Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

This a debate forum. Not a Koran study. Quit cut a pasting bullshit! Debate something would you. Brainwashed? We can see who's brainwashed.
snafu said:
This a debate forum. Not a Koran study. Quit cut a pasting bullshit! Debate something would you. Brainwashed? We can see who's brainwashed.
Yes tomaust, this is directed at you.

On this site, we simply want to hear how YOU as an individual feel, we have hardly any interest in facts or figures, or quotes, or pretty colors. We want to hear from YOU as a person, and you have yet to do that, that is why you are not allowed to start topics for the time being. But we would STILL like to hear from you as an individual, and not a drone to religious dogma.

Muslims are somewhat hard to crack, but once they do and open up to themselves a bit and express what they actually feel, they tend to gain a bit of respect around here.

For a while, a Muslim from Egypt was one of our moderators, until he retired to further his education.
Hamza123 said:
What the **** is this ****.

Tomaust gets banned for speaking his mind, without even being rude, yet others get off free and continuously insult him!!

He didn't plagarize any of his work because he's listed the only sources he's used...

Yeah, sure this is a debate forum... Pffft. JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ONE SIDE, DOESN'T MEAN YOU BAN THEM!!


Many of you want the Muslims exterminated!! YOU'RE ****ING NAZIS!!


So you know what than... If a few people claiming to be Muslims give you a bad image on Islam. Than a few Americans who piss me off should force my concious to think all Americans should die... KINDA' SUCKS HOW THE DICTIONAIRY CUTS BOTH WAYS!!

So long my beliefs stand, I stand by my beliefs.

MRIH, **** you and your ****ing worthless jibberish about how Islam is bad... WE NEVER SAW ANY OF THIS BEFORE 9/11 AND ISLAM HAS BEEN THE SAME FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS SO SHUT THE **** UP.

I try my ****ing best to be a good Muslim and a good ****ing citizen living in the western world and all I get in return is BULLSHIT. It only gets harder and harder, simply because I am a Muslim. Not even if I believed in any of the Islamic Principles (which I do), I am constantly segregated. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're an American. Don't tell me to leave if I don't like it... I WAS ****ING BORN HERE. I've paid American taxes, I am an American, I wear the American Flag on Independence Day, and I have an American Flag outside my front door... AND I EVEN ****ING LIVE IN CANADA!!

When will those of you who constantly ridicule Muslims wake up and smell "reality". Real Muslims aren't terrorists. I am begining to think that there is a new holocaust thats waiting to happening. Oh wait, it's begun already.

There wouldn't be thousands of great Muslims living in the US if Islam was bad...


There was a Muslim Waffen SS Unit, So yeah about the Nazi comment.... Red Neck may have been more fitting.

You can have a holocoust because you only have Al Jazeera, Jews have NBC, CNN, FOX etc etc to market their holocoust industry.
Some Guy said:
There was a Muslim Waffen SS Unit, So yeah about the Nazi comment.... Red Neck may have been more fitting.

You can have a holocoust because you only have Al Jazeera, Jews have NBC, CNN, FOX etc etc to market their holocoust industry.

You do realize when I refer to Nazi's I am reffering to Hilter and his closest companies. The actual infantries were forced into battle.

Honestly, why do people do such horrible things as to judge a Muslim by his label. We all breathe the same air. Hitler said the Jews were such an evil "race". Now look at us, dubbed by many of you as such an "evil race".

Honestly, if we are so evil. Why do so many of us live in peace? The majority of us are peaceful and loving! :mad:
Hamza123 said:
You do realize when I refer to Nazi's I am reffering to Hilter and his closest companies. The actual infantries were forced into battle.

Honestly, why do people do such horrible things as to judge a Muslim by his label. We all breathe the same air. Hitler said the Jews were such an evil "race". Now look at us, dubbed by many of you as such an "evil race".

Honestly, if we are so evil. Why do so many of us live in peace? The majority of us are peaceful and loving! :mad:

Well if your people with extremist ideas woke up and relised it was the Jews controlling the Armys that oprress your people in your own land, then we wouldnt have a problem. I walk down the street in my own country and get called racial names by Muslims, can you honestly blame me for any anamocity shown? I dont have a problem with you personally I dont know you, you seem like a nice enough chap, but I wont swim in a tank of sharks if only 9 out of 10 will bite me, you understand me?

I have a problem with your people in my country, calling our women whores and thinking they can rape them because they dont wear burkhas, I have a problem being told to leave a certain neigbourhood because it isnt my area apparntly. I have a problem with your people coming over here and getting everything for free.
Some Guy said:
Well if your people with extremist ideas woke up and relised it was the Jews controlling the Armys that oprress your people in your own land, then we wouldnt have a problem. I walk down the street in my own country and get called racial names by Muslims, can you honestly blame me for any anamocity shown? I dont have a problem with you personally I dont know you, you seem like a nice enough chap, but I wont swim in a tank of sharks if only 9 out of 10 will bite me, you understand me?

