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  1. M

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    My wife, life partner, the 'ole ball and chain, 'she who must be obey' or whatever you want to call her is 39, so I'm the oldest but she's the most intelligent one. Then comes the cats, then me. But I'm the cutest... :rolleyes: And we take our wars elsewhere...
  2. M

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Yeah, well, can't call her that. Not yet anyway, we've only been married a little over a year. Lets just call her my partner and get that over wiht... :D
  3. M

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Thankyou. Always nice to feel welcome. I'm prepared for most, I think. Just need to fool around looking at threads and get an idea of what's going on here. :cool:
  4. M

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hello all. I'm a woman at 44, living with my 'wife' :rolleyes: and our 3 cats in Oslo, Norway, and very happily so. I was looking for a forum that suits my need for discussions about life, the universe and everything, and my need to brush up my English while doing so. I really hope I can do...