A Chronology of Murder on United 93

  • Thread starter TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com
  • Start date


A Chronology of Murder on United 93

7:03 a.m. - 7:39 a.m. Four alleged Flight 93 hijackers check in at the
United Airlines ticket counter at Newark (New Jersey) Liberty
International Airport and pass through security checkpoint. The 9/11
Commission falsely claimed Newark Airport has no video cameras
monitoring its security checkpoints. There is no documentary evidence
proving the alleged hijackers passed through the checkpoint or whether
they boarded the plane.

Sometime before take off at 8:42 a.m. (41 minutes late, Flight 93 has
to wait in a line before take off) Captain Dahl boarded a decoy Boeing
757-222, presented to him and the public as United Airlines Flight 93
flying out of Liberty International Airport.

The decoy was painted in United Airlines colors and carried an
illegally-modified flight box with a Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module to
allow `red team' simulation of "al-Qaeda" hijack attacks on `blue
team' defenders during the bogus war game, "Global Guardian"

Red team and blue team had different perceptions of their roles in the
upcoming war game, thanks to fraudulent side bets on the results of
Global Guardian by the red team commanders and hedge fund managers of
the Carlyle Canada private equity group.

Prior to 9/11, the red team had given UAL Flight 93 a false tail
number and modified both decoy and drone flight-box avionics so the
planes could be flown remotely by mobbed-up Laborers (`LIUNA')
embedded with FAA air traffic controllers and the FBI.

Captain Dahl could not make a "FINAL decision as to whether the
aircraft may be safely operated" - he didn't know the red team had
installed a flight box on [United 93] with Dead-Pilot Flight Data and
Missile Gyroscope (QRS-11) modules for the war game.

When Captain Dahl took off from Newark, the flight was joined in the
air by at least two other red-team planes, making up a convoy of

The red team tucked a drone plane - probably a 737 - behind and in the
radar shadow of Captain Dahl's 757.

The drone was painted in United's colors and modified to fly remotely
behind the decoy, using a Pulse Detonation Module to trigger onboard
rocket-fuel incendiaries, destroy the Capitol Building, kill
congressmen and senators, and decapitate the American Republic.

The red team would use a Bombardier CE 144 combat support jet from the
NATO flight training school in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and a NATO E-3
Sentry AWACS plane with advanced radar and surveillance equipment, to
direct decoys and drones into targets.

A few minutes after 8:46 a.m. The FAA sets up a hijacking
teleconference with several agencies, including the Defense Department
just after Boston flight control notified other flight control centers
about the first hijacking at 8:25 a.m.

Red team members embedded in FAA, DOD, FBI, Secret Service, and other
agencies, used Transponder Bypass Modules in their fixed and mobile
assets to bypass NMCC (National Military Command Center inside
Pentagon) and regional combat commanders.

Red-team agents called in bomb threats to distract air traffic
controllers at the FAA Boston Center which monitors flights 11 and
175, and Cleveland Center which will monitor Flight 93. The red team
would later lie saying there were no phony bomb threats.

The red-team diverted NORAD fighters to Alaska and Northern Canada in
a bogus war game coordinated out of Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, by
the Canadian Captain Mike Jellinek. They also injected simulated mass
attacks to confuse the NORAD blue teams.

A few minutes after 9:00, Ballinger (FAA ATC) sent a message to Flight
93 to bypass FAA delays in warning that flights 11 and 175 had
crashed. (He sent a second warning "bar the door" which reached Flight
93 at 9:24 a.m. just before the flight was hijacked.)

We note all airline pilots are trained to key emergency four-digit
codes into their plane's transponder to alert air traffic controllers
when letters "HJCK" appear on their screens.

Pilots should send this signal the moment a hijack situation is known;
it takes seconds to perform. We believe red-team use of remotely-
operated Transponder Bypass Modules explains why none of the hijacked
pilots were able to send the HJCK signal on 9/11.

A few minutes after the second impact at 9:02 a.m. (Flight 175),
Boston flight control asks FAA Command Center to issue ****pit
security alert to all aircraft nationwide but Command Center managers
never instructed any centers to issue a ****pit security alert.

9:16 a.m. NORAD claims Flight 93 may have been hijacked at this time
but was not told this by the FAA. In fact investigators used a Voice
Splicing Module - ****pit voice recorders have a 30 minute time
limitation - to suggest one of the four hijackers had been invited
into the ****pit area before take off from Newark, New Jersey; thereby
pre-placing him in a jump seat, the folded over extra seat located
inside the ****pit.

9:26 a.m. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta lies about the time
Vice President Cheney was in the Presidential Emergency Operations
Center (PEOC) below the White House. Mineta implied that a
'suspicious' plane was flight 77 when he knew that Cheney only later
had a few minutes to respond to Flight 93. Mineta conferred with
Acting FAA Deputy Administrator Monte Belger, who is at the FAA's
Washington headquarters who says, "We're watching this target on the
radar, but the transponder's been turned off. Mineta also lied when he
implied Cheney gave a shoot-down order. FAA and NORAD lied about
military response to hijacking of Flight 77 at 9:24 a.m. The FAA never
asked for a response. The Vice President was bypassed, he arrived in
the shelter conference room at 9:58 a.m. Condoleezza Rice only entered
the PEOC shortly after Cheney did.

9:27 a.m. Tom Burnett calls his wife Deena on a cell phone. "The plane
has been hijacked. We are in the air. They've already knifed a guy.
There is a bomb on board. Call the FBI. We allege the red-team's
fraudulent use of Voice Splicing Modules explains why Burnett is
claimed to be using a phone operator's headset to make the call
unnoticed (?!). Voice splicing may also explain why the original
version of this conversation was censored and why alternative versions
were floated yet Deena's call to 9-1-1 was recorded where she said,
"They just knifed a passenger and there are guns on the plane."

9:28 a.m. Cleveland flight controller, "I pulled it [Flight 93] up on
my screen and he was climbing and descending but very gradually. He'd
go up 300 feet, down 300 feet"

9:28 a.m. Flight 93 acknowledges transmission from Cleveland flight
control. Another plane [the drone] is 2,000 feet above it, at 37,000
feet. Someone, presumably pilot Jason Dahl, is overheard by
controllers as he shouts, "Mayday!" Sounds of screaming. Someone
yells, "Get out of here, get out of here." We allege that fraudulent
use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why the voices of
hijackers talking in Arabic are later translated to suggest that they
are telling each other that "Everything is fine"!

Hardly 'fine' when passenger calls describe two dead or injured bodies
- presumably the two pilots - just outside the ****pit; and the
hijackers don't know how to fly large jets!

