Search results

  1. masterchief2001

    How to pronounce Xero

    Yeah. It Just like a z.
  2. masterchief2001

    What do you think about Collision course and when do you think anew album comes out

    Yeah. They totally screwed that song up.
  3. masterchief2001

    what countries ???

    Japan Australia and.... can't think of anything.
  4. masterchief2001

    A perfect murder

    There is no such thing as the perfect . You may get away with it for the better part of your life but you will get caught
  5. masterchief2001

    Team Ryouko

    Team Ryouko practices a kung fu style known as XSD (extreme self defense) the video is a demo video.
  6. masterchief2001

    Team Ryouko

    I'M BAAACK!! anywho i have a website for you. go to and tell me what you think. L8r.
  7. masterchief2001

    Dark Army

    Are you guys stupid. First off, no. we aren't going to do it litteraly, two you'd be shot down immediately if you tried to kill bush. three, there is already a second in command, and three, what part of take over world and other planets don't you get!!!
  8. masterchief2001

    Dark Army

    For all those who are bugging the hell out of me, the dark army is an elite organization destined to take over the world and other planets.
  9. masterchief2001

    Dark Army

    Who wants to be part of the dark army. Just give me your name and what you want to do?
  10. masterchief2001

    meeting s online.

    I'm not stalking her. If you want, i can even show you the original e-mail.
  11. masterchief2001

    meeting s online.

    Yeah. I just need to know, what do you do when you haven't met a and yet you have her phone number and you know where she lives, and you know her high school?
  12. masterchief2001


    I got a xanga going on. it's it's a little messed up at the moment because they decided to upgrade my subscription to premium and the background is a little messed up. but check out mine and my other friends xanga's sign the guest book and all that stuff...