Palin gets people killed


New member
Giffords has drawn the ire of the right in the last year, especially from politicians like Sarah Palin over her support of the health care bill.
Her Tucson office was vandalized a few hours after the House voted to approve the health care law in March, with someone either kicking or shooting out a glass door and window. In an interview after the vandalism, Giffords referred to the animosity against her by conservatives. Palin listed Giffords' seat as one of the top "targets" in the midterm elections because of the lawmakers' support for the health care law.

"For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they have to realize that there are consequences to that action," Giffords said in an interview with MSNBC.

In the hours after the shooting, Palin issued a statement in which she expressed her "sincere condolences" to the family of Giffords and the other victims.
Yep, they reloaded, Sarah.



New member
Giffords has drawn the ire of the right in the last year, especially from politicians like Sarah Palin over her support of the health care bill.
Her Tucson office was vandalized a few hours after the House voted to approve the health care law in March, with someone either kicking or shooting out a glass door and window. In an interview after the vandalism, Giffords referred to the animosity against her by conservatives. Palin listed Giffords' seat as one of the top "targets" in the midterm elections because of the lawmakers' support for the health care law.

"For example, we're on Sarah Palin's targeted list, but the thing is, that the way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of a gun sight over our district. When people do that, they have to realize that there are consequences to that action," Giffords said in an interview with MSNBC.

In the hours after the shooting, Palin issued a statement in which she expressed her "sincere condolences" to the family of Giffords and the other victims.
Yep, they reloaded, Sarah.
I think all this type of finger pointing is asinine. From the left and the right (and Hugo).

As far as I know nothing has been shown of this person to reference Palin, Beck, the tea party movement, or really anything that can pin down the alleged shooter's ideology what so ever.

Look at his favorite books, it lists Mein Kampf, then also lists The Communist Manifesto but also lists We The Living.

He talks of problems with the monetary system not being backed by gold or silver, then says he won't trust in ***, then posts as his favorite video a video about the flag being burned, then you have a bunch of twitter comments from people who knew him in school who identify him as "left wing, quite liberal", "anti-flag" and one person says he met the Congresswoman in '07 had asked her a question and described her as "stupid & unintelligent".

This calls back to when the media and some on here, jumped to calling the guy who shot up the Holocaust Museum, guy who flew the plane into the IRS building, guy who stormed the Discovery Channel, and whoever supposedly killed the census worker (who actually committed suicide) as tea party, right wing or Glenn Beck followers, but when they were all shown to be wrong assumptions, nothing.

I think the only thing obvious is the person is deranged.



New member
Trust me the guy that shot Gifford is CRAZY! Also, why did he have a gun? I lived in AZ for 2 years, and they will sell a gun to anyone, that's no bullshit. They need to have tougher guidelines for gun ownership. Even Mexico has blamed Az's gun sales on alot of the cartel violence.


New member
I blame Markos Moulitsas Zuniga.

He had this on his site...




and yanked it and other posts by this blogger down from his site just as fast as Palin dropped hers.

(p.s. Randal "Rand" Paul wasn't named after Ayn Rand.)

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New member
I blame Markos Moulitsas Zuniga.

He had this on his site...


and yanked it and other posts by this blogger down from his site just as fast as Palin dropped hers.

(p.s. Randal "Rand" Paul wasn't named after Ayn Rand.)
Of course, the difference is not many were supporting Zuniga for President.

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New member
I guess if I was going to kill a political figure, I'd have to be motivated to do so because I saw them as being part of some... oh.. I don't know.. say evil Commie Socialist Fascist (even though that is contradictory) unamerican conspiracy who has stolen the country and wants me to be subservient to the government.

Considering people are trying to portray him as a Lefty (typical right wing playbook, never accept responsibility for anything), you'd think his extremist mind would be compelled to pick off a Republican congressman instead. The pickings are better.

No matter how you look at it, the guy seemed to think this congress woman's demise would have a better impact in his world. I wonder if he picked that up from Mein Kampf or the Commie Manifesto.

