Hollywood trying to change the defenition of a cowboy!

THUMPER1 said:
Bull riding is as cowboy as it gets.

Some body needs to wake the hell up.

Ok... I'm going out bull-riding. Let me put on my pastel blue button down, black denim pressed jeans, a white cowboy hat, boots, and a fat buckle. I'm so cowboy I could vomit milk and ****.

I woke up a long time before you, maggot.
Be forewarned: I will be as harsh as truth and as uncompromising as justice. What follows is the story of how this idiot can be so rich in the rhetoric of democracy and yet so poor in its implementation. It is my job -- and your job, too -- to launch an all-out ideological attack against the forces of isolationism, and that's one reason why I'm writing this letter. Everyone ought to read my award-winning essay, "The Naked Aggression of this idiot". In it, I chronicle all of this idiot's platitudes, from the impertinent to the mentally deficient, and conclude that I'm not a foul-mouthed person. I'd like nothing more than to extend my hand in friendship to this idiot's cult followers and convey my hope that in the days to come we can work together to exemplify the principles of honor, duty, loyalty, and courage. Unfortunately, knowing them, they'd rather create a disgusting world of guilt and shame because that's what this idiot wants. I doubtlessly hate having to keep reminding everybody of this, but this idiot claims that there should be publicly financed centers of emotionalism. Predictably, it cites no hard data for that claim. This is because no such data exist. This idiot spews words like "pericardiomediastinitis", "counterrevolutionist", and "preterdiplomatically" and insidiously twists them into catch phrases designed to teach belligerent concepts to children. Some people might object to that claim, and if they do, my response is: The law is not just a moral stance. It is the consensus of society on our minimum standards of behavior.
While this idiot's smear tactics may seem wicked, they're in agreement with this idiot's tendentious apothegms. This idiot favors the idea of a country based on perquisites and privileges. So please permit me to appropriate and paraphrase something I once heard: "This idiot wants its cowardice and irresponsibility to be regarded as prudence." If this idiot had done its homework, it'd know that you may be worried that it will etiolate its enemies one day. If so, then I share your misgivings. But let's not worry about that now. Instead, let's discuss my observation that being shielded from the consequences of its bad judgment and bad behavior has made this idiot careless. In fact, I have said that to this idiot on many occasions and I will keep on saying it until it stops trying to fragment the nation into politically disharmonious units. I'll go over that again: You might have heard the story that this idiot once agreed to help us honor our nation's glorious mosaic of cultures and ethnicities. No one has located the document in which this idiot said that. No one has identified when or where this idiot said that. That's because it never said it. As you might have suspected, this idiot once said that it is a martyr for freedom and a victim of irrationalism. Oh, please. I'm just glad I hadn't eaten dinner right before I heard it say that. Otherwise, I'd probably still be vomiting too hard to tell you that it would please this idiot greatly to keep essential documents hidden from the public until they become politically moot. Now, I could go off on that point alone, but I can guarantee the readers of this letter that it once tried to defile the present and destroy the future. If you consider this an exception to the rule then you clearly don't understand how this idiot operates. I hope, however, that you at least understand that I need your help if I'm ever to carry out the famous French admonition,
There are four kinds of cowboys though!

Country Cowboy- Someone who lives on farm or ranch and rides horses and repairs fences, plows fields, milks cows. Who can be left or right.

Urban Cowboy- Person who lives in the city who dressses like a cowboy. Also known as city slickers.

Rodeo cowboy- Some body who belongs to a rodeo circit.

Redneck cowboy-person usually from the country who loves nascar, pick up trucks, guns, beer, camoflage ball caps, belt buckles, rebel flags, hunting, fishing, Larry the cable guy, the American military and Merle Haggard. Who hates fags and ******s. But likes the good blacks.
THUMPER1 said:
There are four kinds of cowboys though!

Country Cowboy- Someone who lives on farm or ranch and rides horses and repairs fences, plows fields, milks cows. Who can be left or right.

Urban Cowboy- Person who lives in the city who dressses like a cowboy. Also known as city slickers.

Rodeo cowboy- Some body who belongs to a rodeo circit.

Redneck cowboy-person usually from the country who loves nascar, pick up trucks, guns, beer, camoflage ball caps, belt buckles, rebel flags, hunting, fishing, the American military and Merle Haggard. Who hates fags and ******s. But likes the good blacks.

And each one of these categories, whether you are willing to admit it or not, has a sub-category of "Gay Cowboy".
THUMPER1 said:
There are four kinds of cowboys though!

Country Cowboy- Someone who lives on farm or ranch and rides horses and repairs fences, plows fields, milks cows. Who can be left or right.

Urban Cowboy- Person who lives in the city who dressses like a cowboy. Also known as city slickers.

