Men Who Hit Women.

yohan said:
What would you do?

I would walk away. Seriously. Unless I was being seriously threatened. Even still, I would know I was not strong enough to go up against a man. I would try to diffuse the situation and then get the hell out of there.

If I was a man, I would do the same thing although for different reasons. I would realize I am stronger than my female opponent. Then I would try to diffuse the situation and then get the hell out of there. Obvious exceptions apply.

And yes, some women deserve a good spanking....

Spankings are kinky! ;)

Okay people, say it with me; "Double Standard". Sure it's wrong to hit a woman, but should violence vs a man go unpunished? Most seem to think so. In fact, there has been a rash of male bashing in relationships lately, and I can see where it's coming from. A female has cultural norms, law, the courts, and a host of manginas protecting her "poor delicate" self. When you are confronting the world from such a protected viewpoint I guess it's easy to engage in such double-standards (because you know the world will never call you on your ****).

Yes, a double standard does exist because women, without a weapon, ARE the weaker species. I could use all of my force to hurt you and you would probably feel a sting. I'm not that strong. You could use all of your force to hurt me and it would probably kill me.

BUT... the law exists to protect both of us. Women have been arrested in domestic violence disputes too.

For instance, if my husband hit me, instead of hitting back, I should leave and then call the police. Let them handle it. If I hit my husband, he should leave and then call the police. Let them handle it. Getting into a pissing contest and beating each other to a bloody pulp is not the way to go. Get out of there. That is good advice for both genders. Again, obvious exceptions apply. Sometimes you have to use force in the case of life-threatening situations. However, diffuse the situation, get out of there, and call the police.

Call me old-fashioned. Accuse me of having double standards. I don't care. Personally, I don't think a woman should ever bit hit unless it is a life threatening situation.

P.S. My "what a sissy" comment was tongue-in-cheek ;)
I am safe here in my playroom.

No one can hurt me, male or female.

I will not leave my playroom.

I cannot grow up.

REshsipos are bad.
catboy said:
I am safe here in my playroom.

No one can hurt me, male or female.

I will not leave my playroom.

I cannot grow up.

REshsipos are bad.

And for the safety of mankind, please keep your dumbass in your playroom. Hopefully the walls are rubber. In fact, I'm quite sure they are.
Phantom said:
And for the safety of mankind, please keep your dumbass in your playroom. Hopefully the walls are rubber. In fact, I'm quite sure they are.
My opinion, may come out of vanity, his tale is full of ****.
I think that is obvious to everyone on this thread. It's too stupid to be true- especially with the way he explains it.

Catboy = Troll.
Phantom said:
Yes, a double standard does exist because women, without a weapon, ARE the weaker species. I could use all of my force to hurt you and you would probably feel a sting. I'm not that strong. You could use all of your force to hurt me and it would probably kill me.

So, if I understand you correctly, its the "weakness" of the opposite sex that makes it not ok to hit them.

Does this mean, if a 130lb wimp (male) gets drunk at a bar, hauls off and lugies in a 300lb mans face...does he not deserve to get the snot knocked out of him? Or, perhaps, if the aformentioned wimp harrassed you at the bar, while you were with your hubby..would you not want your hubby to defend you? Would you expect your hubby to "walk away" just because this man is weaker?
thekid65 said:
So, if I understand you correctly, its the "weakness" of the opposite sex that makes it not ok to hit them.

Does this mean, if a 130lb wimp (male) gets drunk at a bar, hauls off and lugies in a 300lb mans face...does he not deserve to get the snot knocked out of him? Or, perhaps, if the aformentioned wimp harrassed you at the bar, while you were with your hubby..would you not want your hubby to defend you? Would you expect your hubby to "walk away" just because this man is weaker?

Someone else (Outlaw) brought up this point earlier and I complimented them for bringing it up since it was something I hadn't thought of.

It would be more noble for the larger man to walk away.

And if the situation happened to me, I KNOW my husband would kick his ass. Right or wrong, that is just a fact.

However, I don't like women being hit. Like I said. Also right or wrong, that is how I feel. You don't have to agree or understand it.
thekid65 said:
So, if I understand you correctly, its the "weakness" of the opposite sex that makes it not ok to hit them.

Does this mean, if a 130lb wimp (male) gets drunk at a bar, hauls off and lugies in a 300lb mans face...does he not deserve to get the snot knocked out of him? Or, perhaps, if the aformentioned wimp harrassed you at the bar, while you were with your hubby..would you not want your hubby to defend you? Would you expect your hubby to "walk away" just because this man is weaker?

No one is above an ass-whooping, but some situations you have to walk away from.

