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  1. P

    What the **** is this?

    You got my site into legal trouble over a Twitter feud that had nothing to do with me, doxxed my entire family, stalked my Facebook profile to find unflattering pictures and post them whenever you could, wrote letters to my hometown's police commissioner over the content of my site (which was...
  2. P

    What the **** is this?

    ChrisM = Fat **** m8
  3. P

    What the **** is this?

    You left out the part about how I had to disable image posts for guests because you were stalking me on Facebook and posting pictures of my family you fat ****ing autist. Why don't you focus on ruining this site instead for a while?
  4. P

    What the **** is this?

    This isn't The Suckage. The true successor to Sucks 500 is, who the **** resurrected this shitty dump?
  5. P

    What Happened Dems?

    I have no idea what's going on in this thread but the government needs to stop spending so much money.
  6. P

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