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  1. Blood_Brothers

    My LP Desktops

    Hey guys I havn't been on here for ages, but I've decied to see what other people think of my LP art work and you guys would possibly be the only people that I'd prefer to judge my art. I've decied that I've only uploaded my best 2 LP desktops. I've done these both in photoshop Linkin Park...
  2. Blood_Brothers

    Is Linkin-inside dead?

    NOOOOO! Can't be true! I havn't got all the songs by Grey Daze! Does anyone know where I can get the rest of their songs from?
  3. Blood_Brothers

    It's Snowing!!!!

    I don't get any snow in South Australia. Well if I do I have to go really far. :(
  4. Blood_Brothers

    What Happened With Linkin-inside???

    dosn't work for me either. I don't think it's worked for anyone. Hopefully it's back up soon.
  5. Blood_Brothers

    Anyone here from Australia?

    YEAH OTHER AUSSIES! I knew there'd be some a few.
  6. Blood_Brothers

    and one vs. my december

    And One all the way. My December is good but I think it's a bit slow.
  7. Blood_Brothers

    How old are you??

    14. and I noticed that alot of people that use LPF are around that age.
  8. Blood_Brothers

    Anyone here from Australia?

    As the title sugests. Anyone here from Australia? but to be more specific, Anyone here from South Australia?
  9. Blood_Brothers

    Battlestar Galactica - Anyone watch it?

    Man I must be the only person who's heard of and watches this show. I love it. Just curious if anyone's seen the originals?
  10. Blood_Brothers

    I am starting a 5 word story...

    dressed as a giant duck
  11. Blood_Brothers

    Who is Linkin Park more popular with?

    Thanks for all the replies guys. I wasn't expecting as many responses :thumbsup: thanks guys. I'm male by the way. It looks like males seem to be out numbering females in this pole, but personaly I think that LP is more popular with girls or thats just the way it apears.
  12. Blood_Brothers

    Who is Linkin Park more popular with?

    I've been wondering lately if Linkin Park is more popular with girls than guys. So could anyone that reads this say if they're a guy or a girl? I wanted to do I poll but I don't know how. Could someone tell me, so I can put a poll with this thread so it's easier to figure if LP is more...