what countries ???


Aug 21, 2004
behind the avatar
what countries u dream of visiting it or living there ??

here are mine:
1- England : it's my 1st thought when i think about living abroad :thumbsup:
2- canada: i dunno why i imagine it as an empty snowy land .. maybe cuz its very huge and there are only 40 mills there.
3-australia: maybe similer to canada
4-scotland: dunno why !!!
the US, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Brazil, The Faroe Islands and more but I can't remember any now
I live in New York now.

I dream of going to

Arizona- Chester used to live their, my uncle lives there, Ive been there once and I loved it, and thats where I am going to get my tattoos from(if i get any at all)

California- That is where lp live and do the most concerts

Australia- I just love the country. Its nice and warm, ppl say the locals are real nice, and Sydney is just cool

England- Its supposed to be really cool up there, the weather might be cold but its still should be fun there

Japan- I want to go there and recieve some intense one on one martial arts and sword training. I would also be able to look at all the new and cool electronics there

one more

Germany- the autobahn, german girls(all the girls from those countries are hot :D except japan) and the autobahn, did i say the autobahn?
Can I include states as well? :)

Well I've already been to part of Spain so that's crossed off my list for now. Or near the bottom anyway :)

My no1 choice would be to go the states! Yesss, America lol =) I love peoples accents there *I've said this a zillion times anyway >.<* and I just really wanna go lol.
So America would be first. Preferably New York or Florida :) New York because it's the bestest city/state in the world in my opinion lol, and Florida *Not because of the hurricanes!*, it seems gorgeous from what I hear and I would just love to see wild dolphins and beaches and nice whether for once.
After that, I wanna go to California, LA, Texas, North & South Carolina and umm... all the other states lol.

I also want to go Japan :) I just wanna see how the city really looks like and their technology and stuff.

I would also like to go to Australia. It's suppose to be lovely and hot there with awesome beaches and stuff. I've always wanted to see a kangaroo and a koala bear too lol.

Then there's France, Canada, Egypt. The list goes on lol.
Friðbjörn said:
the US, Holland, Denmark, Germany, Japan, China, Russia, Brazil, The Faroe Islands and more but I can't remember any now

wooo you want to visit Holland? :D
maybe you can visit me then :p

i really want to go to england and America!
mostly i want to go to America,... to LA... gnegne
LP lives there :D not only for that reason... also because of the great beaches and the city
all you people talking about visiting the US, i think its cool because im from the US and its awesome to hear ppl from different country's/continents interested in it and how these forums are worldwide....very cool
pprkuttheory said:
all you people talking about visiting the US, i think its cool because im from the US and its awesome to hear ppl from different country's/continents interested in it and how these forums are worldwide....very cool
Well im from england, and i would love to go there
pprkuttheory said:
all you people talking about visiting the US, i think its cool because im from the US and its awesome to hear ppl from different country's/continents interested in it and how these forums are worldwide....very cool
same for me just insert the word canada in where us is on ur post :D
I would absolutely love to go to Japan :D I have a lot of traveling to do around Europe: France, Italy, England, Scotland and (why not? lol) Ireland and the north and east of Europe. I'd like to go the USA and visit some states, don't know which ones for sure though, New York would be a city I'd love to visit. I used to watch lots of travelling tv shows and I had a mental list of lots of places to visit, but now it seems they're all gone from my head lol my memory sucks sometimes, damn it :(