2-d, 3-d... 10-d?

That's pretty amazing.
Especially the tenth dimension.

I often thought about what else is there after the universe.
And now, I know.

So basically, what they're trying to say here, is that it's possible to turn back time, using the 6th or 7th dimension?
Mad4lp said:
0, a dot, 10 a dot...
AH ha! I have now found evidence that we begin at the end! lol, sorry. I had too much sugar today... Uh hum... anyways.
That was very interesting, especially that part talking about folding the demensions and such. Now we know how Homer Simspson got into the real world. *starts thinking of the Simpson's re-make of a Twilight Zone episode*
my god, that was absolutely fascninating... i tend to get kind of excited about phsyics/time/space/dimensions, etc etc. i'm amazed i actually understood every bit of that.

i had no idea there were so many dimensions, but it all makes sense, perfectly and simply. 10th dimension... man, it's blowing my mind right now. :D
I don't know, I don't think I would want to go back in time to try to fix my life. Because if I could, and did, I wouldn't be able to live through that life, so it's pointless.
Well esentailly all this is is a thinker I mean technically theres nothing to special about it so I mean chyea....i feel like i wasted my time or something lol

maybe he was sayin the 11th dimension must be some sort of after life