3d Linkin Park logo

So basically what does this program do, im curious. Im into film and all that and the word Cinema makes me think it does with movies, etc. Or is it like a 3D thing only?
I really like the first one but the first blue one really catches the eye - love the contrast of light and shadow and colour on the third (blue lying down) but the first grey one is so clean, crisp, neat - awesome job!
So basically what does this program do, im curious. Im into film and all that and the word Cinema makes me think it does with movies, etc. Or is it like a 3D thing only?

This is totally 3d program just like 3d studio max easy to use than others :)

thankx everyone u like it hehe :D
This is my first attempt on a 3D program. Cinema 4D.
i'll use this one in a wallpaper, soon i'll post here :p
Alrighty im lookin to experiment with some 3D stuff and it sounds interesting.

Cant wait for the wallpaper, def going on the desktop
Awesome! I started learning Autodesk Maya 2008. So I might try to make something similar for practice.

Autodesk Maya 2008 sounds good,most of the animators use maya for animation and they prefer desining a module in C4d or 3d studio max.

i m learning C4D just for making some cool grafic not for animation :p
for 3d animation u can use swift 3d as well or xara 3d ...