Pop always said, "Never mess with a short man or a quiet man.".
Well, since they admit to having nothing more than their own opinion against hitting a woman, right or wrong, theres nothing more to debate.

Smackity shmack.
Phantom said:
I think that is obvious to everyone on this thread. It's too stupid to be true- especially with the way he explains it.

Catboy = Troll.

Phantom = Troll+Ugly+Stupid+Buttface+Abuser+Liar+Terist+All around piece of drug using rubbish

Ok I know you hate people who
are not born oh so perfect like you,
but I guess you have to flaunt it
to make yourself feel better.

I'm not going to change because of you,
you are not God/Nature/Allah/insert deity or higher power here
and I will not do what ever you tell me
unless you give me alot of money,
so either put your money where your
ugly bloody dimestick abused,
anorexic broomstick, punched in mouth is, or shut it
before your beerdrunken Bob/Carole Normal
drug abusing spouse comes
home and beats it shut for you.

Then you will know what it is like
to have a handicap.

In fact, lets see how you will handle
it if you go out in the hot sun in 115F
degree weather and have a stroke
and see how you deal with it, but
being oh so perfect, you would not
come out handicapped, then would you.

Maybe I should start using a wheelchair
so blind people like you would understand
that not all hadnciaps are seeable,
"Oh he is a big strong boy, why did
he act that way?" but then that would
be bowing to your two bit sorry excuse
for a human butt, wich I won't do.

You cannot tell me what to do so
get back in your Bob/Carole Normal
house and live like the dimestick Normie
soccer mom/dad corpriate suburbian
piece of rubbish slave you are, and
I will be sure to tell Old Mr. Jones to
run over your sorry wrinkled up old
useless wrinklebag uglaface with his wheelchair.

You are a poopyface.
***** Boy: Your little rant did nothing to change my opinion. In fact, it only confirmed it. You are full of **** and are purposely being ridiculous. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. Very entertaining.
Couldn't be arsed to read all of this. I will enlighten you as to my opinion on the subject:
I don't support wife beating. I do understand it.

that is all,

The Buck
has spoken
Not suprised you didnt read it.

Anyway, some women hit men, if they defend themselves they get arrested because the woman turns on the waterworks as soon as the cops arrive
Not beaten any women up, or even slaped them, across the face that is. What I get up to in the bedroom is my secret.
Anyway, some women deserve it. If they dont do as you tell them they should be reminded whos the boss. Worked well for thousands of years, why change?
Termi0n said:
Well, since they admit to having nothing more than their own opinion against hitting a woman, right or wrong, theres nothing more to debate. Smackity shmack.
They do not even have an own opinion, which they can explain to me - I respect another person's opinion, if he/she brings some useable arguments. If I agree with these arguments is a different matter of course...anyway, we could talk about it.

All what these anti-spanking lobby can say, is something like 'it is not good'...that's all?

I gave many arguments, where it is reasonable to beat a woman, from self-defense up to teenager-discipline...Reply: a brainless one-liner remark, useless for any discussion about the subject.

Phantom: It would be more noble for the larger man to walk away.....However, I don't like women being hit. Like I said. Also right or wrong, that is how I feel.
What should I answer to such an argument?
It would be more noble for the smaller woman not to start aggressive behaviour against the larger man out of any or no reason, but to walk away herself...
I do not like MEN being hit.
Thr risk to be beaten up in return is with the person, who started the violent incident.
I see no reason, why we should make a difference, if this is a man or a woman..
Women in the Western world are in some categories more violent than men, it is not true, that men as a majority are violent aggressors, and women are as majority the helpless victims. - To say this is untrue feminist brainwashing propaganda.
Even in non-feminist countries women are violent, a newly investigation by the Ministry of Education of Japan found the relationship of violent men : violent women is 2 :1.
By far not all domestic violence is started by men.
About child-mistreatment - which is also a form of domestic violence - the majority of children are mistreated by their biological mother.

I see no reason, why it should be 'noble' for the man to smile, to close his eyes and to walk out of his own house after being insulted and punched by his wife...
yohan said:
It would be more noble for the smaller woman not to start aggressive behaviour against the larger man out of any or no reason, but to walk away herself......

This point i agree on

yohan said:
2-I do not like MEN being hit....

So this is a reason for a woman to be hit

yohan said:
4-Women in the Western world are in some categories more violent than men, it is not true, that men as a majority are violent aggressors, and women are as majority the helpless victims. - To say this is untrue feminist brainwashing propaganda....

do you have any statistics to support this claim?

yohan said:
5-About child-mistreatment - which is also a form of domestic violence - the majority of children are mistreated by their biological mother....

And this makes it ok

catboy said:
I totally just stay away from people.