9:29 a.m. Shortly after hearing screaming from ****pit of Flight 93,
Cleveland flight controllers notice plane has descended about 700
feet. At 9:30 a.m., a controller asks other nearby flights on his
frequency if they've heard screaming; several say that they have.
Negligently or criminally, FAA Cleveland doesn't notify anyone else
about it.

9:29 a.m. Red-team agents embedded in FAA and Laborers union (Local
2097) and Charles Leidig, commander National Military Command Center
(NMCC) use Transponder Bypass Modules in their weapons platforms to
bypass the blue team defenders.

NMCC, located inside the Pentagon (but on the opposite side of the
building from where the explosion will happen), is linked to Canada's
equivalent red-team Command Center, Strategic Command, theater
commanders, and federal emergency-response agencies.

The Canadian Captain Michael Jellinek, NORAD command director,
pretends these links were made "immediately" after the second WTC hit
at 9:02 a.m. but they start nearly 30 minutes later, at about 9:29
a.m.; the contrived delay helping treasonous (?) government agencies
to keep Defense Secretary Rumsfeld out of the loop until after 10:30

9:30 a.m. Red-team Counterterrorism "tsar" Richard Clarke begins
attempted coup. He orders all US embassies overseas closed and
telephones PEOC, the command bunker, to tell the president he can't
come right back here [to Washington]. Clarke tries to arrange a
fighter escort to shoot down any aircraft-including Air Force One (?)-
that looks like it is threatening to attack and might cause large-
scale death on the ground. "Got it?"

9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. ****pit voice recording recovered from Flight
93 recorded on a 30-minute reel. Flight 93's recording lasts 31
minutes and begins at this time, seconds before the plane is hijacked.
We allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules
explains why the version of the tape that was later played for the
victims' relatives began "too late to pick up the sounds of the
hijackers' initial takeover".

9:30 a.m. Red team commander in a Bombardier CE-144 combat support jet
use Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module to initiate an electronic
`hijacking' of the decoy Flight 93 which began to go off course over
southern Ohio, with a turning to the southwest.

Shortly before Flight 93 reverses direction and heads east, the red-
team radios FAA for new flight plan, final destination Washington, DC!
Twenty-five minutes later a new destination is put into the decoy's
Dead-Pilot Flight Data navigational system.

A few minutes after 9:31 a.m., a hijacker on board Flight 93 can be
heard on the ****pit voice recorder ordering a woman to sit down. A
flight attendant, implores, "don't, don't." "Please, I don't want to
die." We allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing
Modules explains why Patrick Welsh, the husband of flight attendant
Debbie Welsh, was later told that a flight attendant was stabbed early
in the takeover and it is strongly implied by the red-team fraudsters
that this woman was his wife.

9:32 a.m. The FAA notifies United Airlines' headquarters that Flight
93 is not responding to radio calls, causes United to believe, by 9:36
a.m., that the plane has been hijacked.

9:32 a.m. A hijacker says over the radio, "Ladies and gentlemen, here
is the captain, please sit down. Keep remaining sitting. We have a
bomb aboard." Apparently, Cleveland flight controllers can understand
about a minute of screams, before a voice again says something about a
"bomb on board." Hijacker's voice says, "Keep remaining sitting. We
have a bomb on board." The controller understands "Calling Cleveland
[flight control], you're unreadable. Say again, slowly." Apparently no
answer. The controller notifies his supervisor, who soon passes the
notice to FAA headquarters.

9:33 a.m. FAA Administrator Jane Garvey joins video conference chaired
by Richard Clarke. All aircraft have been ordered to land at the
nearest field and she reads a list of potential hijacks including
Delta 1989 and United 93. We allege that fraudulent use of Voice
Splicing Modules allows Clarke to lie about the presence of General
Richard Myers and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld at this
conference; the military was not notified about hijacking of United 93
until over half an hour later.

9:35 a.m. When Flight 93 is over Youngstown, Ohio, Cleveland flight
controllers see it rapidly climb 6,000 feet above assigned altitude of
35,000 feet and rapidly descend.

Before 9:36 a.m. NEADS Commander Robert Marr watched change of
direction, while it is still flying west "We don't have fighters that
way and we think [Flight 93 is] headed toward Detroit or Chicago."
NORAD Commander Larry Arnold also watched 93 track as it meandered
around the Ohio-Pennsylvania area and started to turn south toward DC.

9:36 a.m. After reaching Cleveland area, Flight 93 makes a sharp turn
to south and then makes another turn back eastward; cutting through
West Virginia's Northern Panhandle before re-entering Pennsylvania and
now heads toward Washington, DC. AWACS or Bombardier-based red teams
flew the Flight 93 decoy and drone towards Washington with Dead-Pilot
Flight Data navigation, relying on saboteurs in Laborers Local 2097
and Iridium virtual war rooms to confuse blue-team responders in the

The red team used the Bombardier CE-144 to inject false radar signals
to confuse the NORAD tracking system in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado.
NORAD's response was commanded by two Canadian, Captain Mike Jellinek
and Major General Eric Findley - either incompetent members of the
blue team or treasonous members of the red team.

9:36 a.m. Cleveland flight control asks FAA Command Center whether
someone has requested the military to launch fighters toward Flight
93. Command Center replies that FAA personnel well above them in the
chain of command have to make that decision and are working on the
issue. They said, 'don't worry. That's been taken care of".

After 9:36 a.m. The red team turned off the decoy Flight 93
transponder and jammed voice links to the ****pit, leaving Captain
Dahl unable to communicate with blue-team air traffic controllers of
the FAA or prospective U.S. Air force interceptors. Brigadier General
Montague Winfield says that the Pentagon's National Military Command
Center (NMCC) has "received the report from the FAA that Flight 93 had
turned off its transponder, had turned, and was now heading towards
Washington, DC. And the decision was made to try to go intercept
Flight 93."

Fraudulent use of Voice Splicing Modules allowed the 9/11
Commissioners to float contradictory claims, saying the NMCC learned
of the hijacking at 10:03 a.m., and NEADS never followed Flight 93 on
radar and was first alerted only at 10:07 a.m.

9:37 a.m. F-16 fighters scrambled from Langley when Flight 77 crashes
at 9:36 a.m., NEADS is dismayed to find fighters headed east over the
ocean. At the time the Pentagon is hit, according to Craig Borgstrom,
he and the other Langley pilots are hearing a lot of chatter over
their radios, but nothing about airliners crashing into buildings. He
says they are "all three on different frequencies getting orders from
a lot of different people."

