2 term limit under fire !!

phreakwars said:

Another term with Bush ??

Hell noooo !!!

But looks like some guys are trying to increase the term..

I guess I would be for it, if the leader had proven himself worthy, but then again, change is always a good thing in my eyes... it keeps government corruption ..... just a HAIR lower.

If they cannot accomplish their goals in 2 years (or even the max of 4 years) then what the hell good are they?

Bush is a war criminal and needs to be treated as such...banished out of this country....
Not just for Bush, but hell no for any president. Arnold jut wants to change the 22nd amendment so he can throw in any body can run for president clause. You know he wants to be president!
**** that.
No matter who it is, the two term limit was set up for a reason. It keeps any one man party or administration from gaining an overwhelming power over the govt and works to keep the govt in check and teh people in power. I believe it was roosevelt (I could be wrong I suck at names and dates in history) who was granted an extended term because of teh situation the country was in with the war. FOrtunately we no longer need to go there because of technology and teh ability to have votes counted (OK even I have to laugh at that) and a transition created that wil not make the country vulnerable
NAZI ******* !!

Lets examine this shall we... Wants to be president, wants to allow more then 2 terms in office.... Oh yeah. ****ing IMPERIAL ARNOLD !!! Bout as bad as socialist commie ******* Bush and his DO AWAY WITH THE CONSTITUTION bunch.
Accually yah it was Roosevelt with the whole 2 twerm thing but if i'm not mistaken it was put in BECAUSE of him, that he had held power for too long and the ppl still hadn't tossed him out. It was fear that one man with such power would become a dictaator so they tossed in a 2 term limit after him.

If the power of the president was more restricted then I'ld say let em in for however long, but the Executive has (in my opinion) too much power on a regular bases in the US system. Sure our Prime Minister can stay in for however long but the ultimate oiwer lays with the members of legislature. (But we have party dicipline which suks ass, but speeds things up, and our Senate has literally NO power)
Honestly! Sometimes 1 term can be way too long. Most people either completely despise Bush or they completely support him. I just don't give a **** either way. He's not that great of a leader though. We need change because it keeps things from getting too far on either side. You can't have 1 Republican or Democrat in office for more than 2 terms, it messes **** up bad enough as it is.
I feel if you are going to keepin place a two term limit on the president, you need to enact one for the Senate and the House! Alot of those kooks need to be outta there!

No more than two terms for President.....with our luck, Hillary will be the next moron to run this country.....you don't want her in there more than eight years! :eek: