
Msixty said:
Scientists predict that around the years 2012-2013 the earth, sun, and center of the milky way (a tremendous ****ing black hole) will perfectly align, this only happens once every (i think) 25,800 years.

And you thought an eclipse was cool ;)

OH! i almost forgot, the scientists also say that this might cause the crust to roll around the core and mantle of the earth as the alignment shifts the poles causing nearly every volcano to erupt, massive earthquakes all over the world, the icecaps melting, flooding, and general climate shift and hell-on-earth.... also the Mayans, ancient Chinese (before Egypt) Merlin (not the king Arthur guy, but the same name and geographical location) and perhaps the holy bible, as well as many other 'oracles' of ancient times predict that in 2012-2013 the earth will be destroyed by nature.

so, are we ****ed? or is this just another Y2K scare and the year 2014 will be celebrated by a happy planet drunk on champaign?
Actually this occurs twice a year.
Since our galaxy is expanding I have serious doubts that anyone can state where the center of our galaxy is, It also seems highly improbable that the sun, earth and center of the galaxy would align at regular intervals.
RoyalOrleans said:

1. Did Colt and Armalite exist in ancient Palestine?

2. Jesus is NOT holding that M-16 right. It it discharged it would blow his face off.

3. He's also appears to be holding his pistol wigger-style

4. I also don't think pointing a pistol at a door point blank will do a lot of good
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Komrade Vostok Hazard said:
1. Did Colt and Armalite exist in ancient Palestine?

2. Jesus is NOT holding that M-16 right. It it discharged it would blow his face off.

3. He's also appears to be holding his pistol wigger-style

4. I also don't think pointing a pistol at a door point blank will do a lot of good

5. the M4 (NOT M16) is too big
NazzNegg2 said:
It does not have a colapsable stock

Yeas, it does.

NazzNegg2 said:
The sight appertures are missing

They are there, but too small and in a position to be blocked by the rest of the carry handle.

it's an M4A1 i think, hence the 20rnd mag and the carry handle instead of a proper Acog.
RoyalOrleans said:
Jesus should actually be holding an AK-47 or an Uzi 9mm.

JC was a Jew right?

He needs a TAR-21 and a Desert Eagle in .357

i bet he has a ****ing RPG under those cloths of his.
Msixty said:
Scientists predict that around the years 2012-2013 the earth, sun, and center of the milky way (a tremendous ****ing black hole) will perfectly align, this only happens once every (i think) 25,800 years.

And you thought an eclipse was cool ;)

OH! i almost forgot, the scientists also say that this might cause the crust to roll around the core and mantle of the earth as the alignment shifts the poles causing nearly every volcano to erupt, massive earthquakes all over the world, the icecaps melting, flooding, and general climate shift and hell-on-earth.... also the Mayans, ancient Chinese (before Egypt) Merlin (not the king Arthur guy, but the same name and geographical location) and perhaps the holy bible, as well as many other 'oracles' of ancient times predict that in 2012-2013 the earth will be destroyed by nature.

so, are we ****ed? or is this just another Y2K scare and the year 2014 will be celebrated by a happy planet drunk on champaign?

****, i have tennis practice that day. :(

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