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  1. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh christ... Some snot nosed gerbil wants to play bad man...give me strength. Sonny, if you want to play "nyah nyah's" then I suggest you try Peurile little word games are a speciality there. If IKYABWAI is all you've got, what ARE you doing in an adult forum. If you want...
  2. R

    War in Iraq: Show or clout, or get the hell out?

    I'm struggling to see the relevance of the CIA instigated and inspired coup the restored the Shah, and the invasion of Iraq. True, there is common ground in terms of motive: expanding US influence etc, but to compare the world of 1953 to the world of 2003 is erroneous. The US is no longer able...
  3. R

    War in Iraq: Show or clout, or get the hell out?

    If there is anyone in this erstwhile group who does NOT believe that the invasion of Iraq was the Worlds Greatest Hissy Fit, and was executed merely because SOMEONE had to be slapped for 9/11, please PM me to negotiate the sale of a very large bridge at an extremely favourable price. Any bridge.
  4. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    I just did it. I made an asshole appear.
  5. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    I know. Thats why I'm in demand.
  6. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Oh, The Rock says I can stay!!!! Happy days. A cursory examination suggests you need me more than I need you. However, I'm happy to hang here for a while. One of your peons says there's a real hardass around the place. I like hardasses. They are SO easy to...
  7. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    You, my pedigree chum, may say what you like. I've personally never taken anyone seriously who tries to project malice by using the personna of a "wrestler". However, I'm somewhat gratified that you can read. Cos you sure as **** can't spell. Can YOU smell what the Rot is cooking?
  8. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Interesting how people evaluate political ideology by the number of people said ideology killed. By that measure, capitalism too has much to answer for. However, if you wish to address the question intellectually, rather then emotionally, you need to separate the ideology from its neophytes...
  9. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Hello, playmates. I call myself Rotwang. I am inexperienced in forums of this nature, but one of your charitable members thought I'd enjoy it in here. So, here I am. Play nice. I've never dont this before.