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  1. Crazywumbat

    ****in' old social taboos!

    Well first off, if the girls father can't trust her to not go off and **** every guy she meets, then MAYBE he shouldn't be a father in the first place. Yell at your own shitty kid before you mad at someone else's. Second, most of the people that have responded are twice jokers age, so I don't...
  2. Crazywumbat

    What the hell is wrong with celebs?

    Not to mention every thread created to rant about them adds one more search result on google. :rolleyes: Turning off the television every once in awhile also works wonders. And while I agree with you that most celebrities are dumber than a bag of rocks, there are a few notable exceptions...
  3. Crazywumbat


    Oh you know...white..anglo-saxan..preferably protestant, but hey...Catholics recognize Jesus as their personal savior too so we'll let them in the club. Blind nationalism is also a plus, or just being dumb enough to not care about politics one way or another will get by, but we don't want any of...
  4. Crazywumbat

    Pretty on the dot quote...

    Marines then, I apologize. And I made no mention of not wanting to be shipped off to war. I said I would bet most people in the armed forces would not want to be shipped off to an unnecessary war, or one that isn't being handled efficiently. If you're in a position where you're giving...
  5. Crazywumbat

    Pretty on the dot quote...

    Well, quick, somebody fetch us a rag. Thine cup just brimeth over with intellectual insight.
  6. Crazywumbat

    Pretty on the dot quote...

    Since when does being a kid equate to not knowing anything? I know plenty of kids who know more than most adults do. And no, your parents being upset at your choice to join the army by no means makes your feelings invalid. But your desire to save the world doesn't make their concern invalid...
  7. Crazywumbat

    Which boobs should Tori choose?

    Well I've always followed the "anything more than a handful is a waste" philosophy..and judging from the handful of pics of Tori I've seen, I'd say that those mams are every bit as perfect as the rest of her. Grawrrr.. However...just to err on the side of caution...I'm gonna hafta third that...
  8. Crazywumbat

    The whole gay thing.

    And all black people are lazy, good for nothing drug addicts just looking for hand outs from the government. And all white people are raging bigots who exist only to inflict as much suffering upon other minorities as humanly possible. And everyone of middle eastern decent walks around...
  9. Crazywumbat

    Pretty on the dot quote...

    Totally...because, you know..the parents who have children in the armed forces who don't want to see their kids die in an unnecessary war...and the veterans from certain past wars who recognize this one to be unnecessary..and just people in general who worry about the state of conditions this...
  10. Crazywumbat

    Which Religion do you belong to?

    Yeah, you say tomato, builder says....well probably somthing like "'Ey wot say we make a trip down to tha bottle shop and get us a slab of Four X?" ..And do they even have tomotos in Australia? Btw Builder, I apologize in advance for butchering the noble occer accent.
  11. Crazywumbat

    China builds missle to kill Satalites!

    Satalites can't be killed silly. They're murdered.
  12. Crazywumbat

    Do me a ****ing favor

    Oh tag. New topic. Manhunt: glorified tag or a game in its own right? Debate. Yeah..I'm tired...HAHA HAVE AT THEE WITH MY INCOHERENCE! Oi..I need another beer.
  13. Crazywumbat

    Which Religion do you belong to?

    Agnostics don't believe in a god you ass clown. They simply aknowledge that theres no way to know whether there is a god one way or another. And I've covered this elsewhere, but because it seems the most relevant here I guess I'll briefly recap for all of you what agnosticism is...actually I'll...
  14. Crazywumbat

    Porn laws

    Agreed...I got 167,000,000
  15. Crazywumbat

    Axis of Evil.. or Wheel of Evil...

    Bahh Cut off part of the title..I thought second half was gonna be something about Wheel of Fortune.... I feel cheated. :(
  16. Crazywumbat

    It's been said before, but.....

    Well thats great, but I was in no way implying that you were or did...just wanted to go off on my own little tangent.
  17. Crazywumbat

    It's been said before, but.....

    I've always found it unbearably annoying when the morbidly obese criticize other people for smoking: "You know, those things will kill you." Yeah? No ****? And I'm sure that entire box of twinkies is just doing wonders for your health.
  18. Crazywumbat

    A moment of silence for Saddam

    Woot woot..we got another 200 pounds of rotting human flesh...a minority supressed in virtually all other areas of the region got a martyr. Not only that, but in at a time when most executions are carried out with lethal injection, they got a martyr whose death will be all the more memorable...
  19. Crazywumbat

    god is sin?

    Nothing makes me quite as giddy as a new member posting something worth reading... ...unfortunately dragging up a thread almost a month old and posting a one liner doesn't meet that ever so elusive pedestal. Bite me.