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  1. MrAnonymous

    Sorry I Havent Been On =S

    i've been failing Geo and stuff D= but now i'm passing Geo =D well i'm still failing to my parents ( 77 = F ) I'll try to get on more =P Peace out? i think thats how you say it << >> BYE!!!
  2. MrAnonymous

    Does anyone play any musical devices?

    I play Bass guitar ( 4-string ) and i used to play trombone I also dabble in Piano What about you guys?
  3. MrAnonymous

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    Make me Bad - Korn
  4. MrAnonymous

    Just Got Back from Georgia

    and i'm tired so cya
  5. MrAnonymous

    The Official LPF 'WTF YOU GOT FOR CHRISTMAS' Thread

    Bass Frikin Guitar It's pitch black and i also got a Rammstein poster and a kick @$$ amp 1337
  6. MrAnonymous

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    Weißes Fleisch - Rammstein
  7. MrAnonymous

    Ramblings Of The Anonymous

    Wow i'm angry and i'm laughing This dumbass shot himself in the head checking if his gun was empty So I laugh at him " good job DumbAss"
  8. MrAnonymous


    The Comparison of Germany and Florida is like comparing Old and new Korn Old is better than new :(
  9. MrAnonymous

    [First word that comes to mind]

  10. MrAnonymous


    Grandfather on my mums side and plus Born in holland moved to england then germany and then sadly Florida =S
  11. MrAnonymous

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    Blue Orchid - White Stripes
  12. MrAnonymous

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    Aerodynamic - Daft punk
  13. MrAnonymous

    Member's Pictures 9.0

    You Guys Can Just Go To My MySpace
  14. MrAnonymous

    Ramblings Of The Anonymous

    Got up at 3:32 I just Decided to get out of bed at 9:48 I Think I might do nothing today =\ or maybe i'll go see a movie or somthing I dunno Oh and let us take a momment of silence for Joe Barbara 1911 - 2006
  15. MrAnonymous

    A little old but has anyone...

    Who can forget Grey Fox (cyborg Ninja [ ExoSkeleton]) He Pwns Genome Soldiers xD
  16. MrAnonymous


    Well I am German ( part ) and i speak some German and I Love Them To Death!!!
  17. MrAnonymous

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    Over The Hills and Far Away - Led Zeppelin
  18. MrAnonymous

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    One More Time - Daft Punk
  19. MrAnonymous

    What Song Are You Listening To? vol. 3

    Stupify - Disturbed
  20. MrAnonymous


    Rammstein is a German Tranz Metal Band ( Dance Metal ) They Have Had Music In Such Movies As: The Matrix - DuHast XXX - Feuer Frei Resident Evil - Hallelujah They are... Off The Hook so go to YouTube, LimeWire, or whatever you have and listen to them Or Cactuar Get You :thumbsup: