The "Working Class" - Vulgar Slum Scum

RoyalOrleans wrote:
]Here's another... Jesus Christ. Who else has created a greater following of sheep? One of my favorite exlclamations is "Jesus Chirst!".
What about Osama Bin Sheepshearing?
Q:What's got 6 legs & goes round & around in a paddock? A: A ram doing a ewie (u-turn) or is it your turn?
Ever won anything off of a video poker machine?
Yes, a year's supply of condoms after Ricky Vengeance told me that whereas:
Necrophilia is dead boring
Incest is relatively boring
But celibacy is NEVER boring. Cheers!
Flatearther said:
RoyalOrleans wrote: What about Osama Bin Sheepshearing?
Q:What's got 6 legs & goes round & around in a paddock? A: A ram doing a ewie (u-turn) or is it your turn? {/quote]

I think Jesus is a little bigger than Osama, though both are tall lanky son-of-a-bitches.

Flatearther said:
Yes, a year's supply of condoms after Ricky Vengeance told me that whereas:
Necrophilia is dead boring
Incest is relatively boring
But celibacy is NEVER boring. Cheers!

Ricky sounds like that kind of guy you could chug down a few cold ones with and then go out on a kill-crazy shooting spree.
RoyalOrleans wrote:
Ricky sounds like that kind of guy you could chug down a few cold ones with and then go out on a kill-crazy shooting spree.
No, mate, you've got this bloke all wrong. He's just not a PANSY! Like, he has a truckerburger for breakfast, a bikerschnitzel for lunch & roast copper for dinner. He literally tears the joint to bits if someone moves the salt. He's a folksinging clergyman. Takes a while to get close to him, though. Cheers!
Yeah, me too - I've been interstate for a while & got back a few days ago. Nice work, mate, this thread has a great bit of flexibility and you use the space brilliantly. I used to get screeched down and howled down for saying far less at public meetings with the bastards and they ended up cutting their own throats for nothing more or less than ignorant spite and bloody mindedness. Keep in touch - great style. Cheers!
I'm just gonna argue the fact that the working class has fought every war. Ever. You know... A minor thing and all. No doubt to secure where you are. Other then also make everything you use everyday... Or eat for that matter. But othe then these what has the working class ever done for us! Damn them for doing everything. Jerk.
Flatearther said:
ONE Hitler, & 50,000 sheep - I'd say that's some serious outnumbering, no? But they all still go Sieg Baaa! Why? They could have buried him by just squatting on his WWI helmet, but they didn't - why didn't they push baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack? Huh, duuuuuuuuuuhhhh!
Because the plebs are too selfish, ignorant and mindless to be pushed or pulled into anything but a poker machine parlour, Mz Rocket Scientist. Cheers!

Hitler was not alone duffus! He had propoganda on his side as well you know. He had stupid people with stupid attitudes to propoganda that happily worshiped - sieg baaa!

It not our fault that most of the human race don't think - like sheep, just follow. It's not the fault of the vulgar slum scum that those who do think take advantage of those who don't.

Those sheep can be used for good too.
Semper Fi said:
I'm just gonna argue the fact that the working class has fought every war. Ever. You know... A minor thing and all. No doubt to secure where you are. Other then also make everything you use everyday... Or eat for that matter. But othe then these what has the working class ever done for us! Damn them for doing everything. Jerk.

Oh, my GOD! How UNKIND of me. Jeez, I just don't know how to flog myself enough for that, Semp! Can you ever forgive me? Would a really decent grovel & cringe session sort of even things out, no? Ah, well - Yeah, you've got a point there. The working class fought every war - and were the cause of the damned things in the first place. Yes, they built the prisons - and then populated them. They built the ships and then stole everything carried in them. I can't really think of much that hasn't been done for us by the working class - or to us, either. Kind of balances le equation, non? You need a holiday, moron - under a bulldozer. Cheers!
]Hitler was not alone duffus! He had propoganda on his side as well you know. He had stupid people with stupid attitudes to propoganda that happily worshiped - sieg baaa!
Propaganda is just a con-man's wishlist. The plebs made their wish & Hitler granted it. Pity they couldn't read the fine print. Who deserved what?
It not our fault that most of the human race don't think - like sheep, just follow.
Nothing to do with fault, or even thinking, dear Saaaaaaaaaaaaappppphhhoooo! It's about greed - nothing very clever about that. It's the ABSENCE of thinking underpins le complaint of moi.
It's not the fault of the vulgar slum scum that those who do think take advantage of those who don't.
It is the fault of the vulgar slum scum to take the bait & then complain about the hook in the gob. Even most fish are smarter than the 'Slummus Vulgaris'. Take your welding glasses off for a minute & look around. Blinding light there too, no?
Those sheep can be used for good too.
Indeed! In New Zealand they've found a radical new use for them - they shear them. How can you tell you're in a New Zealander's house? Look for the love-bite on the leg of lamb in the frudge.
Flatearther said:
What have the workers ever done for us? No much, except delivered for their despotic bosses a hell on earth when paradise was an option.

