100 Reasons! YES! 100 reasons why LPF Is The Best LP Forum In The World!


New member
22. But even if your english isn't fluent, we'll still catch the drift of what you're saying... We're all so highly intelligent :D


New member
20. Because you find reeeeeaaaaalllly good friends...
and I add (so, it would be the 23th reason) that with them you can know what a tomato feels!! :D

(they're always saying nice things to you)



New member
25. LPF is the only forum that has 1001 official reasons to join it!!! :D
hahaha, can you tell me all these reasons? :D (well, I know one reason for you is... actually, it starts by M and the final is by E... a good reason, very good and hot too, can you guess it?:thumbsup: )



New member
33. Cause you can be as random as you want >_>

If theirs already a reason like that than,

You can laugh at idiots who join only to diss linkin park -.-;



New member
36. LPF is the best forums because we really don't believe the above statement or we would all be having cyber *** now!


New member
37. FireHawk and I are ultimate at making reasons and contradicting them and taking up two reasons because of that. So, if you join, you get to meet us.


New member
38. This is the best forum because of the above reason of why it is the best a forum and the above reason is true.

[You also get to sign your life over to us]

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