After 9:37 a.m. Jeremy Glick calls wife, Lyz, from Flight 93 describes
hijackers as Middle Eastern-looking. We allege that fraudulent use of
the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why Glick is alleged to
have said that the three put on red headbands (later used as evidence,
having survived the fiery crash!), stood up, yelled, and ran into the
****pit. Glick's phone remains connected until the very end of the


9:39 a.m. The Flight 93 hijackers transmit over the radio: "Hi, this
is the captain. We'd like you all to remain seated. There is a bomb on
board. And we are going to turn back to the airport. And they had our
demands, so please remain quiet." The controller responds, "United 93,
understand you have a bomb on board. Go ahead" We allege that
fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why
Cleveland flight control continued to wait for FAA superiors to notify

9:40 a.m. The transponder signal from Flight 93 ceases, plane tracked
using primary radar by Cleveland flight controllers and at United
headquarters where altitude can no longer be determined. The red team
uses the Dead-Pilot Flight Data to vary the plane's speed possibly to
avoid interception or change destination or expected time of arrival.

9:40 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Air traffic manager in control tower at
Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, 70 miles east of Pittsburgh,
receives a call from Cleveland Air Traffic Control reporting a large,
suspicious aircraft about 20 miles south of them, descending below six
thousand feet. Less than a minute later, Cleveland calls a third time,
saying to disregard evacuation.

9:41 a.m. Newark, New Jersey, flight controller talking on the phone
to an FBI agent who says about Flight 93: "We suspect that this
aircraft has now been taken over by hostile forces." The FBI has been
in contact with Deena Burnett and informed of what her husband, Flight
93 passenger Tom Burnett, has been saying since at least 9:34. Unclear
where in the chain of command details of these Flight 93 calls reach.

9:42 a.m. From Flight 93, Mark Bingham calls his mother and says, "I'm
on a flight from Newark to San Francisco and there are three guys who
have taken over the plane and they say they have a bomb." We allege
that a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains
why there is an alternate version of this conversation in which
Bingham says, "I'm in the air, I'm calling you on the Airfone. I'm
calling you from the plane. We've been taken over. There are three men
that say they have a bomb."

9:44 a.m. NORAD briefs the NMCC teleconference on the possible
hijacking of Delta Flight 1989. Captain Charles Leidig, temporarily in
charge of the NMCC, mentions the Delta Flight and comments, "that
would be the fourth possible hijack."

9:45 a.m. After getting authorization to use an Airfone to call his
family, passenger Todd Beamer is able to speak to Verizon phone
representative with FBI listening in. Beamer says he has been herded
to the back of the plane along with nine other passengers and five
flight attendants. Twenty-seven passengers are being guarded by a
hijacker in first class, which is separated from the rest of the
aircraft by a curtain. One hijacker has gone into the ****pit. One
passenger is dead (that leaves one passenger unaccounted for-
presumably the man who made a call from the bathroom, thought to be
Edward Felt). The two pilots are apparently dead. We allege that
fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why
there is a conflicting version of a conversation which states 27
passengers were in the back, and Beamer saw four hijackers instead of

9:49 a.m. FAA Command Center has just twice warned FAA headquarters
that United 93 is now "29 minutes out of Washington, DC." Someone at
headquarters says to someone at the Command Center, "they're pulling
Jeff [last name unknown] away to go talk about United 93." Command
Center replies, "Uh, do we want to think about, uh, scrambling
aircraft [NORAD fighters]?" FAA headquarters replies, "Uh, God, I
don't know." Command Center says, "Uh, that's a decision somebody's
gonna have to make probably, in the next ten minutes." FAA
headquarters answers, "Uh, ya know, everybody just left the room."
Apparently there is only one person at FAA headquarters who is
authorized to request military assistance. Ben Sliney, the FAA's
national operations manager at its Herndon Command Center, is told
that no one can find them.

9:49 a.m. Commander of NORAD (General Ralph Eberhart) directs "all air
sovereignty aircraft to battle stations fully armed." Another account
says calls to bases to scramble don't begin until about 10:01 a.m.
With a couple of exceptions, other fighters do not actually start
taking off until about 11:00 a.m.

9:53 a.m. We allege that a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice
Splicing Modules explains an otherwise bogus ****pit voice recording
which suggests that the hijackers were so concerned passengers might
retaliate they urged that the plane's fire axe be held up to the
****pit door's peephole to scare the already terrified passengers.

9:53 a.m. FAA headquarters informs the FAA Command Center that the
deputy director for air traffic services is talking to Deputy
Administrator Monte Belger about scrambling aircraft after Flight 93.
We allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules
allows the FAA to make claims when neither Belger nor the deputy
director recall this discussion and do not believe the conversation
took place. When questioned about this, Belger will point out that
there are military people on duty at the FAA Command Center and in a
situation room at the FAA's Air Traffic Organization, and that they
are participating in what is going on. In addition, Belger will later
tell the commission that he thought the NMCC was on the hijack net and
would therefore have received notification on this channel at the same
time as all other agencies.

9:44 a.m. Tom Burnett calls his wife, Deena "I know we're all going to
die. There's three of us who are going to do something about it." We
allege however that a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing
Modules explains why Barnett specifically mentions a plan to regain
control of the airplane over a rural area as if he had the choice!

9:55 - 10:15 a.m. Defense officials "There were no military planes in
the skies over Washington until 15 to 20 minutes after the Pentagon
was hit" Pentagon insists it had air cover over its own building by 10
a.m., 15 minutes after the building was hit. However, witnesses did
not see any until "closer to 11."

After 9:55 a.m. The Langley F-16s headed to Washington are told that
all planes in the US have been ordered to land, someone from the
Secret Service gets on the radio and tells the pilots, "I want you to
protect the White House at all costs". Pilots state they are never
given clear and direct orders to shoot down any plane that day

9:55 a.m. The red team disengaged the decoy Flight 93's autopilot,
presumably to fly the plane with Carlyle Canada and MDA's IAP software
with the plane flying at 7,000 feet west of the Pentagon. The red team
reprograms Flight 93's Dead-Pilot Flight Data and navigational system
with the code for Washington's Reagan National Airport, just four
miles from the White House, with an arrival time of 10:28 a.m. a
minute later, at 9:56, "the destination code for [Flight 93] in FAA
computers was changed from 'SFO,' the code for San Francisco, to
'DCA,' the code for Reagan National Airport in Washington. That
indicates a red-team air traffic controller changed the destination
which is typically requested by [live] pilots." Twenty-five minutes
earlier, a red-team agent had radioed in and requested a new flight
plan from the FAA, with a final destination of Washington.

