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  1. O

    Id Cards

    bah ha. You had inferior skills and were only good in skirmish situations. You are a hit and run nation.
  2. O

    What pisses me off? America!

    You are just sheer hatred aren't you. Didn't your mum love you enough as a child or did your dad beat you to hard when he was taking you from behind.
  3. O

    Id Cards

    That staement was a bit of a double entendre. And we let you win come on we threw you a bone and you gladly took it.
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    What don't I understand?

    No your not. I have only joined recently and have to say that on first impressions that the people in here are extremely ignorant towards others creeds, races whatever. They seem to think that they can spout some **** about wars and whos the best etc when they seem to miss the point that all...
  5. O

    Id Cards

    his point is that your a serial **** smoker and need an injection of ****ing sanity you emo bitch.
  6. O

    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Well they do practically just fritter our taxes away on gin so who would care.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    except twinkies.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    yes be afraid bitch
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    I knew it. You are a cheap shot master.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Ooh watch out you wouldn't want me to bite down would ya?.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Yes we are surrounded by inbred emo kids.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Wow and your last name looks like i could change it to rectum. Teehee lets make more mindless drool.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    yeah negg. Come on with the best material you got then.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Mate that was you with your hedgehog impression.
  15. O

    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Oh your back. Better get you an extra special pink cigar eh for that two bucks you need for a small tab of crystal meth.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    must not have been my mum because she doesn't like loser americans. Must have been yours mate.
  17. O

    Id Cards

    Ha that would be funny if it didn't come from your own experience of your mums grizzled old growler on your face.
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Q. How do you castrate a redneck? A. You kick his sister in the jaw!
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Nah thats cool just the posts please.
  20. O

    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    **** it. I can't really be arsed with any of this **** so will someone just retract all my posts or something. Builder you won...........i think. Anyway i'm off for a quick spliff.