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  1. Mad Dog

    London calling.

    You are so full of **** JB! Your the one that needs to pull your head out of the sand and your ass.
  2. Mad Dog

    London calling.

    All the muslims that i've talked to in the past have never said anything bad about Al-Qeada, when i would bring them up. Some would even say they agree with Bin Ladan....
  3. Mad Dog

    London was bombed today!!!

    I'm not a yank. I'm a West Coaster. Yanks are from the midwest and East Coast. I was born in the mid west but raised in the wild west! I'm still drunk by the way and my friends want me to pull an all nighter with them!
  4. Mad Dog

    London was bombed today!!!

    Whoopy daisy! I must be pretty drunk. 'cause i can't belive i spelled there the wrong way and many dosent have two m's in it. I'm over here at my friends place drinking with a few buds of ours! And i just can't believe some of these people on this board can be so anti-American.
  5. Mad Dog

    London was bombed today!!!

    Not another stupid anti-American *******! We don't need another one. Their's already to mamny of them on here. :mad: