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  1. eisanbt

    Where are the Idiots?

    I'm smart enough to express my political dissent through origami...
  2. eisanbt

    Social Expectations

    As for myself, most things don't bother me. People can do most any odd thing they please and it won't phase me. Infact, I tend to do some odd things myself so I'd be quite the hypocrite were I to hassle folk about "improper behaviour." What I'm talking about here is social norms which, in...
  3. eisanbt


    Felt like being philosophical after some Roman-Review;) : The impressions of distress upon our will are counterproductive and unnecessary as distress, or rather the experience of it, is a choice of our will. Distressing items are by their nature outside of the will of a sound mind. Therefore...
  4. eisanbt

    Real or fake...

    http://Off Topic Me thinks some line-cuttin sod is tryin' ta have a run at us here..... :mad:
  5. eisanbt

    The myth of respectable Women?

    It has been my observation thus far in life that very few females are of what I, and it would seem many other as well, would consider being of respectable character and intelligence. Other members have noted their inability to conjure up an example of a woman who they felt has stood alone in...
  6. eisanbt

    Bored Bored Bored....

    Form was slow so I figured a good rant would do for now. Ramble # Unknown: An explosion of stomach acids ripped my innards from the rest of my body. I could only speculate as to why this occurred so suddenly, without warning and during my grand-mother's wake no less. The rest of the gather...
  7. eisanbt

    ~WPYO Nomads~

    After reading of Nazz's visit to Mr. Phreak, I was inspired to question you good people as to what you would do if another GF member wondered drunkenly into you community and demanded of you recreation and a place to pass out? This is of course assuming that you didn't immediately stab them in...
  8. eisanbt

    If I were An Escaping Tree.... Monkeys are times.
  9. eisanbt

    Tired Ranting about Mental Dicipline

    I was called crazy recently, and that can be a fun title to throw around. Its a neat defining characteristic to be the "Crazy one" among friends, or so it was to me and is to other friends who think themselves crazy. Why I got this title has to do with how I became who I am, just as anyone else...
  10. eisanbt

    Styles Not Working.

    I went online a few days back which usually uploads GF right away with me logged in. For some reason my account was not 'Remembered'. Whatever, I just tryed loggin in, but to no avail. Anyhow, I was able to log in later that day but my style settings were stuck on the default MSN style. This...
  11. eisanbt

    If theres one thing I miss about the military....

    I had a brief stint after being a cadet for years but decided that being part of the state, especially the most hierarchal part, would be a tad hypocritical. Still a decent experience, good folk. Seeing this made me miss it a little Drill was my fort
  12. eisanbt

    Social justice.

    I've been inspired by another thread to give this debate thing another chance. So GF, how do you think we should go about social ethics and justice? I present to you 3 common examples of a solution for running our lives as a community; Extreme Utilitarianism, Restricted Utilitarianism and...
  13. eisanbt

    An Inspirational story to Cheer up snafu.

    There was once a temple of fryers in a small European town. They'd been around for ages and ages but it was becoming too hard to keep the temple open due to the rising costs of necessities and the decreasing number of people contributing to the holy place. The Fryers came up with a plan, part of...
  14. eisanbt

    Bonne Fête builder.

    People just keep shouting it, most futile. Anyhow if you havn't drank yourself blind yet then happy birthday and my condolences to your family if this be your last year on earth, atleast you'll leave a beautiful corpes! ;)
  15. eisanbt

    They Con-ed us! Liberials were arrogent and in need of some smartening up..... But I still don't like it. :(
  16. eisanbt

    Nominate a WPYO mascot !!

    . I don't think eddy is copyrighted but i MIGHT be mistaken on that one. :rolleyes:
  17. eisanbt

    Hangover Cures?

    I woke up somewhere I don't know where it was......Hung over as **** and gotta work today, any suggestions? (I usually go with apples but have none right now) Note:Yah, I'm a terrible person.......:o
  18. eisanbt

    Hugo VS. KVH: A Battle of Socio-Political and Economic Idealogies

    During a late night/afternoon exchange of opinions I thought it a lovely idea to see what results would be stumbled accross from a pointy stick fight between our resident Commie KVH and our resident true-capitalist Hugo. Upon the realization that geological circumstances would inhibit such a...
  19. eisanbt

    Watching good People turn bad..

    I've recently had to give up hope on a friend being a good person sadly, and it ****** me off something awful. When you watch what used to be a good person turn into a total idiot it makes me want to hit many things in such a fashion as to annileate them from existance it makes you want to post...
  20. eisanbt

    For the "Ladies" or WPYO....

    Well out with it!!! What do you lasses (Vorty included) want to us strutting around in? If its a thong then your nuts, guys look like complete idiots in and little underwears (Or so is my humble opinion). Topless is a given, but is it silky boxers? Speedos? Tight jeans? Tight-Red-Rubber with...
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