Many People Ignore Everything About The Prophet Muhammed

snafu said:
Just to let you know as soon as you start with Prophet Muhammad: The Leader I quit reading. I think a lot of people do too. We don't give a **** about what the ****ing pig **** says. He was a murdering raping , pedophile, lying thief.

This idiot is pretty pathetic coming on here to preach about his bullshit...He's in the wrong forum for that. BUT too stupid to realize it...
Lethalfind said:
This idiot is pretty pathetic coming on here to preach about his bullshit...He's in the wrong forum for that. BUT too stupid to realize it...

That is because like all of his co-horts within this 'cult', Muhammed is "balls-deep" in their sphincter and is spewing his "load" of bullshit into them so that they can infect the rest of the free-thinking world with their lies and deceit.

**** Muhammed and the rest of you pains-in-the-ass!!

You all will get yours in the end.....wait they ARE getting it in their "ends"
snafu said:
Can't you remember the assholes dancing in the streets yelling Allah is great! Bin Laden saying it more was more than than he hoped for thanks to Allah. No I don't remember Manson yelling the Beatles are great while killing those people. I think he blamed it on the the pigs. You know the man. And he wanted racial tension. No parallels at all. Your blind as hell if you can't see them using Islam to recruit and exercise these terrorist acts.
Try again. dipshit.

My connection is that Islam itself is not what led this these things to happen, as you said it is they (The terrorists) who use Islam to recruit, not greater Islam who recruited terrorists. However in a place Like America where terrorists have virtually no power it is pointless to blame an American Islamic, or even an Iraqi Islamic for the actions of those who act beyond them or their sphere of control. No reasonable christian would condone any actions taken by a nutcase who happens to be of their faith, likewise for the Islamic community.
eisanbt said:
My connection is that Islam itself is not what led this these things to happen, as you said it is they (The terrorists) who use Islam to recruit, not greater Islam who recruited terrorists. However in a place Like America where terrorists have virtually no power it is pointless to blame an American Islamic, or even an Iraqi Islamic for the actions of those who act beyond them or their sphere of control. No reasonable christian would condone any actions taken by a nutcase who happens to be of their faith, likewise for the Islamic community.

You have swallowed hook line and sinker the biggest lie of all, that this is not about Islam...It is about Islam, its not just a few bad apples, they are either directly involved, indirectly involved or turning a blind eye to those that are involved. I don't believe that a so called good Muslim would turn in one of their own for plotting things like this. The evidence of this is all around many terrorists have been captured because another Muslim has turned them in???? I have yet to hear of ONE CASE !!!

The danger is that you believe a good portion of them are innocent in mind and in deed, you won't be looking over your shoulder when you should be.
Lethalfind said:
You have swallowed hook line and sinker the biggest lie of all,

You swallow bullshit hook line and sinker every time you listen to your president speaking.

Lethalfind said:
that this is not about Islam...It is about Islam, its not just a few bad apples, they are either directly involved, indirectly involved or turning a blind eye to those that are involved.

Your government shut down all internal and international flights after 911, rounded up Islamic Saudi nationals, and allowed them to fly out. Who's turning a "blind eye" retard?

Lethalfind said:
I don't believe that a so called good Muslim would turn in one of their own for plotting things like this.

Of course not. And a "good" christian like shrubster or shotguncheney wouldn't rat on a mate either. Par for the course, knobsucker.

Lethalfind said:
The evidence of this is all around many terrorists have been captured because another Muslim has turned them in????

And how many bad apples within the shrubbery have been exonerated despite glaring evidence of guilt?

Lethalfind said:
I have yet to hear of ONE CASE !!!

I hear of such cases within the shrubbery all the time. Would you like them listed alphabetically or chronologically?

Lethalfind said:
The danger is that you believe a good portion of them are innocent in mind and in deed, you won't be looking over your shoulder when you should be.

The danger is that you hear absolute garbage reporting, and take it as gospel because it comes from a drug-****ed boozer who claims to have a hotline to God. Get over yourself bitch.
Lethalfind said:
You have swallowed hook line and sinker the biggest lie of all, that this is not about Islam...It is about Islam, its not just a few bad apples, they are either directly involved, indirectly involved or turning a blind eye to those that are involved. I don't believe that a so called good Muslim would turn in one of their own for plotting things like this. The evidence of this is all around many terrorists have been captured because another Muslim has turned them in???? I have yet to hear of ONE CASE !!!

The danger is that you believe a good portion of them are innocent in mind and in deed, you won't be looking over your shoulder when you should be.

Don't you realise? You never hear any of this becuase of the western media god ****ing damnit!!