9:57 a.m. One of the hijackers in the ****pit asks if anything is
going on, apparently meaning outside the ****pit. "Fighting," the
other says. We allege however a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice
Splicing Modules to suggest Flight 93 passengers reached the ****pit
using a food cart as a battering ram and a shield. Why an alleged
'digital enhancement of the ****pit voice recorder' revealed the sound
of plates and glassware crashing around 9:57 a.m. and voices shouting
"In the ****pit! In the ****pit!" heard. Why someone outside shouts,
"Let's get them." Why hijackers pray "Allah o akbar" (God is great).
Why a hijacker says, "Should we finish?" Why another one says, "Not
yet." And why passengers say "Give it to me!" "I'm injured" "roll it
up" and "lift it up".

9:58 a.m. Todd Beamer ends phone call with a Verizon phone company
representative saying that they plan "to jump" the hijacker in the
back of the plane who has the bomb .. "awful commotion" "Oh my God,"
and "God help us." He lets go of the phone but allegedly leaves it
connected. We allege, however, that fraudulent use of the convoy's
Voice Splicing Modules explains why we get these disjointed dialogs
such as, "Are you ready guys? Let's roll" (alternate version: "You
ready? Okay. Let's roll"). Alleged sounds of fighting in back of plane
about a minute after such sounds in the front. CeeCee Lyles says
"they're getting ready to force their way into the ****pit"). A little
later she allegedly screams, then says, "they're doing it! they're
doing it! they're doing it!" Her husband hears more alleged screaming
in the background, then he hears an alleged "whooshing sound, a sound
like wind," then more screaming, and then the call breaks off.

9:59 a.m. A man dials emergency 9-1-1 from bathroom on plane, "We're
being hijacked" The operator reports, "He heard some sort of explosion
and saw white smoke coming from the plane and we lost contact with
him." One minute after call begins, line goes dead. We allege that
fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why the
mentions of smoke and explosions on the recording of his call can now
be denied and why the person who took call is not allowed to speak to
the media.

9:59 a.m. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel working in White House Military
Office joins the NMCC conference and states he had just talked to
Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. The White House
requests: (1) the implementation of Continuity of Government measures,
(2) fighter escorts for Air Force One, and (3) establishment of a
fighter combat air patrol over Washington, D.C." Counterterrorism
"tsar" Richard Clarke gave the Continuity of Government orders a few
minutes before from inside the White House.

10:00 a.m. The transponder for Flight 93 briefly turns back on, plane
at 7,000 feet, stays on until about 10:03 a.m.

10:00 a.m. Hijacker pilot, presumably Ziad Jarrah, has been rolling
the plane sharply to the left and right. We allege that fraudulent use
of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why this novice pilot
can calmly stabilize the plane and appear to ask another hijacker, "Is
that it? Shall we finish it off?" Another voice answers, "No. Not yet.
When they all come, we finish it off." The pilot starts pitching the
nose of the airplane up and down. A few seconds later an alleged
passenger's voice can be heard saying, "In the ****pit. If we don't
we'll die!" Another voice says, "Roll it!". By 10:01, pilot stops
pitching and allegedly says, "Allah o akbar! Allah o akbar!" ("God is
great"), then asks, "Is that it? I mean, shall we put it down?"
Another hijacker allegedly responds, "Yes, put it in it, and pull it

10:00 - 10:06 a.m. No calls from Flight 93. Several cell phones that
are left on record but only silence. We allege that fraudulent use of
the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why Todd Beamer does not
hang up but nothing more is heard after he puts down the phone. The
alleged silence lasts two minutes, then there is screaming. More
alleged silence, followed by more alleged screams. Finally, there is a
mechanical sound, followed by nothing. The second silence lasts
between 60 and 90 seconds. Near the end of the ****pit voice
recording, loud alleged wind sounds can be heard.

10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Canadian Captain Mike Jellinek, overseeing
NORAD's Colorado headquarters, lies when he claims he heard Bush give
shoot down order.

10:01 a.m. Pilot of small plane sees Flight 93 three miles away with
United Airlines colors. Flight control asks him the plane's altitude,
and then commands him to get away from the plane and land immediately.
He sees plane rock back and forth three or four times before he flies
from the area. FAA Command Center tells FAA headquarters a nearby
plane had seen Flight 93 "waving his wings." In a manner consistent we
believe with the red team's use of a Missile Gyroscope Module. The
9/11 Commission says, "The aircraft had witnessed the radical
gyrations in what we believe was the hijackers' effort [they couldn't
fly large jets] to defeat the passenger assault."

10:02 a.m. The ****pit voice recording of Flight 93 was recorded on a
30-minute reel, which means that the tape is continually overwritten
and only the final 30 minutes of any flight would be recorded. We
allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules
explains why the version of the tape played to family members begins
at 9:31 a.m. and runs for 31 minutes, ending one minute before the
plane crashes, thereby leaving relatives suspecting the tape been
tampered with or even reconfigured.

10:02 a.m. a Flight 93 hijacker says, "Pull it down! Pull it down!"
The airplane rolls onto its back as one of the hijackers shouts,
"Allah o akbar! Allah o akbar!" However, there are questions as to
whether the voice recording actually ends at this time. We allege that
fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explain
disconnects between these quotes and quotes given in previous accounts
of what the ****pit recording revealed. For instance, in other
accounts, passenger voices saying, "Give it to me!" "I'm injured," and
"Roll it up" or "Lift it up" are heard just before the recording ends.

10:03 a.m. NMCC learns about the Flight 93 hijacking at this time.
Since the FAA has not yet been patched in to the NMCC's conference
call, the news comes from the White House. The White House learned
about it from the Secret Service, and the Secret Service learned about
it from the FAA. NORAD apparently is still unaware. Four minutes
later, a NORAD representative on the conference call states, "NORAD
has no indication of a hijack heading to Washington, D.C., at this

10:03 - 10:10 a.m. According to NORAD, Flight 93 crashes at 10:03 a.m.
However, a seismic study concluded crash happened at 10:06:05 a.m.

Before 10:06 a.m. In the tiny town of Boswell, about ten miles north
and slightly to the west of Flight 93's crash site, witnesses saw a
passenger jet lumbering through the sky at about 2,000 feet with the
plane dip its wings sharply to the left, then to the right in a manner
consistent, we believe, with the red team's use of a Missile Gyroscope
Module The wings level off and the plane keeps flying south,
continuing to descend slowly.

Before 10:06 a.m. The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse
Detonation Module explains why Flight 93 starts to break up before it
crashes with debris found very far away from the crash site. The plane
obliterated upon landing, except for one half-ton piece of engine
found some distance away. Some reports indicate that the engine piece
was found over a mile away. Later, FBI will cordon off a three-mile
wide area around the crash, as well as another area six to eight miles
from the initial crash site. Smaller debris fields are also found two,
three, and eight miles away from the main crash site.

