• Thread starter SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim
  • Start date


Where was the all-powerful christian sky pixie during 9/11, during Titanic,
during Katrina and many other disasters throughout history?

People were crying out for the all-powerful sky pixie to help them and what
did that COLD-HEARTED ******* jackass christian god do? He just laughed his
ass off and watched while he LET people die.

Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?

Where the hell was the christian sky pixie during these monumental events,
why didn't he get off his fat, lazy ass and HELP people for a change? Was he
too busy taking a **** or making water stains appear in the image of the
virgin mary?

Why is the all-powerful sky pixie christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim wrote:
> Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
> Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?

Well, God didn't drown _me_ and there's no reason I deserve to be saved
more than anybody else. That proves to me God is merciful. Isn't that a
good enough reason for me to love God?
"Pies de Arcilla" <dearcilla@gmail.com> wrote in message
> SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim wrote:
>> Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
>> Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?

> Well, God didn't drown _me_ and there's no reason I deserve to be saved
> more than anybody else. That proves to me God is merciful. Isn't that a
> good enough reason for me to love God?

it just proves that you were lucky enough not to be MURDERED by the loving,
caring sky pixie, but don't worry,
I'm sure the all-powerful sky pixie will try and MURDER you again soon
Pies de Arcilla wrote:
> SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim wrote:
> > Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
> > Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?

> Well, God didn't drown _me_ and there's no reason I deserve to be saved
> more than anybody else. That proves to me God is merciful. Isn't that a
> good enough reason for me to love God?

A merciful god would have thought of other people first.
"Pies de Arcilla" <dearcilla@gmail.com> wrote in message
> SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim wrote:
>> Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
>> Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?

> Well, God didn't drown _me_ and there's no reason I deserve to be saved
> more than anybody else. That proves to me God is merciful.

No, it proves he has no sense of justice.
"SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim" <killgod@killgod.com> wrote in message
> Where was the all-powerful christian sky pixie during 9/11, during

> during Katrina and many other disasters throughout history?
> People were crying out for the all-powerful sky pixie to help them and

> did that COLD-HEARTED ******* jackass christian god do? He just laughed

> ass off and watched while he LET people die.
> Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
> Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?
> Where the hell was the christian sky pixie during these monumental events,
> why didn't he get off his fat, lazy ass and HELP people for a change? Was

> too busy taking a **** or making water stains appear in the image of the
> virgin mary?
> Why is the all-powerful sky pixie christian god such a COLD-HEARTED


I have yet to see you prove any of your charges against God. This makes you
a false witness against your God. You better hope and pray there is no God
for you to have to answer to.

"Dan Wood" <danwood34@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim" <killgod@killgod.com> wrote in message
> news:fPAKg.5538$xQ1.3184@newsread3.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>> Where was the all-powerful christian sky pixie during 9/11, during

> Titanic,
>> during Katrina and many other disasters throughout history?
>> People were crying out for the all-powerful sky pixie to help them and

> what
>> did that COLD-HEARTED ******* jackass christian god do? He just laughed

> his
>> ass off and watched while he LET people die.
>> Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
>> Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?
>> Where the hell was the christian sky pixie during these monumental
>> events,
>> why didn't he get off his fat, lazy ass and HELP people for a change? Was

> he
>> too busy taking a **** or making water stains appear in the image of the
>> virgin mary?
>> Why is the all-powerful sky pixie christian god such a COLD-HEARTED

> *******?

> I have yet to see you prove any of your charges against God. This makes
> you
> a false witness against your God. You better hope and pray there is no God
> for you to have to answer to.

> Dan

Idiot. You can't prove a negative. I can' prove there is no Santa Claus but
logic and common sense tells me if there is NO objective verifiable evidence
for something's existence it is reasonable and logical to assume it does not
exist. Therefore gods do not exist - except in the imaginations of man.
Dan Wood <danwood34@gmail.com> wrote in message
> "SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim" <killgod@killgod.com> wrote in message
> news:fPAKg.5538$xQ1.3184@newsread3.news.pas.earthlink.net...
> >
> > Why is the all-powerful sky pixie christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
> >

> I have yet to see you prove any of your charges against God.

I have yet to see any disproof of his charges.

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[ Followup-To: alt.bible ]
> I have yet to see you prove any of your charges against God. This makes
> you
> a false witness against your God. You better hope and pray there is no God
> for you to have to answer to.

I have proven every one of them.

the christian god is a mass-murdering, child-killing COLD-HEARTED *******
how many children did he MURDER (or as you would like it, FAIL TO SAVE)
during the sinking of the titanic?
how many people did the COLD-HEARTED ******* christian god ALLOW TO BE
MURDERED during 9/11 ?
how many people did the COLD-HEARTED ******* christian god MURDER with

so, you're saying I'm going to be judged by a being that has MURDERED
millions of people?
The christian god has NO right to judge anyone.
On Mon, 4 Sep 2006 20:01:40 -0400, "Bill M" <wmech@bellsouth.net>

>"Dan Wood" <danwood34@gmail.com> wrote in message
>> "SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim" <killgod@killgod.com> wrote in message
>> news:fPAKg.5538$xQ1.3184@newsread3.news.pas.earthlink.net...
>>> Where was the all-powerful christian sky pixie during 9/11, during

>> Titanic,
>>> during Katrina and many other disasters throughout history?
>>> People were crying out for the all-powerful sky pixie to help them and

>> what
>>> did that COLD-HEARTED ******* jackass christian god do? He just laughed

>> his
>>> ass off and watched while he LET people die.
>>> Why is the christian god such a COLD-HEARTED *******?
>>> Better question yet, why do lunatics worship a ******* god like that?
>>> Where the hell was the christian sky pixie during these monumental
>>> events,
>>> why didn't he get off his fat, lazy ass and HELP people for a change? Was

>> he
>>> too busy taking a **** or making water stains appear in the image of the
>>> virgin mary?
>>> Why is the all-powerful sky pixie christian god such a COLD-HEARTED

>> *******?

>> I have yet to see you prove any of your charges against God. This makes
>> you
>> a false witness against your God. You better hope and pray there is no God
>> for you to have to answer to.

>> Dan

>Idiot. You can't prove a negative. I can' prove there is no Santa Claus but
>logic and common sense tells me if there is NO objective verifiable evidence
>for something's existence it is reasonable and logical to assume it does not
>exist. Therefore gods do not exist - except in the imaginations of man.

How very confident. So basically prior to the 1400s there was no
objectionable verifiable proof that the earth was round therefore is
absolutely must have been flat yes?
Of course not but at the time there were plenty of folks that would
swear on all that they know that it was so.
History is full of instances where folks were convinced of a
particular "truth" only to have that "truth" proven wrong by later
Ya never know. When it comes to after death we may be pretty certain
of what follows but no one can actually state it to be an undeniable

