$1 billion Yankee Stadium

Cyro said:
Let a guy who actually lives closer to the Yankees' stadium, and has been in it comment. ;)

The older stadium was fine, it was historic and had a great nostalgic presense to it.

Buffalo, New York is where I'm from... Erie County.. and Erie County is in so much debt, that we can bearly afford to pay our teachers to teach the kids. The county budget is out of wack, and its taking so long to fix o_O

Our mayor and the wonderful Governor mentioned in the article (I met him before unfortunatly) called out to Albany (capital of NY) for funds to help fix the budget, and they refused. Then they build this stadium!?

Now thats complete and total bullshit!!

God that is so stupid I hate when dumb things happen like this.
Indeed what an outrage o_0

It was like Manchester spending like what? £1.5 milllion of tax money building a massive stupid spiky structure that was meant to shine different colours depending on where the light hit it to attract visitors. Yeah, more like it turned into a rusty pile of brown spikes (Due to the rain of course) and one of the spikes falling onto a pretty busy road :|

Sometimes, the government really do need to get their priorities straight.

It's like me... buying the same pair of jeans TWICE =O Ok sorry bad example :) But basically, yeah, what a waste! The outrage!!!
o0SugaxNxSpice0o said:
Indeed what an outrage o_0

It was like Manchester spending like what? £1.5 milllion of tax money building a massive stupid spiky structure that was meant to shine different colours depending on where the light hit it to attract visitors. Yeah, more like it turned into a rusty pile of brown spikes (Due to the rain of course) and one of the spikes falling onto a pretty busy road :|

Sometimes, the government really do need to get their priorities straight.

It's like me... buying the same pair of jeans TWICE =O Ok sorry bad example :) But basically, yeah, what a waste! The outrage!!!
LMFAO about Manchester structure :D
yea wakka
new stadiums attract people
always do
no diffrence here
specially seeing as though its with the yankees
Poor economy is based on the buisness run in NYC
they somewhat monopolize everything
New stadium new features more popcorn guys and janitors
more taxes that goes to the economy bigger budgets
better education
pay raises for higher maintenence
contracters to amintain bueaty
its less of an eyesore
livens up the city
attracts people becuase it gets a name for being home to such a big thing
regardless if people watch baseball or not
if you think so dully obviously you wont see benifets.
obviously they wouldnt waste money on a new stadium unless they new benifets would occur last thing politicians want is less votes come november
If the people want this stadium, they would build it themselves. This stadium is just a ****ing photo op, and a money maker for the Yankees. The Yankees dont give a crap about thier fans, and the politicians dont give a crap about the people.

Some things never change.
azemkamikaze03 said:
yea wakka
new stadiums attract people
always do
no diffrence here
specially seeing as though its with the yankees
Poor economy is based on the buisness run in NYC
they somewhat monopolize everything
New stadium new features more popcorn guys and janitors
more taxes that goes to the economy bigger budgets
better education
pay raises for higher maintenence
contracters to amintain bueaty
its less of an eyesore
livens up the city
attracts people becuase it gets a name for being home to such a big thing
regardless if people watch baseball or not
if you think so dully obviously you wont see benifets.
obviously they wouldnt waste money on a new stadium unless they new benifets would occur last thing politicians want is less votes come november

Of course, tourists will still come, but not because of a new stadium. "Oh look, a new Yankee stadium, let's catch a flight to New York to see it." No freakin' way.

Also, did you know that there will be LESS seating available? Meaning LESS customers. Meaning LESS maintenance to tend to their needs. Meaning less economic growth than the old stadium. Case and point.

You don't know much about economy. Tax-cuts lead to progress in the economy, not tax increases. (basic Reaganomics, duh) People have more money to spend and spend their extra money on consumer products and domestic attractions, such as a ball game! More general money flow, economy goes up.

You'd be surprised what half-witted politicians with a surplus of money will do to the places they're running. See the Manchester example above.
If there are no tax increases then that means you wont get taxcuts(in the future). I was going to say touche' but I held back. Mainly becuase it's new they are going to be anal about it being clean. Ever had a new car? First few months you wont let anyone touch it.

Gotta earn money before you can start giving brother.