Eight miles away, residents speaking of a second plane in the area and
burning debris falling from the sky. At about this time, the red team
peels off the United 93 drone from the en-route airway of the decoy,
and flies towards Canada where the dead-pilot flight boxes can be
removed camouflaged by the "Clear the Skies" order from Ben Sliney.

The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse Detonation Module
explains why residents outside Shanksville reported "discovering
clothing, books, papers, and what appeared to be human remains ..
collected bags-full of items to be turned over to investigators.
Others reported crash debris floating in Indian Lake, nearly six miles
from the immediate crash scene. Workers at Indian Lake Marina said
that they saw a cloud of confetti-like debris descend on the lake and
nearby farms minutes after hearing the explosion..." "It just looked
like confetti raining down all over the air above the lake."

Before 10:06 a.m. Anthony Kuczynski flown toward Pittsburgh alongside
two F-16s piloting NATO E-3 Sentry AWACS plane, with advanced radar
and surveillance equipment that could be used to direct fighters to
their targets. He was just about to intercept Flight 93 when it
crashed. He says, "I was given direct orders to shoot down an
airliner." (E-3s are unarmed, so, if this account is accurate, the
order presumably applied to the fighters Kuczynski was accompanying.)
Five years after the attacks, Bill Keaton, a Cleveland flight
controller who tracked Flight 93 as it flew eastward is asked whether
there were fighters in the vicinity when it crashed. He replies,
"[T]hat goes beyond the scope of what I can comment on."

Before 10:06 a.m. Accounts of the plane flying upside down - He sees
it fly overhead, banking hard to the right. It is 200 feet or less off
the ground as it crests a hill to the southeast. "I saw the top of the
plane, not the bottom." He sees a plane flying overhead unusually low.
The plane seemed to be turning end-over-end as it dropped out of sight
behind a tree line. He sees the plane spiraling and flying upside down
(in a manner consistent, we believe, with the red team's use of a
Missile Gyroscope Module) not much higher than the treetops, before

The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse Detonation Module
explains why there are so many accounts of a sudden plunge and more
strange sounds .. two loud bangs before watching the plane take a
downward turn of nearly 90 degrees. It dropped all of a sudden, like a
stone," "It dropped out of the clouds." The plane rose slightly,
trying to gain altitude, then "it just went flip to the right and then
straight down." "there it was, right there, right above my head-maybe
50 feet up. ... I saw it rock from side to side then, suddenly, it
dipped and dived, nose first. Upside down and a sudden plunge - loud
bang and sees the plane bank to the side .. plane wobbling right and
left, at a low altitude of roughly 2,500 feet, when suddenly the right
wing dips straight down, and the plane plunges into the earth "There
was no smoke, it just went straight down. I saw the belly of the
plane." "It came in low over the trees and started wobbling. Then it
just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds (in a
manner consistent, we believe, with the red team's use of a Missile
Gyroscope Module) and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over
the trees."

Before and after 10:06 a.m. A second plane, described "as a small,
white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings," is seen by
at least nine witnesses flying low and in erratic patterns, not much
above treetop level, over the crash site within minutes of the United
flight crashing .. "It was white with no markings but it was
definitely military, it just had that look. It had two rear engines, a
big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two
upright fins at the side. I haven't found one like it on the Internet.
It definitely wasn't one of those executive jets. The FBI came and
talked to me and said there was no plane around. ... But I saw it and
it was there before the crash and it was 40 feet above my head. They
did not want my story-nobody here did" The FBI later says this was a
Fairchild Falcon 20 business jet, directed after the crash to fly from
37,000 feet to 5,000 feet and obtain the coordinates for the crash
site to help rescuers. The FBI also says there was a C-130 military
cargo aircraft flying at 24,000 feet about 17 miles away (see 10:08
a.m. September 11, 2001), but that plane wasn't armed and had no role
in the crash .. Note that this is the same C-130 that flies very
close to Flight 77 right as that planes crashes into the Pentagon (see
9.36 a.m. September 11, 2001).

After 10:06 a.m. The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse
Detonation Module would totally destroy the airplane and thus explain
what witnesses saw when they reached the Flight 93 crater, "I was able
to get right up to the edge of the crater. ... All I saw was a crater
filled with small, charred plane parts ... no suitcases, no
recognizable plane parts, no body parts. The crater was about 30 to 35
feet deep." "There's a crater gouged in the earth, the plane is pretty
much disintegrated. There's nothing left but scorched trees." "If you
would go down there, it would look like a trash heap. There's nothing
but tiny pieces of debris. It's just littered with small pieces." "I
didn't think I was in the right place. I was looking for a wing or a
tail. There was nothing, just this pit. ... I was looking for anything
that said tail, wing, plane, metal. There was nothing." "If they
hadn't told us a plane had wrecked, you wouldn't have known. It looked
like it hit and disintegrated." "It was very disturbing to think all
the remains just disintegrated.... There were no large pieces of
airplane, no human remains, no baggage." "Never in my wildest dreams
did I think half the plane was down there." Bob Craig of FBI's
evidence-gathering team later explains what is supposed to have
occurred: "Turn the picture of the second plane hitting the World
Trade Center on its side, and, for all intents and purposes, the face
of the building is the strip mine in Shanksville [where Flight 93
crashed]." When the plane's two black boxes are later discovered (see
September 13-14, 2001), they are reportedly found 15 and 25 feet
inside the crater.

10:42 a.m. FAA tells White House it cannot account for three planes in
addition to four that have crashed. FAA head Jane Garvey notifies the
White House that there has been another crash. Only later does she
learn the reports are erroneous."

We believe that immediately after the crash of United 93, Carlyle
Canada's red team agents began to plant, spoliate, remove and spin
evidence that would otherwise have explained how Captain Jason Dahl
was killed.

We further believe that these post-event crimes were coordinated
through Boeing's Iridium and MDA's operational systems ..

... "that allows military personnel to securely create, send and
receive messages around the world. Our naval combat trainers employ
computer-based simulation software for military training, providing a
safe and effective alternative to traditional field exercises. Public
safety relies on effective collection, management and distribution of
information. Our experience in real-time databases, secure wireless
networks, and dedicated Internet infrastructures forms the basis for
police information solutions on local, regional and national levels.
Today, local and regional police are using our police records system
to file and retrieve critical information from fixed and mobile

Notes: "McConnell Solves "Murder on United 93""

Tentative List of Dead-Pilot Flight Box Modules, Frauds and

1. Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module: Tracks pilots - dead or alive - and
planes for real-time event arbitrage. Carlyle AXA sells life insurance
on pilots to mobbed-up labor union pension funds; then buys life
insurance on the same pilots through AXA Re. When pilots are murdered,
AXA Re shares collective kickback with killers, mob bosses, militants
and racketeering private-equity groups. Defendants include Henri de
Castries, Claude Bebear, Hillary Clinton, Barzan al-Tikriti (Clinton's
Iraqgate partner just hanged in Baghdad), Yeslam bin Laden and Tom
Gunn (OMERS) Paul Desmarais Sr. and Maurice Strong.

