47 reasons to distance yourself from the Clintons

  • Thread starter robertrice@rogers.com
  • Start date
On Feb 17, 3:29 pm, robertr...@rogers.com wrote:

> Clinton is a known Satanist

If you have evidence, post it. Your claim is evidence that you are
extremely gullible. Please do us ALL a favor and don't vote or

nebbishnazi slamed down his mug of Kool-Aid and said:

"Not just 1, but 3 (yes more than 2, less than 4) OFFICIAL investigations
(including Starr's) ALL concluded the exact same thing which was that Foster
committed suicide. Yet you still have mindless dipshits like the previous
poster who still to this day have their thumb up their ass as they squeek
their pathetic bullshit. But once again the mindless dipshit poster known
simply as "Ralph" proves conclusively that a high percentage of dipshit
Reichtards are still fully willing to provide proof of their own idiocy by
parroting out silly bullshit which has been soundly debunked over, and over,
and over again..."

But, when put to to task, cannot supply one debunking to the following list
of Foster bunks. (Courtesy of DC Dave)

...." Why Foster's fingerprints weren't on the gun in his hand
a.. Why no bullets to the gun could be found in Foster's possession other
than the spent one and the unspent one in the revolver's cylinder
a.. Why the Park Police would officially conclude suicide, carried out with
the gun found in Foster's hand, two days before they sent the gun to be
tested to see not just if it had been fired or if it would produce powder
smudges, but even if it was actually operative
a.. Why no family members could positively identify the gun as belonging to
a.. How Foster's body came to be lying so curiously straight
a.. Why there was none of the blood and gore at the site which is typical of
such suicides
a.. Why Foster chose such an odd place for the deed
a.. Why Foster chose such a bad time. His sister Sharon was arriving from
Little Rock that day, with her daughter, and they were going to have lunch
in the White House the next day. In his last conversation with the younger
of his two sons he had discussed plans to buy a boat.
a.. Why Foster even bothered to come to work that day if he was planning to
kill himself
a.. How Foster could eat a hefty meal shortly before taking his own life
from depression
a.. Why the fatal bullet could not be located
a.. Why Foster's teeth were not chipped from the recoil of a revolver which
has a high front sight
a.. Why the police concluded suicide so readily
a.. Why the police apparently took none of the steps to rule out homicide
typically required in such violent death cases
a.. Why the police assigned as lead investigator someone who had never
before conducted a homicide investigation
a.. Why President Clinton concluded suicide so readily
a.. Why the president saw fit the day after the death, July 21, to retain
expensive criminal lawyer, David Kendall, who has the Washington Post as
another of his clients
a.. Why there were no Foster fingerprints on the note that had been torn
into 28 pieces
a.. How those who initially searched Foster's briefcase and proclaimed it
empty could have overlooked every one of the pieces of paper that later came
tumbling out when the briefcase was turned on its end
a.. Why no one at the Foster house the night he died could think of any
reason he would have committed suicide
a.. Why Lisa Foster told the investigating officer he had not been taking
any medication
a.. Why the family would have said with certainty that Foster was not being
treated for depression
a.. Why the toxicologist found no drugs in his system
a.. Why the note sounded so much more like the work of a high school
sophomore than it did like the writing of a polished litigator
a.. Why the family would be so concerned that the general public not see a
photocopy of the note, as opposed to the text of the note
a.. Why the police made no serious, objective effort to authenticate the
note, though they claimed they did
a.. Why no one saw Foster in the five hours between his departure from the
White House building proper (not the enclosed, secured White House compound)
and the discovery of his body
a.. Why there is no video record of Foster's departure from the White House
compound considering the extreme security-consciousness of the Secret
Service protectors of the facility
a.. Why the authorities could produce no records of the required
long-distance calls for the prescription of the anti-depressant
a.. Why the family doctor did not come forward immediately to tell of his
prescribing of the medication
a.. Why all the sources telling reporters of Foster's "depression" requested
a.. Why the Washington Post said initially that the list of psychiatrists
was found in Foster's office, but later said it was found in his wallet
when, each time, it was relying upon "official" sources
a.. Why it took several days for the existence of the list of psychiatrists
to be made public if it had been among the items found in Foster's car at
Fort Marcy Park that night. Weren't they expressly looking for indications
of a motive for suicide?
a.. Why the Post initially said there were two psychiatrists on the list,
which later turned into three
a.. Why the Post reported that police were turned away from the Foster house
the night of the death and were not able to interview the widow until nine
days later, when it was revealed almost a year later that the police were
not turned away and actually spent more than an hour interviewing family
members and White House staff members who were present
a.. Why the Post did not report what rescue workers saw when they discovered
the body
a.. Why no Foster schedule of appointments ever turned up
a.. Why Foster's personal telephone log never turned up
a.. Why the White House vigorously obstructed the death investigation by
failing to seal Foster's office, removing things from the office, and not
allowing police investigators even limited access to the office for more
than a day
a.. Why the White House attempted to justify these actions by invoking both
lawyer-client privilege and executive privilege even though Foster was not
the Clintons' personal attorney and the U.S. Park Police is in the executive
branch of government under the Department of Interior
a.. Why the press did not report this extraordinary invocation even though
it was made before the entire White House press corps by spokesperson Dee
Dee Myers on July 29, 1993..."