Somebody just had to build -

The Pyramids - a monument to monumental madness.

The Great Wall of China - keeping out the rabbits?

The great Gulags & Concentration Camps - holiday retreats?

The torture chambers, jails and loony bins - diversification?

The great armaments factories and bomb installations.

Nuclear installations - for peace and clean air?

No matter which way you cut it, the workers (mostly criminals) of the world have always been ready to do just about anything for a buck, a rouble, a pound or a yen. They have always derided things of any quality or taste. Walk into a workers gathering and listen for any words longer than one syllable, but don't hold your breath. The working class suburbs of Balmain, Mortdale, Paddington, etc during the 40's & 50's were just ****roach, rat and worker infested slums that were never improved by an iota by any worker who lived in them. Their cultural aspirations were on the same par as their neighbours, the rats and the ****roaches. They were, and still are, by inclination and definition, just a rabble of slum scum.

"The Workers" have always been greedy, vulgar, insular, xenophobic and crass. The drawings by Vincent Van Gogh and other artists simply show a fantasy beyond any semblance of reality. They don't show the ugliness inside. There is nothing singularly 'noble' about the 'worker'. They will side with anyone who will pay them. They should be used in laboratories instead of rats for 3 good reasons:

1. There are more workers than rats.
2. You can get emotionally attached to a rat.
3. There are some things that a rat just won't do.

The workers have always gone out of their way to slime and to dud their employers. The 19th century houseowner with servants was a lucky sod indeed, if he could manage to find half of his staff who would rip him off the least amount. Servants were always notorious thieves and liars. The only cure for the thieving of a worker was to replace him with a more honest, diligent, loyal and attractive creature - a machine. That is why technology has been so eagerly sought after - not because people naturally loved the machine, but simply the machine is less likely to leave one destitute, which is practically guaranteed by the 'Noble Worker" .

Workers are by nature greedy, selfish, nasty, rude, arrogant and totally soulless - otherwise they're about as lovable as a large typhoid colony. Most popular songs avoid any reference to 'the worker' because they have nothing about them worth praising. Only similarly degenerate members of society have bothered to laud 'The Workers' because they were just as poisonous a species - "The Folk Singers" - totally crazed political zealots, more fanatical that the Muslims. No song about workers has ever been worth playing, except for maybe

"The working class can kiss my arse, I've got the poet's job at last".

The only worthwhile thing built by the workers and for the workers are the Soviet and the Chinese gulags and death camps. The singular saving grace of the Nazis was that they knew the true worth of "The Worker" and the correct ethical treatment of them and their 'rights'. Let the worthless rabble rot where they lie and exercise their cheap and moronic 'rights'. Need more dope? Plant a worker. Or, to put it more artistically "Up The Workers!" - SIDEWAYS!

and you call the workers arrogant? i dont see why you are so strongly against workers? yes youve posted this big rant ... but really youve not given in true examples - its all opinions with no evidence :confused:

im not saying all workers - working class whatever you are calling them, are wonderful people with perfect personalities just trying to keep their families fed and watered - maybe even happy ... but i would say the majority are.

i come from a long line of working class on one side and on the other a long line of very well off political 'workers'. On either side, i can see the negatives AND the positives.

i hate snobbism of any form. whether it is looking down on someone with less money or less academic achievements or looking down on someone with more money or more academic achievements.

to be quite honest, workers being thieves - how did half the upper class become upper class - stealing!

i say ditch the snobbism, it doesnt get anyone anywhere.
clarity wrote:

]and you call the workers arrogant? i dont see why you are so strongly against workers? yes youve posted this big rant ... but really youve not given in true examples - its all opinions with no evidence :confused:

