500 call for Saddam's return to power

Lethalfind said:
What more evidence do we need that these people completely lack the power of reason?

So 500 people speak for 25 million? If the death rate stays at its average those 500 people will be dead in 5 days anyway.
Hamza123 said:
So 500 people speak for 25 million? If the death rate stays at its average those 500 people will be dead in 5 days anyway.

What I'm pointing out is how can even 1 person think that would be a great idea???

Unless they are as sick as he is and actually enjoy seeing people killed, women raped, children with no parents, rights of everyone trampled.

The fact that many got together to make that statement is amazing too me. The only people that I would expect to make a statement like that would be his two sick and despicable sons but they are dead, may they rot in hell fire eternal...
It just goes to show that the western way of thinking is completely different than the eastern way of thinking. It is impossible to say our way of thinking is right and theirs is wrong. However, I definately do not beleive the views of those 500 reflect the views of Iraq.
bry0000000 said:
It just goes to show that the western way of thinking is completely different than the eastern way of thinking. It is impossible to say our way of thinking is right and theirs is wrong. However, I definately do not beleive the views of those 500 reflect the views of Iraq.

My geuss is that those 500 don't believe he did the things he really did. They are so paranoid that they think we are making up the lies or that we did those things in order to make a good Muslim leader look bad.

Here in the US paranoya is discouraged, in Muslims countries like Iraq, its necessary to live.
Lethalfind said:
What I'm pointing out is how can even 1 person think that would be a great idea???

Unless they are as sick as he is and actually enjoy seeing people killed, women raped, children with no parents, rights of everyone trampled.

They still get to see all those things thanks to the terrorist US soldiers and the
terrorist Muslim extremists. At least with Saddam in power their wasn't hundreds of people being blown up in the streets everyday. Iraq wasn't a safe place with Saddam in power, but atleast the citizens only had to worry about one asshole. Now they are stuck in the middle of a war between an army full of assholes and a group of Muslim extremist assholes.
wolvesslasher said:
They still get to see all those things thanks to the terrorist US soldiers and the
terrorist Muslim extremists. At least with Saddam in power their wasn't hundreds of people being blown up in the streets everyday. Iraq wasn't a safe place with Saddam in power, but atleast the citizens only had to worry about one asshole. Now they are stuck in the middle of a war between an army full of assholes and a group of Muslim extremist assholes.

I must be the only one then who has read about the mass graves of his own people that Saddam is responsible for, the gassing of his own towns, the general terrorizing he perpetrated against his own people. OR maybe its all a BIG conspiracy and he was a great ruler and the US just made it all up or actually commited these crimes ourselves.
HEY !!! maybe Saddams two sons were being paid by the CIA to commit the horrible crimes they did in order to make Saddam look bad.
Lethalfind said:
I must be the only one then who has read about the mass graves of his own people that Saddam is responsible for, the gassing of his own towns, the general terrorizing he perpetrated against his own people. OR maybe its all a BIG conspiracy and he was a great ruler and the US just made it all up or actually commited these crimes ourselves.
HEY !!! maybe Saddams two sons were being paid by the CIA to commit the horrible crimes they did in order to make Saddam look bad.

I said that they only had to worry about one group of assholes(Saddam's group). I never said that Saddam never ordered the killing of Iraqis.The Iraqis weren't being blown up by the hundreds on a daily basis like they are now. Now the Iraqis are being killed daily by American troops and Muslim extremists. The Iraqis were better off with only having to worry about one group of murdering assholes.
wolvesslasher said:
I said that they only had to worry about one group of assholes(Saddam's group). I never said that Saddam never ordered the killing of Iraqis.The Iraqis weren't being blown up by the hundreds on a daily basis like they are now. Now the Iraqis are being killed daily by American troops and Muslim extremists. The Iraqis were better off with only having to worry about one group of murdering assholes.

Was this supposed to make sense? If everything was honky dory with Saddam, why should you give a rats ass how these people die? You die, you die. WTF?
You need to not be so shallow and think in generations. Leaving a dictator in power would've eventually resulted in the Kaos that these people are inflecting on each other with or without us. Our contention is the sanctity of all free nations. If we can instill a democratic government (of their own choosing) the world will be safer for us and our children.