
its been real
Mar 8, 2006
South Africa
so here we are...
Still 2008 for me, haha
2008 has been an eventful year for the world, and myself.
Hope in 2009 everyone will just settle down a bit more and I'll end up getting around to clean up my room. :D
Happy New Year everyone!

2008 was really good to me. It was a really good year. Dont think 2009 can compare to the changes 2008 had, but I hope I can have just as many good memories by the time 2010 rolls around.

And I had a really bizzare, but really enjoyable night tonight. :)
lol things are gonna change this year. Some for the better (like me school and things with my boyfriend) some for the worse (like my parents and the new administration in the white house.) theres gonna be a lot of praying this year
I had the best night! Just properrr bladdered like!
2008 was mint, I'm sad to see it go, it has been my best year ever :] I've met the best friends, turned 18, got a job with the best workmates everrrr, and just had a generally good time!
Though, I've got a good feeling about 2009 too. It's gonna be a year of change, I'm going to be moving away for uni, which I'm excited for yet nervous about.. It's gonna be my most important and significant year yet.. but I'm ready for it, I'm gonna have alot of fun along the way :]
The best of times and the worst of times. I'm just glad 2008 is over. I'm ready to freakin' move on with 2009. Bring it.
this new years for me was in the top 5 for sure. well, mainly because for 18 years i have always done the same thing. every. year. this year i went to Georgia for a change. it was great

i hope 2009 brings change. i did some major growing up in 2008 and i plan to continue that maturing in 2009 and the years to come. i'm am all together excited and leery of what this next year brings as i have some big decisions to make, especially concerning the school deal. i've always been a 'fly by the seat of your pants' kind of girl, but that has gotten me in some deep doo doo in the past. so i hope to become more organized and serious about things. i'm not excited to see what president obama brings, but i know i'll have to live with it either way. that's about all i can say for 2009 right now, i reckon.