I have, actually, if you've bothered to check the answers I've given Jahony & others. Especially the stevedoring industry (wharfies) who would only leave the ships alone because they wouldn't fit in the workers' bags or lockers. The unofficial stealing rate in ALL industries is a major reason why employers resort to high tech surveillance and security. Even the prison warders will tell you that crims have ways of sneaking under the radar that makes the CIA and the KGB look like amateurs. The worker and the crim have identical attitudes to 'authority' and the 'boss'. All 19th century mind sets equally criminal in intent, though not the same in the legal sense. Theft in the workplace has been around since people have been around. You also might benefit from distinguishing the difference between your highly selective and emotive 'hatred' of workers to the experienced 'description' of their behaviour, or is it simply a case of "My workers, right or wrong"?. If you want to see a corrupt capitalist mentality at work, just watch the antics of a good, solid union man. They, like the workers, know the price of everythinbg and the value of nothing. Worse still, they have a cosmic indifference to anything connected with art unless it makes them a buck. Just check the local tv programming for tasteless pleb pandering.

to be quite honest, workers being thieves - how did half the upper class become upper class - stealing!

Yes, but they didn't start in the upper echelons. Their apprenticeship began as workers and the more adroit (corrupt) ones got promoted into the even more corrupt upper classes. The silver spoon started as an iron shovel. The cronyism of both groups is a wonder to behold. Let's not be too precious about how sacred we want the worker's image to become. Maybe Jesus should have been issued regulation workboots and a green card in the Carpenters' union? Cheers!
clarity said:
you dont have a clue what your on about ... seriously
Well, then, Einstein with a shovel, here's your big fat chance to enlighten everyone and fill in the gaps. Do your worst - but be careful what you wish for. Cheers!
Flatearther said:
Yes, but they didn't start in the upper echelons. Their apprenticeship began as workers and the more adroit (corrupt) ones got promoted into the even more corrupt upper classes. The silver spoon started as an iron shovel. The cronyism of both groups is a wonder to behold. Let's not be too precious about how sacred we want the worker's image to become. Maybe Jesus should have been issued regulation workboots and a green card in the Carpenters' union? Cheers!

Actually, I thought this paragraph was directed at me, Flattie.

Jesus would kick your butt for that.

He's just a bit busy at the moment.
builder wrote:
]Actually, I thought this paragraph was directed at me, Flattie.
Jesus would kick your butt for that. He's just a bit busy at the moment.
Well, clearly it was meant for Clarity, but I'll clarify to make it clear that clearly you are not unclear about Clarity just for the sake of clarity, for clearly it's obvious that Clarity is unclear about being clear and does not need either to clarify or even to re-clarify. Clear? Clears!
Thanks for clarifying that for me, Flatearther. I was clearly in the dark before your emphatic clarification.

Nods and nods again. (must get that neck seen to)
Flatearther said:
Well, then, Einstein with a shovel, here's your big fat chance to enlighten everyone and fill in the gaps. Do your worst - but be careful what you wish for. Cheers!

enlighten everyone? they are all thinking the same ... ur clueless ... thus i would only be enlightening you ... and quite frankly im not interested in wasting my time explaining something to someone like yourself ;)
clarity said:
enlighten everyone? they are all thinking the same ... ur clueless ... thus i would only be enlightening you ... and quite frankly im not interested in wasting my time explaining something to someone like yourself ;)
If your not interested in wasting your time explaining things, then perhaps you should just watch TV and forgo the internet debates.
Jhony5 said:
If your not interested in wasting your time explaining things, then perhaps you should just watch TV and forgo the internet debates.

if you read the whole comment, i've pretty much covered it ... its just some numpties aren't quite all there in order to grasp it.
clarity said:
if you read the whole comment, i've pretty much covered it ... its just some numpties aren't quite all there in order to grasp it.
For someone that calls themselves clarity, you sure don't make yourself very clear.

I just get irritated when people say things like "I'm not going to bother explaining myself" on an internet discussion forum.

Builder even gave me bad rep for my post above, for some reason. Not sure, as he didn't make himself very clear either. I think its because hes a homosexual. But I'm still investigating that.
Jhony5 said:
Builder even gave me bad rep for my post above, for some reason. Not sure, as he didn't make himself very clear either. I think its because hes a homosexual. But I'm still investigating that.

I have to spread it around, before "giving it to Jhony5 again".

Oh, and on the homosexual issue, you can read, right? :cool:

http://Off Topic

Oooh, look at all the sixes in that evil link. :eek: :D