Then, when you finish explaining this list, some of us have some others.
Your evasion is so noted.

"Ralph" <nospam@noway.net> wrote in message
> robw <noddy093@comcast.net> wrote:
> > The Vince Foster event was investigated by Ken Starr.
> >
> > What were the findings???

> They found that the Clintons had so much political backing that they can
> get away with murder.
> > "Ralph" <nospam@noway.net> wrote in message
> > news:1icgp2t.meh0evnilh2mN%nospam@noway.net...
> > > Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names <PopUlist349@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > >
> > > > This "Clinton body count" **** has been shown to be pure myth and
> > > > nonsense time and again.
> > >
> > > All four agents killed at the raid at Waco, TX were ex-Bill Clinton

> > > guards. Vince Foster was a lawyer for the Clintons, involved of many

> > > their affairs going way back. Foster was even a childhood friend of

> > > Cliknton. He knew a lot of their dirty little secrets. The night Vince
> > > Foster died Whitehouse staff cleaned out his office. Even safe

> > > experts were called in to open Vince Foster's safe THAT NIGHT. Bill
> > > Clinton fired the head of the FBI the day before. Four hand writing
> > > experts found that his "suicide note" found torn up inside his office

> > > the whitehouse was a forgery. Whitehouse security had a record of

> > > entering the Whitehouse, but not leaving. Had Clinton been a

> > > the press would have eaten him alive. Instead they spun it as a

> > > attack while giving credit to Bill Clinton for what a Republican
> > > controlled Congres and Senate did.
> > >
> > > The best thing about the Clintons was a republican controlled congress
> > > and senate to keep them in check. We saw what Bill Clinton was like

> > > his party had control of congress and the senate in the first two

> > > of his presidency. The biggest tax increase in the history of the
> > > planet, ("i didn't say I wouldn't RAISE taxes on the middle class") an
> > > attempt to take over our nation's health care (Bill and Hillary took
> > > arkansas from 48th to 49th in our nation in health and health care),

> > > an attempt to disarm the American people (assault weapons made up a

> > > small percentage of weapons used to commit murder). I hate to think

> > > he would have done had he had democrats been in control of Congress

> > > the Senate for 8 years. Did you know that by the time the defense team
> > > for the survivors at Waco were allowed access to the site of the raid,
> > > the only thing left was a concrete slab; Usually they call that
> > > destruction of evidence which is a felony.
> > >
> > >

"Dicky Licky" <mrchuck@lst.net> wrote in message
> nebbishnazi slamed down his mug of Kool-Aid and said:
> "Not just 1, but 3 (yes more than 2, less than 4) OFFICIAL investigations
> (including Starr's) ALL concluded the exact same thing which was that
> Foster
> committed suicide. Yet you still have mindless dipshits like the previous
> poster who still to this day have their thumb up their ass as they squeek
> their pathetic bullshit. But once again the mindless dipshit poster known
> simply as "Ralph" proves conclusively that a high percentage of dipshit
> Reichtards are still fully willing to provide proof of their own idiocy by
> parroting out silly bullshit which has been soundly debunked over, and
> over,
> and over again..."
> But, when put to to task, cannot supply one debunking to the following
> list of Foster bunks. (Courtesy of DC Dave)

DC Dave?

You're shitting me, right?

Please tell me you're not that ****ing stupid. Nevermind, you obviously ARE
that ****ing stupid.

Oh geez, this is some funny ****.

First, Dicky Licky accuses someone else of drinking cool-aid, then he posts
some mindless **** from DC Dave.

TOO ****ING FUNNY!!!!!!!

> ..." Why Foster's fingerprints weren't on the gun in his hand

> Then, when you finish explaining this list, some of us have some others.

I have no doubt you do, Licky. Reichtards like you have an endless supply
of bullshit mongers, right-wing hack sites, and various other tin-foil hat
nonsense, and the more of it you post, the more you prove my point.

