What Happened With Linkin-inside???

diegoc13 said:
Some One Tell Me What´s Wrong With Linkin-inside... I Can´t Enter That Web... Pleaseeee Tell Me That´s Not True.

Probably taken offline temporarily. Seen it happen before... Just keep checking back. :)
yeah i guess that's it
maybe it's site maintenance....i guess.....it doesn't work for me either
Um, yea.... Linkin-Inside is still dead for me too...

as well as chestersings.com is screwed up and nothing works on it. :eek:

By the way, this dosent belong in Video Talk...
MOVED! :thumbsup:
it wouldnt suprise me, the way he was going, if warner told him to take it all down

CS isnt working fully cause the owner is hooked on WOW

LPC the site to perhaps replace it comming soon :p
seriously I have like half a bootleg that I need to finish downloading from Linkin-inside. meh I hate it when all the sites go down at once. it drives me nuts any one know where some other download sites are?
Pheonix791989 said:
seriously I have like half a bootleg that I need to finish downloading from Linkin-inside. meh I hate it when all the sites go down at once. it drives me nuts any one know where some other download sites are?

Yah, whats up with that?!?!! :rolleyes:
it has to be a conspiracy or something. even my brothers site for downloading bootlegs is down. Since hes in Iraq he cant fix it till he gets home. it sucks. I think that the ppl in the reccord companies know that we are downloading and want it to stop. oh well
I dont know why they would have a problem with it though... since most of these places just have bootlegs and demos and things up for dl. The record companies cant make any money off these things anyway and its not like these sites are profiting from it. :rolleyes:
i can see that particular part being the problem because of money (notice how its all about the money??) but like sumone said up there (dont know who) but most of it is stuff they cant sell
Pheonix791989 said:
i can see that particular part being the problem because of money (notice how its all about the money??) but like sumone said up there (dont know who) but most of it is stuff they cant sell

He did have basically every piece of media they could sell up though, and that of other artists from other albums.