I have a problem with your people in my country, calling our women whores and thinking they can rape them because they dont wear burkhas, I have a problem being told to leave a certain neigbourhood because it isnt my area apparntly. I have a problem with your people coming over here and getting everything for free.

I have a problem with people coming over here and yeah they do get everything for free, particularly oil, because they occupy every part of it.

99.9% of the time I hear this by people who don't like Islam, and it never happens!

The majority of Muslims in the USA are peacful, along with any other religion in the rest of the world.

You need to understand that society could not function with such evil you speak of.

I would much rather judge you on your character than what society says you are.
Hamza123 said:
I have a problem with people coming over here and yeah they do get everything for free, particularly oil, because they occupy every part of it.

This is no personal attack. However, I don't like to generalize.


99.9% of the time I hear this by people who don't like Islam, and it never happens!

The majority of Muslims in the USA are peacful, along with any other religion in the rest of the world.

You need to understand that society could not function with such evil you speak of.

I agree with the oil bit, yes

Society DOES not function, look at Cronulla race riots???? look at muslim riots in Denmark and other Euro countrys, its not working!!!
Some Guy said:
I agree with the oil bit, yes

Society DOES not function, look at Cronulla race riots???? look at muslim riots in Denmark and other Euro countrys, its not working!!!

Is that all you see on TV?

Have you not heard of Rodney King?

I travel all over the Middle East!! It's a great society!! Especially the U.A.E, Morocco, and most parts of Lebanon. Hell, there are the good and the bad of every country, only in the Middle East, some parts are really ****ed because of simple breaks in history... By BOTH commoners, and foreigners.
Hamza123 said:
Is that all you see on TV?

Have you not heard of Rodney King?

I travel all over the Middle East!! It's a great society!! Especially the U.A.E, Morocco, and most parts of Lebanon. Hell, there are the good and the bad of every country, only in the Middle East, some parts are really ****ed because of simple breaks in history... By BOTH commoners, and foreigners.

Yes, I have heard of Rodney King, the ******* was wigging out on PCP, he couldnt feel the pain anyway, he is the reason OJ got away with murder, LA couldnt have another riot on there hands because "the oppressed" where in an uproar and started throwing their feces in a big ghetto tantrum.

So the Mussies dont act up in their own countrys, big surprise.....
very many thanks from the bottom of my heart to my so dear friends who support me here (how many???) i ask god to forgive the other friends who keep being rude and naughty with me without knowing me,i just give you beautiful and pure texts about this wonderful prophet muhammed pbuh,i offer you the opportunity to read truths that you will never find in your controled biased brainwashing media,i respect you all and i do admire our forum so please have me here as a friend,thank you all

please all of you take your time to read every single line here,you ask me to give my own opinions here is one of them on behalf of amr khaled:

very very important message,please read it all

There exists a cultural vagueness in the West. This vagueness results from the presence of two different concepts. The first is a great Western concept that we respect, appraise, and need. That concept is freedom of speech. This is a great humane and civilized concept. On the other hand, there is the great Islamic concept of dignifying Allah
My third message is to the whole world. This offense does not aim at the Prophet (SAWS) alone, but rather to one billion, two hundred thousand Muslims; or rather to all humanity. To explain this further to everyone, whether Muslim or not, I believe that Prophet Muhammad (SAWS) is the greatest personality that existed on earth. There is no doubt that his model of reform was most successful so far and whoever denies this fact is indeed most ungrateful. Slandering him is actually slandering humanity. Great men that existed throughout history were qualified as such due to a certain trait in their characters. Gandhi for example, was a great politician, Shakespeare a great dramatist, Voltaire a great writer, Napoleon a great military leader and so on. They were all great in one aspect or the other, while the Prophet (SAWS) was great in every aspect of his life. He was so great morally that he never hit or humiliated a soul, never beat a woman, never betrayed or lied, never went back on his word or avenged himself. He was always called 'the truthful and honest one' before bearing the message of Islam, and after becoming a prophet, the values and principles of the Qur
So you havent got a rebuttel to Mohummed being a Child Molester?

I'm pretty sure his wife Aiesha was nine or some age like that, if you disect the koran, you will see it is merely just the prophet calling turns of events the work of allah, there is no basis for it at all
BTW to all of you Islam does not mean "peace" as many a person thinks,
it means "Submission".

Do you know what, in all of this the one thing I truly wish, is that the most intellectually challenged amonst you, keep calling our beloved Prophet (May Allah's peace and blessings be upon him) a pedophile (May Allah guide you.)

The definition of this word is:

"An adult who is sexually attracted to a child or children".

How dare any of you make such a vicious claim!

At the age of 25, he married Khadija (may Allah be pleased with her), who was 15 years his senior! Already cancels out your stupid claims.

Here is a list of the Prophet's wives

Sawda bint Zam'a
Aishah Siddiqa bint Bakr
Hafsah bint U'mar
Zaynab bint Khuzayma
Ummu Salama bint Umayya
Zanyab bint Jahsh
Juwayriya bint al-Harith
Ummu Habiba bint Sufyan
Safiyya bint Huyayy
Maymuna bint al-Harith
Maria al-Qibtiyya

Aisha was the ONLY virgin and the ONLY girl of this age, so you will see your ideas are nonsense!