2. Missile Gyroscope Module: Remote guidance with GyroChip (QRS 11)
gyroscope (Raytheon's Maverick missile) of Boeing passenger jets as
pilots - dead or alive - begin "Final Approach Corridor" into targets.
Defendants include: Joyce E. Tucker (Boeing BEAGLES), Hillary Clinton,
Joe Giroir, John Deutch, Daniel Friedmann, Mohammad al-Zaibak, John
Shalikashvili, Air Navigation Data of Ottawa and NAVCAN.

3. Voice Splicing Module: Splices conversations through virtual war
rooms. Red team `stages' al-Qaeda hijacking of various decoys and
drones using remote actors, witting or unwitting FAA air traffic
controllers and onboard pilots dead or alive. Defendants include: Ben
Sliney, Arthur Coia and Micki J. Daily (Laborers Local 2097),
Lansdowne Technologies and Parisien Research of Ottawa, Tomoye
(Gatineau), Groove (Beverley, MA), Thomas Malone (MIT Center for
Coordination Science), Buzzy Kronguard (CIA and Boeing Iridium
Satellite), Osama bin Laden (Boeing Thuraya Satellite).

4. Transponder Bypass Module: Blocks pilots - alive or dying - from
keying in "HJCK" four-digit code to alert 'blue-team' air traffic
controllers. Converts a fleet of 'co-operating' Boeing civilian
passenger jets into a non-cooperating net-centric attack of smart
cluster bombs. Used by red team to overwhelm blue-team defenses during
the decoy-and-drone and stand-down maneuvers in 'Amalgam Virgo' and
'Global Guardian' war games of 1-2, June 2001 and 9/11. Defendants
include Francois Bujon de l'Estang (French Ambassador to U.S.
September 1995 - December 2002; Chairman of Citigroup France in
January 2003, Director Thales in May 2004), Major General Rick Findley
(NORAD), Vice Admiral SA Fry USN (JCS), LTGen John Campbell USAF-CIA
(Retired) and John Deutch.

5. Pulse Detonation Module: Times firing of explosives or incendiaries
in wings and fuselage to generate high-temperature shock waves (white
flashes!!). Vaporizes pilots and the majority of physical evidence of
murder, arson and insurance fraud. Defendants include: Martec
(Gatineau, Quebec), John Deutch, Alfonso Gagliano (Bonanno crime
family) and Frank McKenna.

6. Planting of evidence: Saboteurs and/or mobsters embedded with
labor unions plant evidence at Logan Airport and Ground Zero to
suggest 'al-Qaeda' hijackings. Defendants include Hussain Al-Hussaini
(Alleged Iraqi agent both at Murrah Building OKC to destroy BATFE
offices and later at Logan Airport), George Soros (Waste Management
Inc), Frank McKenna and Leo DiRubbo, reputed associate of Luchese
crime family, with AMEC, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. through Teamsters Local 813,
Hillary Clinton, Arthur Coia and Micki J. Daily through mobbed-up FAA
and Laborers Local 2097.
http://www.nlpc.org/olap/UCU2/04_22_10.htm http://www.nlpc.org/olap/UCU2/04_17_05.htm

7. Spoliation of evidence: Mobbed-up construction, sanitation and
demolition unions flush evidence down sewers at Ground Zero and mix up
materials at the scene of the murders at the Pentagon. Defendants
include, George Soros (Waste Management Inc), Frank McKenna and Leo
DiRubbo, reputed associate of Luchese crime family, with AMEC, Jimmy
Hoffa Jr. through Teamsters Local 813, Hillary Clinton, Arthur Coia
and Micki J. Daily through mobbed-up FAA and Laborers Local 2097.

8. Removal of evidence: Mobbed-up construction and demolition unions
truck evidence from Ground Zero to Fresh Kills land fill and off to
China and India. Defendants include, George Soros (Waste Management
Inc), Frank McKenna and Leo DiRubbo, reputed associate of Luchese
crime family, with AMEC, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. through Teamsters Local 813,
Hillary Clinton, Arthur Coia and Micki J. Daily through mobbed-up
Laborers Local 2097, Ben Sliney ("Clear the Skies to Canada")

9. Spinning of evidence: Up to 20 corrupt agencies engaged in bogus
ongoing NATO (?) continuity-of-government exercises to disrupt and
sidetrack investigations. Defendants include, John Shalikashvili,
Bruce McConnell and Kris Marcy with McConnell International, George
Soros, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Harold Ickes "Shadow Party" with
lawyers, lesbian (or bisexual) and laborers entrapment networks and
media and Hollywood made Ben Sliney a star while backer paid perjurers
in "United 93" movie.

10. MindBox Hedge Fund Fraud: MindBox software is a decision-support
tool used during 9/11 war games for insider trading, money laundering,
hedge-fund, private-equity, event-arbitrage and property and life
insurance frauds. Arbitrage of panicked capital markets, especially a
contrived four-day closure of the New York Stock Exchange after 9/11,
generated trillion-dollar hedge fund profits for which the wrongful
deaths of eight pilots was considered 'collateral damage'. Defendants
include: George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Carlyle Canada's Paul
Desmarais Sr. and Maurice Strong, Darleen Druyun, Jamie Gorelick,
Kristine Marcy, Brian McConnell, George Soros, David Rockefeller,
Thomas Barnett, Frank McKenna, Frank Carlucci, Jim Baker, Arthur
Levitt, John Biggs, Board of Directors of Boeing and 50 special
investors in the CAI Private Equity Group.

American affiliates of French American Foundation red-team in the
bogus 9/11 war game, include Joshua B. Bolten (1999), Deputy Chief of
Staff, The White House, Ian Brzezinski (2001) Deputy Assistant
Secretary for Defense for European and NATO Affairs, U.S. Department
of Defense, General Wesley K. Clark (1983), Former President William
Jefferson Clinton (1984), Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (1983),
Charlotte Hallengren (1999) Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Strategic
Planner, The Joint Staff, Pentagon, Kori N. Schake (2001) Director for
Defense and Strategy Requirements, National Security Council.

French affiliates of French American Foundation red-team in the bogus
9/11 war game, include Henri de Castries (1994), Directeur G
What? The Most Simple Explanation
Being It's A Cheney/PNAC Black Op!!!

Be Afwade
Be Vewwy Vewwy Afwade.

