3000th post

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New member
Yes, this is my 3000th post :D

I want to thank:

Cyro, for being the stupid fuckface you are. LOL jk. thanks for bootlegging toronto homie.

nkramar, for sharing everything as always

Ref, for all the fun tonight

Hybrid Soldier, for always being there when time calls and doing what's right

Vash, for still being my friend over all this time

edit: funny he said this RIGHT when I hit submit.

Teh Vashness: Happy 3k bro


Jon, even though he won't see this, for making plans for me to hang out not only with you but the entire FM band and crew + Bobo afterwards at the Atlanta 2-9-06 show <3

and lastly,

the geese in my front yard that fly over from the lake across the street just to **** in my yard and honk very loudly LOL

haha! Anyways, I've enjoyed my time on LPF and hope to still be here for as long as I can. I'll start back posting news again about the LP album =)



New member
lol yep

I remember in the summer all I'd do is sit and refresh LPF literally every like 30 seconds to check for new posts hehe


Hybrid Soldier

New member
I remember when we used to talk forver, back in the rc days, **** even the fort major days, and even earlier, the 1st fort major, when we started talking

good times man.



New member
Mark u theory is flawed :O Fort Minor isnt a hip hop band at all its a solo artist with lots of collabs =) And I wouldnt call them the best :O

Anyways congrats on the milestone of sorts, im getting there.

I hate mexico they where going to do something right then America scared them into not doing it, the UK media is saying how whipped Mexico are.... so actually i dont hate Mexico i hate america! america dont even deserve a capital letter anymore because they may see it as an act of terrorism n arrest me.

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