Time Warner. The largest media conglomerate today is Time Warner (briefly called AOL-Time Warner; the AOL was dropped from the name when accounting practices at the AOL division were questioned by government investigators), which reached its current form when America Online bought Time Warner for $160 billion in 2000. The combined company had revenue of $39.5 billion in 2003. The merger brought together Steve Case, a Gentile, as chairman of AOL-Time Warner, and Gerald Levin, a Jew, as the CEO. Warner, founded by the Jewish Warner brothers in the early part of the last century, rapidly became part of the Jewish power base in Hollywood, a fact so well-known that it is openly admitted by Jewish authors, as is the fact that each new media acquisition becomes dominated by Jews in turn: Speaking of the initial merger of Time, Inc. with Warner, Jewish writer Michael Wolff said in New York magazine in 2001 "since Time Inc.'s merger with Warner ten years ago, one of the interesting transitions is that it has become a Jewish company." ("From AOL to W," New York magazine, January 29, 2001)

The third most powerful man at AOL-Time Warner, at least on paper, was Vice Chairman Ted Turner, a White Gentile. Turner had traded his Turner Broadcasting System, which included CNN, to Time Warner in 1996 for a large block of Time Warner shares. By April 2001 Levin had effectively fired Ted Turner, eliminating him from any real power. However, Turner remained a very large and outspoken shareholder and member of the board of directors.

Levin overplayed his hand, and in a May 2002 showdown, he was fired by the company's board. For Ted Turner, who had lost $7 billion of his $9 billion due to Levin's mismanagement, it was small solace. Turner remains an outsider with no control over the inner workings of the company. Also under pressure, Steve Case resigned effective in May 2003. The board replaced both Levin and Case with a Black, Richard Parsons. Behind Parsons the Jewish influence and power remains dominant.

Here, from Fox, maybe this may speak your own language.

Saudi King Vows to Capture Terrorists,2933,102720,00.html

From other sources...

15/06/2003 Raid in Makkah captures terrorists


List of terrorist attacks in Saudi Arabia

Kingdom Issues New List of Terrorists

Seven killed in Saudi oil city standoff

THIS IS IN SAUDI ALONE!! Imagine Egypt, Morocco, Lebanon, Palestine, and the Iraqi's being terrorised by both foreign occupation and terrorists.

Pakistan kills two dozen terror suspects

Pakistan: A Most-Wanted Terrorist Dead

Terrorists aren't Muslims! THEY KILL MUSLIMS!

Pakistani devotees load victims into ambulances after a bomb explosion in Karachi, Tuesday, April 11, 2006. A powerful bomb exploded during an Islamic prayer service in a park in the southern Pakistani port city, killing at least 40 people, the interior minister said. Dozens more were wounded.

When I wen't to visit my mother's family in Morocco, I was actually staying at the Hayatt hotel for the 3 weeks but I decided to sleep over at my Uncles for a few days, and this happened right close to the lobby.

Terrorist attacks target morocco's democratic process, Denmark

12 suicide bombers attack 5 targets in Casablanca, Morocco killing 43 and wounding more than a hundred.

Yes, these countries fight terrorism, but you don't seem them bombing the **** out of civilians.
Jihad \Ji had"\, Jehad \Je had"\, n. [Ar. jih[=a]d.]

"(Moham.) A religious war against infidels or Mohammedan heretics; also, any bitter war or crusade for a principle or belief.
[Their] courage in war . . . had not, like that of the Mohammedan dervishes of the Sudan, or of Mohammedans anywhere engaged in a jehad, a religious motive and the promise of future bliss behind it. --James Bryce.
Source: Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary"

How can you deny it when you guys even have a word to define the killing of people who don't believe the same you do???

As for Bush, he is in idiot, I can't wait until he is gone. HOWEVER after 9-11 something had to be done. I don't think he has taken the right route however the US is not just going to lay down and take what has been done. The insistance that it was justified because we have aided Isreal is bullshit. Go ahead and keep thinking its justified and your people will keep being killed, its just that simple.
Lethalfind said:
How can you deny it when you guys even have a word to define the killing of people who don't believe the same you do???

The direct translation for jihad would be PNAC.

Same ****, different party.

Describe how a jihad was called against the US prior to an illegal US military invasion or regime change by the US secret services.
Lethalfind said:
As for Bush, he is in idiot, I can't wait until he is gone. HOWEVER after 9-11 something had to be done. I don't think he has taken the right route however the US is not just going to lay down and take what has been done. The insistance that it was justified because we have aided Isreal is bullshit. Go ahead and keep thinking its justified and your people will keep being killed, its just that simple.