Maybe it was those right wing books he was reading..

Whatever it was, his intended target was a Democrat that he was made to believe is an evil.

Who did that?

Willfully ignorant rhetoric that's went on too **** long.





New member
Of course, the difference is not many were supporting Zuniga for President.
I guess I missed the evidence that this anti-flag, anti-***, anti-Constitution, reader of Karl Marx was a Palin supporter.



New member
"We are on Sarah Palin's targeted list," Giffords said. "The way that she has it depicted has the crosshairs of the gunsight over our district. When people do that, they have got to realize there are consequences to that action."
I think Sarah is beginning to figure that out.



New member
Of course, the difference is not many were supporting Zuniga for President.
I guess I missed the evidence that this anti-flag, anti-***, anti-Constitution, reader of Karl Marx was a Palin supporter.
It makes little difference, politically, if he was or not. Sarah got where she is at by appealing to emotions. A Romney aide is already mass producing pictures of Miss Green. Ya live by the sword ya die by the sword.

I must admit anyone who reads is not a likely Palin supporter.



New member
Of course, the difference is not many were supporting Zuniga for President.
I guess I missed the evidence that this anti-flag, anti-***, anti-Constitution, reader of Karl Marx was a Palin supporter.
It makes little difference, politically, if he was or not. Sarah got where she is at by appealing to emotions. A Romney aide is already mass producing pictures of Miss Green. Ya live by the sword ya die by the sword.

I must admit anyone who reads is not a likely Palin supporter.
So, in your mind, no matter what this mentally deranged person's motives, it's Palin's fault?



New member
Wow, check it out, Faux News REALLY IS fair and balanced:

According to a memo obtained by Fox News with information compiled by the Department of Homeland Security and released to state law enforcement officials, Jared Loughner, the alleged shooter of Congressman Gabrielle Giffords, may have been influenced by a pro-white racist organization that publishes an anti-immigration newsletter.
No direct connection, but strong suspicion is being direceted at American Renaissance, an organization that Loughner mentioned in some of his internet postings and federal law enforcement officials are investigating Loughner's possible links to the organization. The organization is a monthly publication that promotes a variety of white racial positions.

"The group's ideology is anti government, anti immigration, anti ZOG (Zionist Occupational Government), anti Semitic," according to the memo which goes on to point out that Congressman Giffords is the first Jewish female elected to high office in Arizona. A recent posting on American Renaissance's website on January 7 begins with an article entitled: "Exit poll: Whites are Different." The site goes on to list anti-immigration articles. Investigators are also pursuing Loughner's alleged anti-Semitism.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has taken command of the investigation.
Yep, taking back the country from the evil socialist Commie lawmakers who have infested our way of life and are destroying this country from within.

I REALLY REALLY REALLY want Palin to run for prez now. I'm gonna have pictures taken with all kinds of angle shots of me filling in that oval and proudly voting for a true patriot and icon of America. The next, and best ever President..... Sarah Palin. I wanna be able to archive my vote with a big thumbs up so I can boast "I WAS THERE AND I VOTED FOR THE REVOLUTION".

After which, I will proudly pop in my well preserved Blue Ray copy of "Idiocracy" and welcome the next President in with a proud smile that I witnessed a self fulfilling prophesy.





New member
Of course, the difference is not many were supporting Zuniga for President.
I guess I missed the evidence that this anti-flag, anti-***, anti-Constitution, reader of Karl Marx was a Palin supporter.
It makes little difference, politically, if he was or not. Sarah got where she is at by appealing to emotions. A Romney aide is already mass producing pictures of Miss Green. Ya live by the sword ya die by the sword.

I must admit anyone who reads is not a likely Palin supporter.
So, in your mind, no matter what this mentally deranged person's motives, it's Palin's fault?
I am not saying it is Palin's fault.. Just that her talk radio style campaign rhetoric has high risks. Her chance to be President died with Miss Green. I think even Palin may be bright enough to see this.

I pretty much agree with the guy in Phreak's video.



