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  1. S

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    That does not change the fact she is still a child, so Allah is now the peadophile, wouldnt you get in trouble insinuating such things in the Muslim world? Bwhahaha
  2. S

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    Her Arse just looked so good in a Burkha
  3. S

    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    My true identity, I am a New Zealand European of Scottish, English and Cossack Russian descent, My Russian bloodlines date back to the English Aristocracy helping some Non-Communist Russian familys out of Russia during the revolution. My English bloodlines come from North of England, where...
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    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    Hell YES! What has your culture ever done? discovered the wheel, nope? oh wait you learnt how to peel a banana. Whites have explored the world while you were still throwing spears at mohteesah. You so called culture is stagnant, AK47s have replaced spears in Africa and New Orleans just went to...
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    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    As Stevie wonder said when someone asked him what it was like to be blind, "its better than being black" :D
  6. S

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    So you havent got a rebuttel to Mohummed being a Child Molester? I'm pretty sure his wife Aiesha was nine or some age like that, if you disect the koran, you will see it is merely just the prophet calling turns of events the work of allah, there is no basis for it at all
  7. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    I'm already on $32k, thats pretty real to me, dont get upset because you spent all that money on a degree and you relised that you didnt need one after all. BTW, you did use your commmon sense and relise I am not talking in pounds stirling right?, I'm talking USD
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    Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

    Two Arabs are sitting in a Gaza Strip bar chatting over a pint of fermented goat
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    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    Yes, I have heard of Rodney King, the ******* was wigging out on PCP, he couldnt feel the pain anyway, he is the reason OJ got away with murder, LA couldnt have another riot on there hands because "the oppressed" where in an uproar and started throwing their feces in a big ghetto tantrum. So...
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    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    I agree with the oil bit, yes Society DOES not function, look at Cronulla race riots???? look at muslim riots in Denmark and other Euro countrys, its not working!!!
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    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    And I must add, I do stress this isnt a personal attack, it is my expericances only.
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    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    Well if your people with extremist ideas woke up and relised it was the Jews controlling the Armys that oprress your people in your own land, then we wouldnt have a problem. I walk down the street in my own country and get called racial names by Muslims, can you honestly blame me for any...
  13. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Can I have a link as to what job offers someone living expenses a car and $50 an hour? Because I smell horseshit!
  14. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    So who is paying for you to study then? you babies daddys?
  15. S

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    There was a Muslim Waffen SS Unit, So yeah about the Nazi comment.... Red Neck may have been more fitting. You can have a holocoust because you only have Al Jazeera, Jews have NBC, CNN, FOX etc etc to market their holocoust industry.
  16. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    I donate money to charity, others that need it more than I do, so I have a moral dellima of whether a Serb orphan could use that $12 more than this site, you know :(
  17. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Hahaha, "give so others may"
  18. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    And it goes towards this site? I'll see about that next payday.
  19. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    And leech of the Govt which is what I presume you are doing? I dont think I will do that, I am proud to be able to support myself comfteably and I dont need any helping hands to further myself, I'll get there on my own steam. If I could figure out how to add rep points I'd sort you out...
  20. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    I thought it might have come off like that when I said it so I did a quick search anyway.