Have a nice day.
John <dahlgren.john@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Feb 17, 9:44 pm, nos...@noway.net (Ralph) wrote:
> > robw <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > > The Vince Foster event was investigated by Ken Starr.

> >
> > > What were the findings???

> >
> > They found that the Clintons had so much political backing that they can
> > get away with murder.

> But can't get away with a blow job... What's this world coming to?

Clinton threw the dog a bone by incriminating himself over that in order
get heat off of Whitewater and the Vince Foster murder. He knew that
going after him over something so trivial would be political poison. And
people's fuzzy logic would have them thinking that's the worst he did.
John <dahlgren.john@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Feb 17, 7:21 pm, nos...@noway.net (Ralph) wrote:
> > Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names <PopUlist...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > This "Clinton body count" **** has been shown to be pure myth and
> > > nonsense time and again.

> >
> > All four agents killed at the raid at Waco, TX were ex-Bill Clinton body
> > guards. Vince Foster was a lawyer for the Clintons, involved of many of
> > their affairs going way back. Foster was even a childhood friend of Bill
> > Cliknton. He knew a lot of their dirty little secrets. The night Vince
> > Foster died Whitehouse staff cleaned out his office. Even safe cracking
> > experts were called in to open Vince Foster's safe THAT NIGHT. Bill
> > Clinton fired the head of the FBI the day before. Four hand writing
> > experts found that his "suicide note" found torn up inside his office in
> > the whitehouse was a forgery. Whitehouse security had a record of Foster
> > entering the Whitehouse, but not leaving. Had Clinton been a Republican
> > the press would have eaten him alive. Instead they spun it as a partisan
> > attack while giving credit to Bill Clinton for what a Republican
> > controlled Congres and Senate did.
> >
> > The best thing about the Clintons was a republican controlled congress
> > and senate to keep them in check. We saw what Bill Clinton was like when
> > his party had control of congress and the senate in the first two years
> > of his presidency. The biggest tax increase in the history of the
> > planet, ("i didn't say I wouldn't RAISE taxes on the middle class") an
> > attempt to take over our nation's health care (Bill and Hillary took
> > arkansas from 48th to 49th in our nation in health and health care), and
> > an attempt to disarm the American people (assault weapons made up a very
> > small percentage of weapons used to commit murder). I hate to think what
> > he would have done had he had democrats been in control of Congress and
> > the Senate for 8 years. Did you know that by the time the defense team
> > for the survivors at Waco were allowed access to the site of the raid,
> > the only thing left was a concrete slab; Usually they call that
> > destruction of evidence which is a felony.

> Clinton couldn't even get a blow job in the oval office without
> someone finding out about it. Don't you think if he had some hand in
> all these deaths that somewhere, some cracker jack reporter wouldn't
> have heard something and blown the cover off this?

Sure, if he wanted to end his career in journalism in a heart beat or
end up dead. Clinton pardons 16 FALN terrorists responsible for 100
bombings in New York and barely an eyebrow gets raised in the mainstream
media. Had Bush done that they'd be endlessly picking each pardon appart
with tweaser. A pardon is meant to undo an injustice, not sold for
campaign contributions.

> Please adjust the tinfoil on your head. It's a little tight.

You are so gullible.
On Feb 18, 8:12 pm, nos...@noway.net (Ralph) wrote:
> Clinton pardons 16 FALN terrorists responsible for 100
> bombings in New York

No, he didn't. He pardoned the ones who weren't responsible for the

Gee. Anyone with an operative sense of self-preservation would probably feel
the urge to distance himself from the close proximity of either one of them.

We know that innocent people tend to get killed just for being around
politicians, anyway, but with the sizes of the egos they have, these folks
are really asking to be entire chapters in the history books.

With the trend these days toward sucide bombers, it would really behoove
regular folks to stay at least 50 or more feet away from any of them, as
well as well-behind any of the adoring public pushing closer to them,
unless, of course, they are forced to be closer by circumstance or
occupational pressures.

Definitely, supress those urges to get close

Actually, Vince Foster's death still rankles.
John <dahlgren.john@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Feb 18, 10:12 pm, nos...@noway.net (Ralph) wrote:
> > John <dahlgren.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Feb 17, 9:44 pm, nos...@noway.net (Ralph) wrote:
> > > > robw <noddy...@comcast.net> wrote:
> > > > > The Vince Foster event was investigated by Ken Starr.

> >
> > > > > What were the findings???

> >
> > > > They found that the Clintons had so much political backing that they can
> > > > get away with murder.

> >
> > > But can't get away with a blow job... What's this world coming to?