I can tell you that the Prophet(peace and blessings be upon him) was ORDERED to marry Aisha (May Allah be pleased with her). It is wisdom from Allah, Aisha had the mind of a scholar and an exceptional memory. She memorised SO MUCH hadith, that if the marriage had not of taken place it would have been a disaster for the Muslims, as we would not know what do do in certain situations! She used to teach men! She transmitted more than thousand hadiths!
The marriage between them enables us to know so much of the life of Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him)

It was normal in that society as with MANY OTHERS,(Greek and Roman to name two)
there is no evidence to say anyone was bothered by it. And if there was it would have been documented.
During the marriage of Aisha the Prophet married several other women, none of them being this age.
Do not judge the past on modern ideals, you will never understand anything if you do. (Plus you do not have any right to since this society is so far gone.)

Some Guy,

You claims are most amusing reads...

42 boys in Paradise? lol...Don't speak about Islam, your not a Muslim so you have no understanding of it. Read and then you speak, don't claim to know anything of something your not a part of...
You all speak of Jihad but you know nothing of it..You get your infomation from the media, making you both lazy and stupid, not to mention predictable...

(Join the club, there are a lot of them here, just follow the fowl language and basic English and maths and you will find you flock.)

Do you know what I have a problem with in MY MY MY MY country??
You all claim to hate so-called "extremists, yet is is acceptable for You all to be extreme in your hatred of Islam.
Your extreme in your pride.
But most of all your extreme in your ignorance. And until you tackle this major flaw you have no right to say anything of the Muslims on this forum or anywhere else.

That stupid website you posted -

(I fine intelligent solution to the fear of Muslims btw)
I read down the page about the BAATH party, btw their constitution states
"there is NO GOD" so therefore this is a lie, they have nothing to do with Muslims. That just one of many lies.

This one however is the best:

"The oppression of women, a difficult topic. Most Muslim women will say they are not oppressed when they are restricted from driving and are forced to wear the hijab/burqa. This is because they have never led a normal life and don't understand because they are so used to it, and it is natural for someone to stick up for their culture anyway."

Lol...I will say this for you benefit one last time




If you look at Afaganistans histry, you will see they have been wearing the burka for a LONG TIME. This was NOT imposed by the Taliban, they have always worn it, and they still do!!!

I used to do all that you claim to be a freedoms, and I wouldn't wish it back for anything.

No-one is forcing me to do anything, I have a free will and can do what I like when I like,
I want all of this, and you can keep those days of ignorance, for thats what they are to me. Don't EVER tell me I'm oppressed, don't ever have the nerve to tell me what I am and what I should be.

This country and the USA are the way they are due to lack of moral guidance. You need Islam and you need to wake up and realise, we don't want to be like you, we don't want your rules and regulations, we have a higher authority and it is Allah.

Allah says:

"This is the Book (Qur'an) wherein there is no doubt."
"Have not the unbelievers considered that if it were from other than Allah, it would contain many contradictions?"
"Allah shall show them the Signs within themselves and on the farthest horizons."
"If you are in doubt about it, bring a book like it."
"Submission" is exactly what comes to mind when I think of bomb carrying Muslims...

Mariama, you say you weren't born a How did you decide to convert?? Were you so desperate for a man in your life you converted to his ****ed up religion or are you so easily brain washed you made the change on your own...How pathetic.
Lethalfind said:
"Submission" is exactly what comes to mind when I think of bomb carrying Muslims...

Mariama, you say you weren't born a How did you decide to convert?? Were you so desperate for a man in your life you converted to his ****ed up religion or are you so easily brain washed you made the change on your own...How pathetic.

Her Arse just looked so good in a Burkha
That does not change the fact she is still a child, so Allah is now the peadophile, wouldnt you get in trouble insinuating such things in the Muslim world? Bwhahaha
Some Guy said:
Her Arse just looked so good in a Burkha

LOLOL, maybe its the fact no one has to look at her with the 'customary drapings' of the religion.....

I'll bet you anything it had something to do with a guy she wanted to date and marry, he demanded she convert and she was SO desperate to have him, she did it. Some women are so ****in worthless they will do anything to get a man in their lives...including converting to the pig **** religion...
salaam hamza,

yes they did avoid it lol...You see the vile language...

Some Guy, I thought this lethal find was the an insipid animal, however you way have outdone IT in so many ways...

I see LethalFind has engaged the one and only brain cell to muster a poor excuse for a reply..(nothing new there then.) Please save it, for if you do, in a months time you may be able to reply with a half decent answer

No I believe desperate, is given to those women who like to sleep around to gain attention...You I think...My husband treats me with respect, how about your sexual partners? Do they pay you much? Or maybe you pay them? So worthless? You said it...

You have been challanged...But the want of intellect is so rife here, you cannot do much but bark...