for Boxing, football and many others. I don't know if any of you read the book "8 seconds" or seen the movie of it. But the...