Dickless Cheney Is Hunting Wabbit.
In YOUR Back Yard.


"James McGill" <jmcgill@email.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com wrote:
>> A Chronology of Murder on United 93

> Your vivid imagination won't dull Occam's Razor.
In article <1184110994.547627.316460@o61g2000hsh.googlegroups.com>,
TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com says...
> A Chronology of Murder on United 93
> 7:03 a.m. - 7:39 a.m. Four alleged Flight 93 hijackers check in at the
> United Airlines ticket counter at Newark (New Jersey) Liberty
> International Airport and pass through security checkpoint. The 9/11
> Commission falsely claimed Newark Airport has no video cameras
> monitoring its security checkpoints. There is no documentary evidence
> proving the alleged hijackers passed through the checkpoint or whether
> they boarded the plane.
> Sometime before take off at 8:42 a.m. (41 minutes late, Flight 93 has
> to wait in a line before take off) Captain Dahl boarded a decoy Boeing
> 757-222, presented to him and the public as United Airlines Flight 93
> flying out of Liberty International Airport.
> The decoy was painted in United Airlines colors and carried an
> illegally-modified flight box with a Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module to
> allow `red team' simulation of "al-Qaeda" hijack attacks on `blue
> team' defenders during the bogus war game, "Global Guardian"
> Red team and blue team had different perceptions of their roles in the
> upcoming war game, thanks to fraudulent side bets on the results of
> Global Guardian by the red team commanders and hedge fund managers of
> the Carlyle Canada private equity group.
> Prior to 9/11, the red team had given UAL Flight 93 a false tail
> number and modified both decoy and drone flight-box avionics so the
> planes could be flown remotely by mobbed-up Laborers (`LIUNA')
> embedded with FAA air traffic controllers and the FBI.
> Captain Dahl could not make a "FINAL decision as to whether the
> aircraft may be safely operated" - he didn't know the red team had
> installed a flight box on [United 93] with Dead-Pilot Flight Data and
> Missile Gyroscope (QRS-11) modules for the war game.
> When Captain Dahl took off from Newark, the flight was joined in the
> air by at least two other red-team planes, making up a convoy of
> three.
> The red team tucked a drone plane - probably a 737 - behind and in the
> radar shadow of Captain Dahl's 757.
> The drone was painted in United's colors and modified to fly remotely
> behind the decoy, using a Pulse Detonation Module to trigger onboard
> rocket-fuel incendiaries, destroy the Capitol Building, kill
> congressmen and senators, and decapitate the American Republic.
> The red team would use a Bombardier CE 144 combat support jet from the
> NATO flight training school in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan and a NATO E-3
> Sentry AWACS plane with advanced radar and surveillance equipment, to
> direct decoys and drones into targets.
> A few minutes after 8:46 a.m. The FAA sets up a hijacking
> teleconference with several agencies, including the Defense Department
> just after Boston flight control notified other flight control centers
> about the first hijacking at 8:25 a.m.
> Red team members embedded in FAA, DOD, FBI, Secret Service, and other
> agencies, used Transponder Bypass Modules in their fixed and mobile
> assets to bypass NMCC (National Military Command Center inside
> Pentagon) and regional combat commanders.
> Red-team agents called in bomb threats to distract air traffic
> controllers at the FAA Boston Center which monitors flights 11 and
> 175, and Cleveland Center which will monitor Flight 93. The red team
> would later lie saying there were no phony bomb threats.
> The red-team diverted NORAD fighters to Alaska and Northern Canada in
> a bogus war game coordinated out of Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado, by
> the Canadian Captain Mike Jellinek. They also injected simulated mass
> attacks to confuse the NORAD blue teams.
> A few minutes after 9:00, Ballinger (FAA ATC) sent a message to Flight
> 93 to bypass FAA delays in warning that flights 11 and 175 had
> crashed. (He sent a second warning "bar the door" which reached Flight
> 93 at 9:24 a.m. just before the flight was hijacked.)
> We note all airline pilots are trained to key emergency four-digit
> codes into their plane's transponder to alert air traffic controllers
> when letters "HJCK" appear on their screens.
> Pilots should send this signal the moment a hijack situation is known;
> it takes seconds to perform. We believe red-team use of remotely-
> operated Transponder Bypass Modules explains why none of the hijacked
> pilots were able to send the HJCK signal on 9/11.
> A few minutes after the second impact at 9:02 a.m. (Flight 175),
> Boston flight control asks FAA Command Center to issue ****pit
> security alert to all aircraft nationwide but Command Center managers
> never instructed any centers to issue a ****pit security alert.
> 9:16 a.m. NORAD claims Flight 93 may have been hijacked at this time
> but was not told this by the FAA. In fact investigators used a Voice
> Splicing Module - ****pit voice recorders have a 30 minute time
> limitation - to suggest one of the four hijackers had been invited
> into the ****pit area before take off from Newark, New Jersey; thereby
> pre-placing him in a jump seat, the folded over extra seat located
> inside the ****pit.
> 9:26 a.m. Transportation Secretary Norman Mineta lies about the time
> Vice President Cheney was in the Presidential Emergency Operations
> Center (PEOC) below the White House. Mineta implied that a
> 'suspicious' plane was flight 77 when he knew that Cheney only later
> had a few minutes to respond to Flight 93. Mineta conferred with
> Acting FAA Deputy Administrator Monte Belger, who is at the FAA's
> Washington headquarters who says, "We're watching this target on the
> radar, but the transponder's been turned off. Mineta also lied when he
> implied Cheney gave a shoot-down order. FAA and NORAD lied about
> military response to hijacking of Flight 77 at 9:24 a.m. The FAA never
> asked for a response. The Vice President was bypassed, he arrived in
> the shelter conference room at 9:58 a.m. Condoleezza Rice only entered
> the PEOC shortly after Cheney did.
> 9:27 a.m. Tom Burnett calls his wife Deena on a cell phone. "The plane
> has been hijacked. We are in the air. They've already knifed a guy.
> There is a bomb on board. Call the FBI. We allege the red-team's
> fraudulent use of Voice Splicing Modules explains why Burnett is
> claimed to be using a phone operator's headset to make the call
> unnoticed (?!). Voice splicing may also explain why the original
> version of this conversation was censored and why alternative versions
> were floated yet Deena's call to 9-1-1 was recorded where she said,
> "They just knifed a passenger and there are guns on the plane."
> 9:28 a.m. Cleveland flight controller, "I pulled it [Flight 93] up on
> my screen and he was climbing and descending but very gradually. He'd
> go up 300 feet, down 300 feet"
> 9:28 a.m. Flight 93 acknowledges transmission from Cleveland flight
> control. Another plane [the drone] is 2,000 feet above it, at 37,000
