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  1. omega552003


    Congratulations on the ****up of the year award.
  2. omega552003


    ;) i rest my case
  3. omega552003

    Should Marijuana be legalised?

    You can die from too much marajuana, its called carbon monoxide asphixiation (choke on smoke happens a lot in structure fires) Marajuana is fine in moderation, hell its safer than cigarettes (in long term health) But If marajuana was leagalized guess what, the govenrment would sick its caock...
  4. omega552003


    anger issues? no i punch people just fine.
  5. omega552003


    The biggest peice of liberal horse **** to fall out of Berkley's ass and splash back. First it was a college band, then it became a "punk" band, after that they tried pop, and scored big with dookie and nimrod. now they seem to play the emo fag role. I swear this band switches ideals more...
  6. omega552003

    What song are you listening to? vol. 2

    Lewis Black - Rules of Enragment - Who's ****ing Who
  7. omega552003


    Hey **** YOU i hope that little bitch worm in your ass squirms at night. any ways hi again.
  8. omega552003

    Bootlegs I Need

    lol i live 20 miles from modesto, CA this musta been a long time ago cuz thats the last time they went there was right after one step was released.
  9. omega552003

    (beware!) omega's journal.

    where the **** is my bandana? its the red one with gangsta **** all over it.
  10. omega552003

    (beware!) omega's journal.

    Whoa i got scared shitless when i saw this thread, apprently its not about me so alls hell.
  11. omega552003


    My reputation on this board is **** still!
  12. omega552003


    **** goddamn what the ****, i though this thread died on the 60th anneversy of hiroshima.
  13. omega552003


    60 years ago, on August 6, 1945 120000 people lost there lives instantly to the first atomic weapon used in war. About 100000 would die later on from various effects from radiation poisoning, to severe burns. Happy brithday
  14. omega552003

    Members Pictures 6.0

    Doesn't matter ill take both.
  15. omega552003


    Do you do it? I know a lot of chicks do it. I want to know why. I promise not to be a ****tard, unless i get a ****tard.
  16. omega552003

    Anime And LP

    anime= mainly asian thecno= mainly asian linkin park = mainly asian (even the white ones)
  17. omega552003

    i am new, introduce yourself to me!

    he blows more **** out of his mouth than i do!
  18. omega552003

    The most addicitve website ever!

    it would be funny if she ripped apart, make breaking sounds, you know like every one else on the internet. oh there needs to be a rocketlauncher, definently a rockelauncher.
  19. omega552003

    Woah, I'm an adult?

    Buy some cigars the smoke them like cigarettes, be sure to drag extra hard for me ok?
  20. omega552003

    the how you feelin thread

    take extra asprin