Rodeo cowboy- Some body who belongs to a rodeo circit.

Redneck cowboy-person usually from the country who loves nascar, pick up trucks, guns, beer, camoflage ball caps, belt buckles, rebel flags, hunting, fishing, Larry the cable guy, the American military and Merle Haggard. Who hates fags and ******s. But likes the good blacks.

I wasn't aware that there were so many ways to say "queer".
ImWithStupid said:
And each one of these categories, whether you are willing to admit it or not, has a sub-category of "Gay Cowboy".

Your not just with stupid. You are stupid and very lady like as well. Not!!!!!
Hey RO,
Thought you said you drove a pick up and had a confederate flag on the back of it. You see i just changed my user name. Do to not remembering password. So i just said hell with it i'll change it. I'll give you a hint car #3.
smutt butt said:
If homosexual was "normal" i guess none of us would be here since ****ing a man in the ass will not make a baby even though ces and vortex would like it to be true.

You say that as if making homosexual normal that everyone would look around and say

"..woah...ok the world is gay...so now i am too"

and darlin' i want nothing to do with children. I can barely deal with my roommates dog much less have another life completely depend on me for life, although touching and beautiful, is not my cup of tea.. And looking around to all the straight people in this world, my guess is they arent ****ing for kids either......or at least not on purpose....

My real question is those that have a problem with it are usually scared of their own sexual orientation....If not, then what is the ****ing problem?
Vortex said:
You say that as if making homosexual normal that everyone would look around and say

"..woah...ok the world is gay...so now i am too"

and darlin' i want nothing to do with children. I can barely deal with my roommates dog much less have another life completely depend on me for life, although touching and beautiful, is not my cup of tea.. And looking around to all the straight people in this world, my guess is they arent ****ing for kids either......or at least not on purpose....

My real question is those that have a problem with it are usually scared of their own sexual orientation....If not, then what is the ****ing problem?
I don't really care what anyone's preference is.

I don't have any compassion for what an adult brings on himself. Straight or gay, if you get aids you did it to yourself. Someone dying of cancer because of 40 years of smoking will get no sympathy from me and i smoke occasionally.
When i got drunk and snapped my leg in half i didn't want any sympathy because it was my fault.
Country Pride...you bad boy!

Duplicate usernames are strictly forbidden!

Effective Immediately - THUMPER1 is Permanently Blocked, Country Pride is sent to the Idiot Box for 72 hours. If you make another account, your IP will be banned.

Have a nice day Idiot.

Oh, BTW:

--AOL Postmaster

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to air-yc02.mail.aol.com.:

>>> RCPT To:<dhdom73@aol.com>
550 <dhdom73@aol.com>... User unknown

Cogito Ergo Sum (email sent to Country Pride) said:
Duplicate user accounts at bbs.whatpissyouoff.com are not allowed.

THUMPER1 has been permanently blocked.

Country Pride remains in the Idiot Box for the duration of the 3 day suspension.

If you create another account name, your IP address will be banned.

If you cannot remember your password, reply to this email and I will request that it be reset for you.

Oh...isn't this a shame. A real tragedy.
THUMPER1 said:
What? I didn't know that royalorleans is a queer.

I knew he was a peckerwood. But a fag?

My pecker is flesh, not wood. You should know that! Your mom must've told you all about it.
THUMPER1 said:
Hey RO,
Thought you said you drove a pick up and had a confederate flag on the back of it. You see i just changed my user name. Do to not remembering password. So i just said hell with it i'll change it. I'll give you a hint car #3.

Dale Earnhardt is dead and every time I see some assclown degenerate **** flash the "three" I think of the Nazi's "sieg heil".

I do have the confederate flag on the back of my pick up... next to my Save the Humans sticker, my Darwin fish, and it compliments my USMC sticker on my sliding rear window. Are you writing a book or something?
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Country Pride...you bad boy!

Duplicate usernames are strictly forbidden!

Effective Immediately - THUMPER1 is Permanently Blocked, Country Pride is sent to the Idiot Box for 72 hours. If you make another account, your IP will be banned.

Have a nice day Idiot.

Oh, BTW:

--AOL Postmaster

----- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -----

----- Transcript of session follows -----
... while talking to air-yc02.mail.aol.com.:

>>> RCPT To:<dhdom73@aol.com>
550 <dhdom73@aol.com>... User unknown


Oh...isn't this a shame. A real tragedy.


From what Thumper said to RO...

Thumper1 said:
Hey RO,
Thought you said you drove a pick up and had a confederate flag on the back of it. You see i just changed my user name. Do to not remembering password. So i just said hell with it i'll change it. I'll give you a hint car #3.

I thought it was this member...

http://Off Topic Forum.com/member.php?u=212

but I don't know.

Wasn't Country Pride already in the idiot box?