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  1. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Ruins of Detroit - Download the movie the "line in the sand" for info on spics, And just search how much foriegn aid goes to Israel to see how much the US govt is in bed with the Jews.
  2. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Sure, not now though, probally by tomorrow I'm quite busy at the moment.
  3. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Is that all you have? really? what about some facts disproving my statements?
  4. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Many parts of the US could be considred an already third world country, you have detroit, which may aswell be downtown Mogadishu the way you let the Tyrones run rampant, then if we head south, you have Pedro invading and you dont bother doing squat about it, you also have the obesity epedimic...
  5. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    It aint my problem this lady seems to have a chip on her shoulder with men... "He said he would pull out"
  6. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Well more power to you if you want to be a nurse, your always going to have a job because people keep getting sick. I'm in a differnt country to you so I guess that is why you might be under the immpression you are about this proffesion. This particular industry here isnt as oversaturated with...
  7. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    They will since my Father is an Ex-police officer and I have the nessacary contacts and what good did a degree do anyone anyway 4yrs wasted on some kind of liberal lefty professors and mindless drinking all the time? I dont think that suits me very well. College is a sham, its not what you know...
  8. S

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    I'm not brainwashed, I counter you with,
  9. S

    Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

    Many people ignore about the prophet.... Aiesha or whatever her name was, was a child!, which made Mohhamed a peadophile. You also get the 42 pre-pubescent boys aswell as 72 virgins in paradise if you die for Allah.... peadophile. I can post alot more facts about the "religion of peace"...
  10. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Crying makes it better cause you can clear out the store by having a 6,4 250 pound guy start bawling his eyes out, LOL :D
  11. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    I am starting a meaningfull career, I am only at this job so I can pay for my tuition for a Private Investigator course which will immediatly put me on about 45k which isnt bad for an 18yo I dont think. Add another to the list, peaple making ASSumptions about the places people work and their...
  12. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Jodie Foster pisses me right off aswell, is her voice husky and sexy or is it like chalk on a cheese grater???
  13. S

    I'm New, I'm pissed off!

    Hey.... I get pissed off with people chucking the change on the counter like I'm some kind of monkey in a cage that should be gratefull for the change or something??? People leaning over my counter. People leaning over my counter and trying to look at my computer. People trying to barter on...