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  1. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Well, it's not as if they (Okies) switched their options and declined a free lixury stay in Florida, is it? Even Eskimos and Mexicans in the same position could reasonably claim a fair-sized rip-off. Whether you regard Okies (or Mexicans) as people, of course, is another matter. Could be the...
  2. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Well, if you're the other one, you're the lazy one. You avoided my question as well. The comment I made to Vortex , in this thread about 'homophobia' was in response to his saying "you can't do much as an individual" - to which my response was, 'yes you can', - Steinbeck being the example among...
  3. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Vortex wrote: Not just hard - impossible. Even Hitler didn't try a takeover in a single day. Smart operators change the course of a large ship one degree at a time. Try it - one opinion, then another. It gets better each time. Cheers!
  4. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Just take your finger off the 'Communist" or "Socialist" trigger and put the hardware down. I'm actually on your side. The quality of your comment, hence the quality of the reply it deserves rests on the assumption that either: a: You have not read John Steinbeck's book "The Grapes Of Wrath"...
  5. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Couldn't disagree more. John Steinbeck's "Grapes of Wrath" was a milestone in changing laws against human exploitation. The photographer who captured the public execution of the Vietcong prisoner in a Saigon marketplace set officials scurrying to shorten the war worldwide. Whistleblowers get...
  6. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Just remember - things have a tendency to be the way they are. Cheers!
  7. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Vortex, mate - we're both singing from the same songbook. I'm not exactly prone to be accused of any 'subtlety'. Rest assured, if I was going to insult someone, they'd be just as aware of it as they would be if they'd been run over by a tractor. I like your style. Cheers!
  8. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    snafu wrote: Sorry, mate, you get a debate over that one. The word "Racist" is an abstract noun. Objectively it means nothing.Politically, it's a slur word, an insult and it's a backhander and a substitute for physical violence.It is intended to terminate the risk of any discussion or...
  9. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Refreshing to swap words with a reasonable approach. Thank you. Check my reply to "Phuck! It's the Phantom". That amplifies my complaint and argument. So far we seem to get along. . Amsterdam or Sydney is irrelevant, really, because the material is actually universal (worldwide) and there's...
  10. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Phuck! It's the Phantom! Nice work, mate.I am constantly on the "mangled word" bandwagon. If they were just misused by ignorant dickheads, it wouldn't be such a problem. The trouble is that a lot of malicious, cunning and politically motivated agendas are filled with this stuff. The big war is...
  11. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    hugo wrote: Maybe if the Muslim fags were allowed to do each other they'd be less inclined to strap on bombs and terrorise us decent white folk? Unhappy gays are a worry anywhere. Cheers!
  12. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Bite yourself on the arse, CYBERSLUT! Vortex is OK. More civilised than your goode selfe. He actually has a decency and coherence (unlike your goode selfe) that makes for a refreshing change in these here parts, Pilgrim.Cheers!
  13. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Vortex wrote: I don't really have a desperate need for a sneering homily on the use of language. I'm quite acquainted with the academic etymology AND meaning of the word and I also am aware of the way that such terms can be used, but more importantly ABUSED for a variety of effects, tone of...
  14. F

    "Homophobia" - The True Meaning

    Mockingbird whined: Obviously different crap to the crap you're on about. Straighten yourself out and do what most people here do without prompting - speak plain English. Indeed, I MUST. Apparently 'thinking' and worse, saying so, seems to you to be on the same level as treason and...
  15. F

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    builder wrote: Well, clearly it was meant for Clarity, but I'll clarify to make it clear that clearly you are not unclear about Clarity just for the sake of clarity, for clearly it's obvious that Clarity is unclear about being clear and does not need either to clarify or even to re-clarify...
  16. F

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Well, then, Einstein with a shovel, here's your big fat chance to enlighten everyone and fill in the gaps. Do your worst - but be careful what you wish for. Cheers!
  17. F

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    clarity wrote: I have, actually, if you've bothered to check the answers I've given Jahony & others. Especially the stevedoring industry (wharfies) who would only leave the ships alone because they wouldn't fit in the workers' bags or lockers. The unofficial stealing rate in ALL industries is...
  18. F

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Sappho2007wrote: Propaganda is just a con-man's wishlist. The plebs made their wish & Hitler granted it. Pity they couldn't read the fine print. Who deserved what? Nothing to do with fault, or even thinking, dear Saaaaaaaaaaaaappppphhhoooo! It's about greed - nothing very clever about that...
  19. F

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Oh, my GOD! How UNKIND of me. Jeez, I just don't know how to flog myself enough for that, Semp! Can you ever forgive me? Would a really decent grovel & cringe session sort of even things out, no? Ah, well - Yeah, you've got a point there. The working class fought every war - and were the cause...
  20. F

    The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

    Yeah, me too - I've been interstate for a while & got back a few days ago. Nice work, mate, this thread has a great bit of flexibility and you use the space brilliantly. I used to get screeched down and howled down for saying far less at public meetings with the bastards and they ended up...