Something was done before 911. A major criminal action was performed against the American people. When you wake from your media-induced slumber, join the rest of the globe in despising your despotic leaders. :mad:


In the holy character of the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad, (PBUH), we see a compassionate merciful human being whose heart feels the sufferings and hopes of all mankind. In his holy character we see a man who wrote in threat to the great kings of the world bidding them to quit their vain arrogance and, at the same time, listened with utmost contentment and care to a barefooted Arabian say in ignorance,
The Messenger of Allah, (PBUH) gives superiority to mercy over all other human virtues. He (PBUH) even considers every merciful deed a kind of worship, for in his sight all our merciful deeds towards other fellow humans are considered by Allah as good deeds to Him. In other words, if someone visits a patient, it is as if he visited Allah; and if he feeds a hungry person, it is as if he fed Allah. To this effect, Allah says in the Holy Divine Hadith,
One day, he went to At-Taif, a town near Mecca, in order to call its people to Allah and His Religion. But he (PBUH) was met with rejection, mockery, denial and even injury; and people there incited their fools and young children, who abused him hurled him with stones. And when he (PBUH) was forced to take refuge in a safe place with his feet bleeding, he looked up towards the heavens and invoked his Lord eagerly,
Many people ignore about the prophet.... Aiesha or whatever her name was, was a child!, which made Mohhamed a peadophile.

You also get the 42 pre-pubescent boys aswell as 72 virgins in paradise if you die for Allah.... peadophile.

I can post alot more facts about the "religion of peace" :rolleyes:

But I think everyone would already know those and before you say it I am no Zionist supporter, I just call it as I see it.
my dear sir please your attention
i just tried to post a new thread and at my whole surprise i find this message for me
You have been banned for the following reason:
A plagiarist, eh?

Date the ban will be lifted: 05-19-2006, 08:00 PM
why you banned me sir?
i am always respectful and kind with all members,i respect our forum rules,if you go and read the threads and posts of many members offending islam muslims and the prophet,insulting their belief,calling them with rude vulgar degrading names,if you read their pure racism and violence against islam,muslims and the prophet you will be shocked as a humanbeing but you don't bann them,they are here to post what they want so why this double standards??why this unfair treatment?why this injustice??
Tomaust, what I think is funny is that you think making your posts in different colors will get anyone to pay the slightest bit of attention to your PIG **** dribbling about Islam...

Brown for pig **** !!!
What the **** is this ****.

Tomaust gets banned for speaking his mind, without even being rude, yet others get off free and continuously insult him!!

He didn't plagarize any of his work because he's listed the only sources he's used...

Yeah, sure this is a debate forum... Pffft. JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T AGREE WITH ONE SIDE, DOESN'T MEAN YOU BAN THEM!!


Many of you want the Muslims exterminated!! YOU'RE ****ING NAZIS!!


So you know what than... If a few people claiming to be Muslims give you a bad image on Islam. Than a few Americans who piss me off should force my concious to think all Americans should die... KINDA' SUCKS HOW THE DICTIONAIRY CUTS BOTH WAYS!!

So long my beliefs stand, I stand by my beliefs.

MRIH, **** you and your ****ing worthless jibberish about how Islam is bad... WE NEVER SAW ANY OF THIS BEFORE 9/11 AND ISLAM HAS BEEN THE SAME FOR HUNDREDS OF YEARS SO SHUT THE **** UP.

I try my ****ing best to be a good Muslim and a good ****ing citizen living in the western world and all I get in return is BULLSHIT. It only gets harder and harder, simply because I am a Muslim. Not even if I believed in any of the Islamic Principles (which I do), I am constantly segregated. Don't tell me you have it hard because you're an American. Don't tell me to leave if I don't like it... I WAS ****ING BORN HERE. I've paid American taxes, I am an American, I wear the American Flag on Independence Day, and I have an American Flag outside my front door... AND I EVEN ****ING LIVE IN CANADA!!

When will those of you who constantly ridicule Muslims wake up and smell "reality". Real Muslims aren't terrorists. I am begining to think that there is a new holocaust thats waiting to happening. Oh wait, it's begun already.

There wouldn't be thousands of great Muslims living in the US if Islam was bad...

tomaust said:
my dear sir please your attention
i just tried to post a new thread and at my whole surprise i find this message for me
You have been banned for the following reason:
A plagiarist, eh?

Date the ban will be lifted: 05-19-2006, 08:00 PM
why you banned me sir?
i am always respectful and kind with all members,i respect our forum rules,if you go and read the threads and posts of many members offending islam muslims and the prophet,insulting their belief,calling them with rude vulgar degrading names,if you read their pure racism and violence against islam,muslims and the prophet you will be shocked as a humanbeing but you don't bann them,they are here to post what they want so why this double standards??why this unfair treatment?why this injustice??
You were not banned, the message just needs to be changed. You were merely moved into a group where you can only reply to a topic, you can not create your own. This will end on 05-19-06, now clearly if you were "BANNED" from this web site, you would not be able to post the complaint that you just did.

And HAMza, get the sand out of your vagina.