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  1. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    Just remembered Monday is Memorial Day so they'll be sent Tuesday. I have all the info for everyone, so we're set. Azem---Did you write your sig? Awesome stuff.
  2. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    I got it and I don't mind sending it to Germany. Dark, if you could PM it by Monday I'll send yours that day too.
  3. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    I didn't notice the PMs....sorry. Let me check them right now.
  4. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    Can everyone PM me their info by Monday? I'll stop by the post office to buy more stamps and send them off then. Try to PM me by Monday. All of you (that have posted here as of now) can PM me and I'll figure out how to divide it between everyone. I only have 10 cell stickers and three album...
  5. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    That includes you, Jeezy, if you still want some. _de(\)emy_, Hyper, Jeezy , If you can PM me the info I can send them out (I'll be sending you each 3 cell stickers and one album cover sticker). That's all I have left from the VP. Dark Collision, I'll have one...
  6. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    Don't worry! I can divide it out even more if that's okay with everyone. I can send three sets (three cell stickers each and one album cover sticker---I only have three left of those so I can only do three people). Sound great? If Dark Collision wants one, I can send the extra cell sticker...
  7. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    Here it is. I decided to post it in a new message without the others in it and it uploaded right away.
  8. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    Let me get one and scan'll take a few minutes so don't leave. I'll edit this post to show the pic in a few minutes. I'm going to try again b/c it's taking way too long. Just a few more minutes so I can scan it again. :D Okay....for some reason I'm having major trouble...
  9. P

    Fort Minor Cell Stickers free

    Does anyone that DOES NOT have any Fort Minor stuff like to have some FM cell phone stickers? I have some left from my VP a few weeks ago(I only have 10, so I'll send 5 to two different people PLUS one FM Album Cover Sticker to each person as well---I have a couple of those left too...
  10. P

    Doesn't everyone want FM to win?

    Well, first and foremost, I could care less about any of you or what you think (especially whether you believe me about my account---it could be looked up, you know. I mean, why would I want to lie about an account here? LOL). Second, I would imagine being a fan of someone would make you want...
  11. P

    Doesn't everyone want FM to win?

    Banned?!!! HAHA If I were banned, why would I create a new account here-----at this forum????!!!!!!!!!!! I'm on the Street Teams---the forums that actually matter. I came here for two reasons with a new account. 1-Because I want FM to win (I'm on the Street Team therefore I promote...
  12. P

    Doesn't everyone want FM to win?

    Like you??? How immature you are. I've actually been a member for a very long time at this forum. This is a new account I decided to open with my new computer. Ironically, I know who you are and I've been very nice to you at past times (for some reason). I guess I'm the only person that...
  13. P

    Doesn't everyone want FM to win?

    Really? Gee.....I live in the US and I know about it......
  14. P

    Doesn't everyone want FM to win?

    I'm obviously talking about the MTV ASIA AWARDS What else would I be talking about? They're only nominated for one thing (remember the post I made awhile back?). Since many don't know what I'm talking about you obviously aren't voting. Hence reinforcing the fact that...
  15. P

    Doesn't everyone want FM to win?

    Fort Minor went down a little (now below 40%). If people aren't voting, they'll lose. I usually vote at least an hour if not more each day. They're going to stop showing the results in a couple weeks, but you have to keep voting until the absolute last day. I bet that's when the other people...
  16. P

    Chester a proud father

    Jaime is Chesters Stepson. He has to be. Why would he never mention Jaime if he was his father before? Why would he just mention Draven? He has to be his Stepson. PS---Hahninator (SP??)--Just because you don't think it's true doesn't make it NOT true. I don't understand why you keep posting...
  17. P


    I have two pairs of Linkin Park earrings----one is black and has LP in white (the P backwards, etc) and the other pair is red and has the soldier. I bought them at a rock merch store, so if you just look around, you'll find some! PS---Whoever said something about "LP earrings?" like it was...
  18. P

    Vote FM MTV Asia Awards

    I didn't see any posts about Fort Minor being up for an award at the MTV Asia Awards so I thought I'd mention it. You can go to and vote for FORT MINOR in the BREAKTHROUGH ARTIST AWARD. If you want to visit the site in ENGLISH, you must go to the SINGAPORE link. Fort...
  19. P

    Update on Cashmere(Sam, Chester's ex)

    I didn't read all the comments, but the "whore" comment made me mad. That's how dancers dress (like the ***** Cat Dolls). I get so tired of people calling women whores when men are worse (which could mean that men are whores). I'm happy for Samantha. AND it doesn't mean she's using "Chesters...