My seizures can't tell a male from a female,
so if I am hitted, I just black out, and whilst
blacked out, I can bite, scratch, flail, who knows?

I stay home and I don't go anywhere without
my brother.

This way I will never have this kind of trouble again.

Seizures do not shivel, they just happen and I
cannot do anything about them except to stay
home safe in my playroom where no one can
make me have seizures at all.

I take it by seizures you have epilepsy?
short of holding you down and shining flashing lights in your face no one can make you have a seizure hun and having epilepsy does not make you handicapped.

In a seizure the only person you can feasably hurt is yourself so if you hurt somebody you were certianly not having a seizure
Phantom said:
***** Boy: Your little rant did nothing to change my opinion. In fact, it only confirmed it. You are full of **** and are purposely being ridiculous. Is that a bad thing? Not at all. Very entertaining.

You are still a terist and a poopyface.

Sorry I don't fit into your pre made little
mould of what a "man" should be, but
I am not going to do it.

Tough poop, buttface.
Take it up with Creator.

I take it by seizures you have epilepsy?
short of holding you down and shining flashing lights in your face no one can make you have a seizure hun and having epilepsy does not make you handicapped.

In a seizure the only person you can feasably hurt is yourself so if you hurt somebody you were certianly not having a seizure

Well, here I am being 'accused' of flailing someone,
(not by you, the ones before) I don't remember anything.

I guess I should just give up looking for work, and
keep living on disability, stinks, but what do you do?

Too Hard Too Hard Too Hard Too Hard I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It
Why The Xxxx Does Stupid Buttface4 Ugly Dam Society Keep Expecting Me To Do The Stuypid Shxx That I Cant Do!!!! Do You Jhear Me ??? Stool On You Society And All The Xxxx You Stand For!!!! Xxxx You I Hate You!!!!! Uyp Yours Stupid Uygly Nose With A Big Turd From Your Stupid Poopy Ugly Farty Butthole You Stupid Head!!!!! I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You And Stool On You And You Will Be Smashed Like A Ghrasshoppeer So Stool And Poop On You Yuckface Farty Buttface!!!!!! Bad Health To You!!!! I Can't Be Who The Hell You Htink I Shood Be So Go To Hell And Hjust Burn In Hell Because I Can't Do It So Xxxx You!!!!!!!!!! Go To Hell!!!!!!!

Fine Panty Ugly Stupid Butthole Keep Your Stupid Little Idiot Board I Kno0w You Hate Handicapped Pep.,e And So Stuff Your Fud In Your Biutt And Eat It Like Burnt Toast From The Toilet!!!!! Go To Hell You Ugly Old Wrinklebag And Die!!!!!! Stupid Old Dirty Horse Butt!!!!! I Don't Care. I Guess I Will Just Live Off Your Taxes Then Since You Stupid Normies Won't Give Me A Job So How Do You Like Those Apples!!!!! Go Eat Camel Snot!!!!!
Can't do it.
Too late
on disability


**** you

Is that growed up enough for you?

Delete my account and get me off this

I quit I quit I quit I quit I quit I quit I quit I quit I quit !!!
There are plenty of jobs you can do with epilepsy.
What type of epilepsy have you been diagnosed with?
My son has photosensitive epilepsy and cerbral palsy ataxia and can do most things an able bodied person can do don't let epilepsy stop you working and getting on with your life

catboy said:
Too Hard Too Hard Too Hard Too Hard I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It I Can't Do It
Why The Xxxx Does Stupid Buttface4 Ugly Dam Society Keep Expecting Me To Do The Stuypid Shxx That I Cant Do!!!! Do You Jhear Me ??? Stool On You Society And All The Xxxx You Stand For!!!! Xxxx You I Hate You!!!!! Uyp Yours Stupid Uygly Nose With A Big Turd From Your Stupid Poopy Ugly Farty Butthole You Stupid Head!!!!! I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You I Hate You And Stool On You And You Will Be Smashed Like A Ghrasshoppeer So Stool And Poop On You Yuckface Farty Buttface!!!!!! Bad Health To You!!!! I Can't Be Who The Hell You Htink I Shood Be So Go To Hell And Hjust Burn In Hell Because I Can't Do It So Xxxx You!!!!!!!!!! Go To Hell!!!!!!!

You are not disabled you are delusional get off your arse and stop disrespecting real disabled people my ****ing 8 year old puts you to shame you sick ****.

I was somewhat understanding of your supposed condition until you proved to me that you are just a ****ed up scumbag who is doing nothing but take the piss out of real disabled people your posts are consitant with somebody who is constantly tripping not somebody with epilepsy.