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  1. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    Please study I think a moderator is required to clean up data-garbage. Sounds like greetings from a mental hospital....
  2. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    They do not even have an own opinion, which they can explain to me - I respect another person's opinion, if he/she brings some useable arguments. If I agree with these arguments is a different matter of course...anyway, we could talk about it. All what these anti-spanking lobby can say, is...
  3. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    I agree with TermiOn. This is a very good and realistic explication of the overall situation in this world. Only a narrow-minded feminist (male or female), who was never out of the US and has never seen anything else but a feminist society in his/her life might question the truth of this...
  4. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    What would you do? Yes, spitting is clearly a form of violence - using abusive language, scratching, kicking and so on are also considered as violence. Just check it with your lawyer if you do not believe me. It seems to me you need some legal advice. And yes, some women deserve a good...
  5. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    Spitting is clearly a form of violence - using abusive language, scratching, kicking and so on are also considered as violence. Such violence is often chosen by women to attack men sometimes out of no understandable reason. The gender is irrelevant however, the story of hitting her is violence...
  6. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    :eek: I gave you many valid arguments. Just read back... Your one-liners are quite brainless today, BTW.
  7. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    I have no idea, who the other posters are - so I cannot call them my friends. You should not mix up women and children...there is a difference between these two words. Up to now I see very little of 'friends' sharing your opinion. Most men do not like to be beaten up by a violent woman...
  8. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    I am married since over 30 years always with the same woman, never divorced. Your presumptions are wrong, as usual. How long are you married?
  9. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    It is not ghetto mentality. It is you, who cannot understand, that other people do not share your opinion about this topic. This is called free speech and not ghetto mentality. You should accept the fact, that it is you, who presents the minority in this thread. To accuse me to promote drugs...
  10. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    Reading your posting I presume, you did not finish elementary school... Could you write something related to the topic, please?
  11. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    Some people just do not understand the difference between 'force' and 'violence', despite they claim to be native English speakers. It is not the same, if I walk in the street and I beat up an unknown child without any reason - or if I force my child to stop violent behaviour against others...
  12. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    Look in a mirror first! I did not say that, this is what I said: Yes, there are some creative ways, but they work not always. So, what to do, when it does not work out as expected? How old is for you a child? A 14-years old boy will not accept grounding, he will call you an idiot.... Before...
  13. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    To punish a child for violent misbehaviour is not child abuse. To defend yourself against a violent woman attacking you is not abusing the woman. To smile, while a child misbehaves in a violent way and doing nothing else, is irresponsible. To smile, while a violent women is hitting you...
  14. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    1- This is your child spitting on you, it is up to you how you educate and discipline your child spitting on you. However you have to accept the fact, that your child, because you failed to discipline it for spitting on you, it will most likely try to spit on other children, too and you should...
  15. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    Thank you, this must be a wonderful marriage, where the man is allowed to defend himself, because the wife shows up with a gun. Thank you, thank you. First of all, as men and women are equals, you should say in case of quarrels, both, the man and the woman should walk away in 2 different...
  16. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    Man or woman is not the question. The question here is, who is hitting whom first. Who is the aggressor and who is the victim? To be a little helpless girl is no justification for aggressive behaviour and to be allowed to hit, slap, spit, scratch, belittle or insult a man, who is stronger...
  17. Y

    Men Who Hit Women.

    The above arguments are legally seen not correct. Self-defense is gender-neutral. No woman has the right to slap or hit or kick a man out of her bad mood - if this is done by her hands only or by using a hammer or using her feet does not matter. Of course, any other common female forms of...