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  1. S

    Congressional Inquirey Into Slow Response in New Orleans

    My mom, who is from Germany, spoke with my uncle on the phone yesterday. My Uncle lives in germany and is kind of high up in the polical scheme of things there. He said that germany sent a bunch of relief stuff to New Orleans but the authoriities there would not let them release it to the...
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    The AGE of CONSENT

    If this were a morality or cultural thing, it wouldnt be a law, would it? Some parts of the world do think it's ok to make a girl a bride at 12, and to them, that' s normal. I think there are more men everywhere interested in dating younger women than the other way around. I'm not really...
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    Men need a wake-up call

    Just to let you know, I'm 34. I look a lot younger and people never believe me when I say my age. Thank you Outlaw for your responses. I dont want to appear to be stuck up. I will try to work on that more. I'm sure if I were to meet a nice guy right now, he'd run...who would want to have to...
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    These Ungrateful ****s!!!

    Maybe now that military people are down there, they will be and should be able to control the people that are shooting and looting and raping. Not EVERYONE is looting. It's hard to put oneself in this position if one is not actually there. In every handful of people you will find those that...
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    Men need a wake-up call

    I realize there are just as many woman who have udesireable qualities as well as some men. I have Italy, Spain, France, the Netherlands, Germany etc... and I dont know how men are in those places since I've only had the opportunity to date Americans, Latinos, a guy from vietnam...
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    The Death Penalty

    I'm torn on this issue. I used to think the death penalty was the right thing to do. But is it really barbaric to slip a needle in someone's arm and let them quickly fall asleep? How fair is it that they get to know how they will die and it will not be a violent death? I think prisons, from...
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    Twenty Questions.

    Twenty Questions. 1. Have you ever climbed to the highest point in your country of birth? NO 2. Have you ever lived overseas for more than 1 year? YES....GERMANY 3. Have you ever sung karaoke? YES 4. Have you ever been without a shower for more than 2 weeks? YES...IN THE ARMY 5. Do you have...
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    Men need a wake-up call

    I get so sick of hearing excuses to justify why some men act the way they do...such as: They're men, that's what they do Men are just hornier than women (not true, women are horny too) Men are hunters and biologically they are made to cheat That's just the way it is He's a man, he can't help...