> >
> > Clinton threw the dog a bone by incriminating himself over that in order
> > get heat off of Whitewater and the Vince Foster murder. He knew that
> > going after him over something so trivial would be political poison. And
> > people's fuzzy logic would have them thinking that's the worst he did.

> Whitewater was investigated until the cows came home and the Clinton's
> were not found guilty of any wrong-doing.

The Clintons had their entire party and the press defending them tooth
and nail. Nixon was never so blessed.

> That investigation cost the taxpayers millions.

The clitnons probably recieved more in foreign campaign donations than
was spent investigating them.

> I know that politicians are not as they appear on the surface.
> However to grasp at infinitesimally tenuous straws of doubt just
> because you don't like someone is a sign of illness. You should get
> checked by a doctor. They ahve pills that can help you.

Why do left wingers always results to insults when they are losing an
John <dahlgren.john@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Feb 18, 10:12 pm, nos...@noway.net (Ralph) wrote:
> > John <dahlgren.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > > On Feb 17, 7:21 pm, nos...@noway.net (Ralph) wrote:
> > > > Kickin' Ass and Takin' Names <PopUlist...@hotmail.com> wrote:

> >
> > > > > This "Clinton body count" **** has been shown to be pure myth and
> > > > > nonsense time and again.

> >
> > > > All four agents killed at the raid at Waco, TX were ex-Bill Clinton body
> > > > guards. Vince Foster was a lawyer for the Clintons, involved of many of
> > > > their affairs going way back. Foster was even a childhood friend of Bill
> > > > Cliknton. He knew a lot of their dirty little secrets. The night Vince
> > > > Foster died Whitehouse staff cleaned out his office. Even safe cracking
> > > > experts were called in to open Vince Foster's safe THAT NIGHT. Bill
> > > > Clinton fired the head of the FBI the day before. Four hand writing
> > > > experts found that his "suicide note" found torn up inside his office in
> > > > the whitehouse was a forgery. Whitehouse security had a record of Foster
> > > > entering the Whitehouse, but not leaving. Had Clinton been a Republican
> > > > the press would have eaten him alive. Instead they spun it as a partisan
> > > > attack while giving credit to Bill Clinton for what a Republican
> > > > controlled Congres and Senate did.

> >
> > > > The best thing about the Clintons was a republican controlled congress
> > > > and senate to keep them in check. We saw what Bill Clinton was like when
> > > > his party had control of congress and the senate in the first two years
> > > > of his presidency. The biggest tax increase in the history of the
> > > > planet, ("i didn't say I wouldn't RAISE taxes on the middle class") an
> > > > attempt to take over our nation's health care (Bill and Hillary took
> > > > arkansas from 48th to 49th in our nation in health and health care), and
> > > > an attempt to disarm the American people (assault weapons made up a very
> > > > small percentage of weapons used to commit murder). I hate to think what
> > > > he would have done had he had democrats been in control of Congress and
> > > > the Senate for 8 years. Did you know that by the time the defense team
> > > > for the survivors at Waco were allowed access to the site of the raid,
> > > > the only thing left was a concrete slab; Usually they call that
> > > > destruction of evidence which is a felony.

> >
> > > Clinton couldn't even get a blow job in the oval office without
> > > someone finding out about it. Don't you think if he had some hand in
> > > all these deaths that somewhere, some cracker jack reporter wouldn't
> > > have heard something and blown the cover off this?

> >
> > Sure, if he wanted to end his career in journalism in a heart beat or
> > end up dead.

> Nixon was worse that Clinton and was undone by journalists.

Nixon appears worse because the press was against him, whereas the
mainstream media over here edits out all the nasty bits on Clinton.

> There is
> absolutely not one shred of evidence in your accusations. You've gone
> beyond belief in conspiracy theories and have entered KOOK territory.

When you know you're losing the argument, result to insults. That really
proves your point.

> >Clinton pardons 16 FALN terrorists responsible for 100
> > bombings in New York and barely an eyebrow gets raised in the mainstream
> > media. Had Bush done that they'd be endlessly picking each pardon appart
> > with tweaser. A pardon is meant to undo an injustice, not sold for
> > campaign contributions.

> Clinton was raked over the coals for his pardon of Marc Rich. I guess
> that was smoke screen too, huh?

Why wasn't Clinton raked over the coals over his pardoning of all those
16 FALN terrorists responsible for 100 bombings in New York??

> > > Please adjust the tinfoil on your head. It's a little tight.

> >
> > You are so gullible.

> And you are one scary KOOK.
> >
> > - Show quoted text -