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  1. C

    Rita proof that New Orleans should not be rebuilt

    Why rebuild? The French Quarter, which is only a small part of the city, is on higher ground. If it were a question of only preserving that area because of historical/tourism reasons, I'd have no problem. But, for emotional and political reasons the government is going to allocate a couple of...
  2. C

    Driving Pet Peeves

    Lords: Do you know what "yield" means. Basically a car entering traffic does not have the right of way but must give way to (yield) to the cars already in that traffic stream. Drivers who do have the right of way can chose to allow another vehicle to enter the traffic stream. In areas...
  3. C

    Rita proof that New Orleans should not be rebuilt

    I am deeply sorry for the people who have lost homes, businesses and loved ones in Katrina. That said, rebuilding New Orleans is a huge waste of time, money and effort. The last estimate I heard was somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 billion. Why? What do we, as a country, have to gain by...
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    Driving Pet Peeves

    When a driver in front of you lets 1 or more vehicles in from a place of business when the light turns green - it's a courtesy thing. Today I may be in one of those cars delayed an extra two mins. because the car in front of me let somebody out. Tommorrow I may be one of those people able to...
  5. C

    Bad Service vs. Good service: Tipping Opinions

    No question average service get average tip and poor service gets poor tip. But we all have different ideas of what constitues "average" and "poor". Personally I kinda think most of your points of "ideal" service are just a little silly. Sorry. But unless I'm starving or in a hurry (in...
  6. C

    Government entitlements piss me off

    Except for programs targeted towards education, the elderly, and the disabled, I don't believe anyone is "entitled" to government benefits. I'm including food stamps, section 8 housing, subsidized day-care and Medicaid. Why should anyone's poor choices be subsidized by the government. I...