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Crispy Critter said:
Get down and give the soldier in the sky 20 for having such a lack of imignation for a user name...

he was actually told to use it by a few members because he couldn't think of one
Hello, playmates.

I call myself Rotwang. I am inexperienced in forums of this nature, but one of your charitable members thought I'd enjoy it in here.

So, here I am.

Play nice. I've never dont this before.
Concidering you are from Brawl Hall (yes I read there boards too, and know who you are) I am gonna have to say your full of ****.

tizz said:
OMG I am so LMFAo ...... Tell me someone understood me there.

Ummmm mis opinionated.... I was busting on you!!! PLease tell me you were trying to use sarcasm there!!!!

I would say that yes indeed, you are right! As far as i've seen sarcasm is one of the ways to really get conversation going here

Msixty this is a forum, i'm not gonna shut the hell up :D
SlIgHtLyOpInIoNaTeD said:
I would say that yes indeed, you are right! As far as i've seen sarcasm is one of the ways to really get conversation going here

Msixty this is a forum, i'm not gonna shut the hell up :D

No but you should re-register under a different name....

The whole Caps lowercase name is do i put this delicately

****ing Retarded................
Vortex said:
No but you should re-register under a different name....

The whole Caps lowercase name is do i put this delicately

****ing Retarded................

It is what it is deal with it or let it forever haunt your little gay twisted mind!
SlIgHtLyOpInIoNaTeD said:
It is what it is deal with it or let it forever haunt your little gay twisted mind!

I have bigger things to worry about than an irritating forum handle.....
phreakwars said:
Concidering you are from Brawl Hall (yes I read there boards too, and know who you are) I am gonna have to say your full of ****.


You, my pedigree chum, may say what you like. I've personally never taken anyone seriously who tries to project malice by using the personna of a "wrestler". However, I'm somewhat gratified that you can read.

Cos you sure as **** can't spell.

Can YOU smell what the Rot is cooking?
phreakwars said:
I like your debating Rot, stay a while.



The Rock says I can stay!!!! Happy days.

A cursory examination suggests you need me more than I need you.

However, I'm happy to hang here for a while. One of your peons says there's a real hardass around the place.

I like hardasses. They are SO easy to humiliate.
Of COURSE you can stay, I like your style on BH, your just the kind of person we want around here. I've read some of your other work, FANTASTIC !!

phreakwars said:
Of COURSE you can stay, I like your style on BH, your just the kind of person we want around here. I've read some of your other work, FANTASTIC !!


I know. Thats why I'm in demand.
MadCatX said:
Hello all first time here

What I like about you so far, MadCatX, is that you've successfully irritated me and delighted me at the same time.

I'm guessing this was your first post and perhaps it will be your last post. Not that you're ejected, it's the simple fact I don't think you could bring anything to the table. This irritates me.

I'm delighted that you took all of two seconds to post. Maybe not. Perhaps it took you an hour to introduce yourself to the pissed masses. If that be the case, I'd like to know your thoughts on disease, pestilence, rape, incest, kidney bandits, orange peels, and porking.

Thanks for your time.
Rotwang said:

The Rock says I can stay!!!! Happy days.

A cursory examination suggests you need me more than I need you.

However, I'm happy to hang here for a while. One of your peons says there's a real hardass around the place.

I like hardasses. They are SO easy to humiliate.

Oh Joy! Another waste of a sperm and an egg who's completely convinced that he is a legend; at least in his own mind...

We must be blessed for the fates have given us yet another byproduct of criminal inbreeding from the Scum riddled continent Down Under. Pathological narcissism seems to be a reoccurring theme in your people.

Oh well, nevertheless...Welcome to GF you arrogant *******, now either say something useful or go back home crying to your mamma.

Rumor has it that the only thing you like about hardass, is licking and kissing it, so which amazing feat of prestidigitation will you do for us first?
Rotwang said:
I just did it.

I made an asshole appear.

Amazing, it only took you 8 posts to acknowledge that you made yourself appear and that you are an asshole!

Simply nothing funnier in my book than an idiot calling himself an asshole...

At least you understand self-deprecating humor. It's a start I guess but you can do better than this...