New member
I pretty much agree with the guy in Phreak's video.
I guess as someone who claims to be a libertarian, I thought you would believe a little more in personal responsibility.

Until shown otherwise, I pretty much agree with this quote...

Today, the Sunday Shows will all be from Arizona. There will, I have no doubt, be many of them wanting to know if “rhetoric” and “tea parties” and “opposition to Barack Obama” did this.
They will also bring up, as they did yesterday, Sarah Palin putting Gabrielle Giffords on her target list for defeat with a rifle scope symbol over her district.

Here is what will either not be brought up, or if brought up, will only be mentioned in passing.

Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos, the largest left-wing community online, put Gabrielle Giffords on a target list with a bullseye. Just as Sarah Palin removed her post, Markos has removed his.

Another Daily Kos writer, just the other day, penned a post saying Congresswoman Giffords was dead to him.

But then there is the real culprit — the shooter himself.

A friend of the shooter’s described the shooter as decidedly “left-wing” as recently as 2007.

On YouTube, he flagged as a favorite video one of a person dressed as a terrorist burning the American flag. Only a lunatic or a leftist would do that.

His favorite work was not a Glenn Beck book, but a staple of every left-wing bookshelf, the Communist Manifesto.

In the Communist Manifesto, there are numerous, frequent calls for violence against the bourgeoisies.

Left-wing cartoonist Ted Rall’s most recent book calls for a violent response from the left against the right.

Barack Obama himself told left-wing activists, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

The point of all of this is not to blame Ted Rall, Mr. Obama, Media Matters, MSNBC, any other particular person or group on the left, or the left in general. It is also not to say in any way, shape, or form that the guy is of the left. If, however, we take the evidence as presented and not as the media and left would have it presented, the shooter very clearly is not of the right.

More precisely, the shooter is neither left-wing nor right-wing. He is crazy and evil — a word not used enough.


New member
I pretty much agree with the guy in Phreak's video.
I guess as someone who claims to be a libertarian, I thought you would believe a little more in personal responsibility.

Until shown otherwise, I pretty much agree with this quote...

Today, the Sunday Shows will all be from Arizona. There will, I have no doubt, be many of them wanting to know if “rhetoric” and “tea parties” and “opposition to Barack Obama” did this.
They will also bring up, as they did yesterday, Sarah Palin putting Gabrielle Giffords on her target list for defeat with a rifle scope symbol over her district.

Here is what will either not be brought up, or if brought up, will only be mentioned in passing.

Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos, the largest left-wing community online, put Gabrielle Giffords on a target list with a bullseye. Just as Sarah Palin removed her post, Markos has removed his.

Another Daily Kos writer, just the other day, penned a post saying Congresswoman Giffords was dead to him.

But then there is the real culprit — the shooter himself.

A friend of the shooter’s described the shooter as decidedly “left-wing” as recently as 2007.

On YouTube, he flagged as a favorite video one of a person dressed as a terrorist burning the American flag. Only a lunatic or a leftist would do that.

His favorite work was not a Glenn Beck book, but a staple of every left-wing bookshelf, the Communist Manifesto.

In the Communist Manifesto, there are numerous, frequent calls for violence against the bourgeoisies.

Left-wing cartoonist Ted Rall’s most recent book calls for a violent response from the left against the right.

Barack Obama himself told left-wing activists, “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.”

The point of all of this is not to blame Ted Rall, Mr. Obama, Media Matters, MSNBC, any other particular person or group on the left, or the left in general. It is also not to say in any way, shape, or form that the guy is of the left. If, however, we take the evidence as presented and not as the media and left would have it presented, the shooter very clearly is not of the right.

More precisely, the shooter is neither left-wing nor right-wing. He is crazy and evil — a word not used enough.
I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.



New member
I recognize political realities. Palin made a career out of appealing to emotions that career is now in peril. What is good for the gander is good for the goose.
...and Ozzy Osborne is responsible for suicides, Jodi Foster is responsible for Reagan being shot, J.D. Salinger is responsible for the death of John Lennon...

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