10/15/07 Toons+

Pookie wrote:
> "NAVY CORPSMAN" <Navy@navy.COM> wrote in message
> news:QZednXLVdbXG4IbanZ2dnUVZ_jidnZ2d@warpdrive.net...
>>Pookie wrote:
>>>"CB" <CB@PrayForMe.com> wrote in message
>>>>"Pookie" <pookie18323@optonline.net> wrote in message
>>>>>"Adversary" <Adversary@yermom.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>"Pookie" <pookie18323@optonline.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>>"Adversary" <Adversary@yermom.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>"Pookie" <pookie18323@optonline.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>"Adversary" <Adversary@yermom.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>our tax money continues to be used to fund the whole sale slaughter
>>>>>>>>>>of women and children while not securing our country and not
>>>>>>>>>>bringing to justice those whom infringed upon us. The Bush Reich
>>>>>>>>>>has broken the law of the land in the name of security. They have
>>>>>>>>>>wiped their asses with the document that ensures your freedom and
>>>>>>>>>>Yet you post cartoons.
>>>>>>>>>>You cant defend the Reich with words, so you post more cartoons.
>>>>>>>>>>Please. Hang yourself.
>>>>>>>>>POS ladies first...
>>>>>>>>Funny, you support a Reich that seeks to destabolize the country and
>>>>>>>>the world and ignores the law of the land and I am the POS. You
>>>>>>>>support a Reichthat has caused countless lives and suffering. Yet I
>>>>>>>>am the POS. I bring up points and you counter them with cartoons. Yet
>>>>>>>>I am the POS. You are a coward who feels that it is fine to sacrifice
>>>>>>>>liberty and privacy for security. Yet I am the POS. To your Riech the
>>>>>>>>constitution is just a piece of paper; its laws mean nothing. Yet I
>>>>>>>>am the POS.
>>>>>>>>The Reich, and its supporters, should be lined up along a trench and
>>>>>>>>shot for high crimes against the state and treason. Your bodies
>>>>>>>>should be covered with dirt and then paved over as parking lots and
>>>>>>>>forgotten. You are the enimies of freedom; it is YOU/THEY WHO HATES
>>>>>>>>OUR FREEDOM and attack it at every oppertunity.
>>>>>>>>It is better to be free and starving than caged and well fed... Tread
>>>>>>>>on me and die... These are nobel ideals laid down by our forefathers.
>>>>>>>>Your Reich shits on them. Yet I am the POS?
>>>>>>>We agree, you are a POS...
>>>>>>Please, try to counter points of view. You never answer with anything
>>>>>>of substance.
>>>>>You write NOTHING of substance...
>>>>A picture tell a thousand words...
>>>A video worth 1,000+

>>Pookie as always a Job Well Done,,, Keep up the good work of exposing the
>>mindless demokrats for what they are.
>>Please, Please keep posting the daily cartoons.
>>A American..

> Long time no hear, NAVY CORPSMAN!!
> It'll be my pleasure to keep on keepin' on ;-)

I have had some kind of fever for the last week. I did not have a chance
to go on line till today.
Keep up the good work and don't let the commie liberals discourage you
in any way. There are a lot of Swifties enjoying your labor daily...
"NAVY CORPSMAN" <Navy@navy.COM> wrote in message
> Pookie wrote:
>> "NAVY CORPSMAN" <Navy@navy.COM> wrote in message
>> news:QZednXLVdbXG4IbanZ2dnUVZ_jidnZ2d@warpdrive.net...
>>>Pookie wrote:
>>>>"CB" <CB@PrayForMe.com> wrote in message
>>>>>"Pookie" <pookie18323@optonline.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>"Adversary" <Adversary@yermom.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>"Pookie" <pookie18323@optonline.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>"Adversary" <Adversary@yermom.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>"Pookie" <pookie18323@optonline.net> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>"Adversary" <Adversary@yermom.com> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>our tax money continues to be used to fund the whole sale
>>>>>>>>>>>slaughter of women and children while not securing our country
>>>>>>>>>>>and not bringing to justice those whom infringed upon us. The
>>>>>>>>>>>Bush Reich has broken the law of the land in the name of
>>>>>>>>>>>security. They have wiped their asses with the document that
>>>>>>>>>>>ensures your freedom and liberty.
>>>>>>>>>>>Yet you post cartoons.
>>>>>>>>>>>You cant defend the Reich with words, so you post more cartoons.
>>>>>>>>>>>Please. Hang yourself.
>>>>>>>>>>POS ladies first...
>>>>>>>>>Funny, you support a Reich that seeks to destabolize the country
>>>>>>>>>and the world and ignores the law of the land and I am the POS. You
>>>>>>>>>support a Reichthat has caused countless lives and suffering. Yet I
>>>>>>>>>am the POS. I bring up points and you counter them with cartoons.
>>>>>>>>>Yet I am the POS. You are a coward who feels that it is fine to
>>>>>>>>>sacrifice liberty and privacy for security. Yet I am the POS. To
>>>>>>>>>your Riech the constitution is just a piece of paper; its laws mean
>>>>>>>>>nothing. Yet I am the POS.
>>>>>>>>>The Reich, and its supporters, should be lined up along a trench
>>>>>>>>>and shot for high crimes against the state and treason. Your bodies
>>>>>>>>>should be covered with dirt and then paved over as parking lots and
>>>>>>>>>forgotten. You are the enimies of freedom; it is YOU/THEY WHO HATES
>>>>>>>>>OUR FREEDOM and attack it at every oppertunity.
>>>>>>>>>It is better to be free and starving than caged and well fed...
>>>>>>>>>Tread on me and die... These are nobel ideals laid down by our
>>>>>>>>>forefathers. Your Reich shits on them. Yet I am the POS?
>>>>>>>>We agree, you are a POS...
>>>>>>>Please, try to counter points of view. You never answer with anything
>>>>>>>of substance.
>>>>>>You write NOTHING of substance...
>>>>>A picture tell a thousand words...
>>>>A video worth 1,000+
>>>Pookie as always a Job Well Done,,, Keep up the good work of exposing the
>>>mindless demokrats for what they are.
>>>Please, Please keep posting the daily cartoons.
>>>A American..

>> Long time no hear, NAVY CORPSMAN!!
>> It'll be my pleasure to keep on keepin' on ;-)

> I have had some kind of fever for the last week. I did not have a chance
> to go on line till today.
> Keep up the good work and don't let the commie liberals discourage you in
> any way. There are a lot of Swifties enjoying your labor daily...

Glad you're doing better! Not discouraged in the least. Great to hear that
some Swifties are checkin' it out!!!