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    Black History Month ! !

    actually.... I don't think you can.... sorry great spoof
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    Black History Month ! !

    OK.... Let's kick it off! I redid my myspace page for the month of Feb... It's set to private, so add me to your friends to see me (aka LaTimWeh [ph. Luh Tim Way]
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    China builds missle to kill Satalites! Does this scare any of you?
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    Bill of Rights.. just a reminder!

    Try and think of how many times these amendments are not enforced, or blatently disreguarded! Read them... as they are written... and post any blatent violation of these for the rest of us to see... ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Amendment I  ...
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    Holiday Cheer!
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    The videos...

    So here is the thread... I know most of you have already seen these, but since some haven't, I figured I'd post them.... the story... A while ago I had a public access show with a buddy of mine... We had a great show... people loved it, but I had some personal problems and had to stop doing...
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    Liberalism is a Mental Disorder

    Mental Disorder Function: noun : a mental or bodily condition marked primarily by sufficient disorganization of personality, mind, and emotions to seriously impair the normal psychological functioning of the individual -----------------------------------------------------------------------...
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    Why not? We'll leave it to a vote
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    This ****** Me Off ! ! ! airport removes Christmas trees Seattle airport removes Christmas trees to avoid lawsuit POSTED: 8:49 p.m. EST, December 10, 2006 SEATAC, Washington (AP) -- All nine Christmas trees have been removed from the Seattle-Tacoma International Airport instead...
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    <html><embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" enableHREF="false" saveEmbedTags="true" src= "" enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal"...
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    UFOs in Ancient artwork! This is basically for Phantom, but please review these pictures... MOST are biblical in nature... All hail Enki!
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    Great game!

    anyone like games... go here and download this, and install, then get the game called 'Day of Defeat:Source' you'll find me on this game alot....
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    Chi, Tori, and phantom should...

    Chi, Tori, and phantom should... sorry... deleted the entries.... I was being perverted... my bad...
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    I would just like to know what people think to satanism here:D
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    Ethics... take a quiz!

    QUESTION ABOUT ETHICS This test only has one question, but it's a very important one. By giving an honest answer, you will discover where you stand morally. The test features an unlikely, completely fictional situation in which you will have to make a decision. Remember that your answer...
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    still think open borders are good for us?
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    Gasoline from cow dung?! ****... those Japs are so ******* smart! They have found a way to literally squeeze gasoline from cow dung! Not a lot, but enough to aid our already struggling farmers... Our diligence with science will ultimately win us...
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    Gum ruins $1.5 million dollar piece of ****... I mean art... The gum stain probably has more qualities of 'art' than does the painting! Look at the painting! $1.5 Million! Are you kidding me?! Who the **** frices this ****?! :mad:
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    What The **** ?! Explain to me again how these people are human?
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    'boot camp' death... accident? Even though the autopsy said he died of complications to his sickle cell trait, and the bruises on his body were attributed to his resuscitation attempts by medical examiners, the parents of this 14 year old 'boy' (in camp for...
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