1001 Pranks to paly on your friends


New member
20. Shave your friends pubs while he/she is asleep and then tape onto his face

I can't get courage to do it...



New member
23. Plan a prank with your friend on another friend and tell your accomplice to meet you at 3 AM in the morning on your friend's lawn. Then don't come.


New member
30. When you're in a public area, and your friend's trying to talk to you, pretend you don't know them and make them seem like a weirdo talking to strangers.


New member
32. When your in a long line (for example in line for a roller coaster) shout "What?! Long lines make you *****?!"

Chelsea x Horror

New member
33, Kinda tricky but ALWAYS works. when you're out with your friends at a fast food place, when you notice their drink getting low (best if you sit away from the drink station) offer to fill it up. Take your drink and your friends to the drinks tation which is usually next to the condiments station. Open up a hotsauce (or ketchup/mustard etc etc) only the corner. Try to make the cut very small, only big enough to fit a straw into (catching on??) fill their drink up, p;ace the straw so it fits snuggly inside the sauce packet and put them both in the drink. They will never know and when they go to take a drink they will drink nothing but pure sauce!!




New member
34. Break their vase or plate or whatever on purpose, superglue every single piece back together, and give it to them.

Credit to Mr Hahn


Scotty B

New member
35. when in a supermarket ask to use the tannoy and get a member of staff to put an announcement out over the shop saying "Would MR [name] [surname] please come to the front as your mother is here with your pink lunch box and math home work thank you"


New member
36. (I stole this of Kenny Vs Spenny) Write a letter from the govournment or whatever that says that someone that they had unprotected *** with has tested posative to HIV.
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