> feet. Someone, presumably pilot Jason Dahl, is overheard by
> controllers as he shouts, "Mayday!" Sounds of screaming. Someone
> yells, "Get out of here, get out of here." We allege that fraudulent
> use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why the voices of
> hijackers talking in Arabic are later translated to suggest that they
> are telling each other that "Everything is fine"!
> Hardly 'fine' when passenger calls describe two dead or injured bodies
> - presumably the two pilots - just outside the ****pit; and the
> hijackers don't know how to fly large jets!
> 9:29 a.m. Shortly after hearing screaming from ****pit of Flight 93,
> Cleveland flight controllers notice plane has descended about 700
> feet. At 9:30 a.m., a controller asks other nearby flights on his
> frequency if they've heard screaming; several say that they have.
> Negligently or criminally, FAA Cleveland doesn't notify anyone else
> about it.
> 9:29 a.m. Red-team agents embedded in FAA and Laborers union (Local
> 2097) and Charles Leidig, commander National Military Command Center
> (NMCC) use Transponder Bypass Modules in their weapons platforms to
> bypass the blue team defenders.
> NMCC, located inside the Pentagon (but on the opposite side of the
> building from where the explosion will happen), is linked to Canada's
> equivalent red-team Command Center, Strategic Command, theater
> commanders, and federal emergency-response agencies.
> The Canadian Captain Michael Jellinek, NORAD command director,
> pretends these links were made "immediately" after the second WTC hit
> at 9:02 a.m. but they start nearly 30 minutes later, at about 9:29
> a.m.; the contrived delay helping treasonous (?) government agencies
> to keep Defense Secretary Rumsfeld out of the loop until after 10:30
> a.m.
> 9:30 a.m. Red-team Counterterrorism "tsar" Richard Clarke begins
> attempted coup. He orders all US embassies overseas closed and
> telephones PEOC, the command bunker, to tell the president he can't
> come right back here [to Washington]. Clarke tries to arrange a
> fighter escort to shoot down any aircraft-including Air Force One (?)-
> that looks like it is threatening to attack and might cause large-
> scale death on the ground. "Got it?"
> 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. ****pit voice recording recovered from Flight
> 93 recorded on a 30-minute reel. Flight 93's recording lasts 31
> minutes and begins at this time, seconds before the plane is hijacked.
> We allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules
> explains why the version of the tape that was later played for the
> victims' relatives began "too late to pick up the sounds of the
> hijackers' initial takeover".
> 9:30 a.m. Red team commander in a Bombardier CE-144 combat support jet
> use Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module to initiate an electronic
> `hijacking' of the decoy Flight 93 which began to go off course over
> southern Ohio, with a turning to the southwest.
> Shortly before Flight 93 reverses direction and heads east, the red-
> team radios FAA for new flight plan, final destination Washington, DC!
> Twenty-five minutes later a new destination is put into the decoy's
> Dead-Pilot Flight Data navigational system.
> A few minutes after 9:31 a.m., a hijacker on board Flight 93 can be
> heard on the ****pit voice recorder ordering a woman to sit down. A
> flight attendant, implores, "don't, don't." "Please, I don't want to
> die." We allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing
> Modules explains why Patrick Welsh, the husband of flight attendant
> Debbie Welsh, was later told that a flight attendant was stabbed early
> in the takeover and it is strongly implied by the red-team fraudsters
> that this woman was his wife.
> 9:32 a.m. The FAA notifies United Airlines' headquarters that Flight
> 93 is not responding to radio calls, causes United to believe, by 9:36
> a.m., that the plane has been hijacked.
> 9:32 a.m. A hijacker says over the radio, "Ladies and gentlemen, here
> is the captain, please sit down. Keep remaining sitting. We have a
> bomb aboard." Apparently, Cleveland flight controllers can understand
> about a minute of screams, before a voice again says something about a
> "bomb on board." Hijacker's voice says, "Keep remaining sitting. We
> have a bomb on board." The controller understands "Calling Cleveland
> [flight control], you're unreadable. Say again, slowly." Apparently no
> answer. The controller notifies his supervisor, who soon passes the
> notice to FAA headquarters.
> 9:33 a.m. FAA Administrator Jane Garvey joins video conference chaired
> by Richard Clarke. All aircraft have been ordered to land at the
> nearest field and she reads a list of potential hijacks including
> Delta 1989 and United 93. We allege that fraudulent use of Voice
> Splicing Modules allows Clarke to lie about the presence of General
> Richard Myers and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld at this
> conference; the military was not notified about hijacking of United 93
> until over half an hour later.
> 9:35 a.m. When Flight 93 is over Youngstown, Ohio, Cleveland flight
> controllers see it rapidly climb 6,000 feet above assigned altitude of
> 35,000 feet and rapidly descend.
> Before 9:36 a.m. NEADS Commander Robert Marr watched change of
> direction, while it is still flying west "We don't have fighters that
> way and we think [Flight 93 is] headed toward Detroit or Chicago."
> NORAD Commander Larry Arnold also watched 93 track as it meandered
> around the Ohio-Pennsylvania area and started to turn south toward DC.
> 9:36 a.m. After reaching Cleveland area, Flight 93 makes a sharp turn
> to south and then makes another turn back eastward; cutting through
> West Virginia's Northern Panhandle before re-entering Pennsylvania and
> now heads toward Washington, DC. AWACS or Bombardier-based red teams
> flew the Flight 93 decoy and drone towards Washington with Dead-Pilot
> Flight Data navigation, relying on saboteurs in Laborers Local 2097
> and Iridium virtual war rooms to confuse blue-team responders in the
> FAA and NORAD.
> The red team used the Bombardier CE-144 to inject false radar signals
> to confuse the NORAD tracking system in Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado.
> NORAD's response was commanded by two Canadian, Captain Mike Jellinek
> and Major General Eric Findley - either incompetent members of the
> blue team or treasonous members of the red team.
> 9:36 a.m. Cleveland flight control asks FAA Command Center whether
> someone has requested the military to launch fighters toward Flight
> 93. Command Center replies that FAA personnel well above them in the
> chain of command have to make that decision and are working on the
> issue. They said, 'don't worry. That's been taken care of".
> After 9:36 a.m. The red team turned off the decoy Flight 93
> transponder and jammed voice links to the ****pit, leaving Captain
> Dahl unable to communicate with blue-team air traffic controllers of
> the FAA or prospective U.S. Air force interceptors. Brigadier General
> Montague Winfield says that the Pentagon's National Military Command
> Center (NMCC) has "received the report from the FAA that Flight 93 had
> turned off its transponder, had turned, and was now heading towards
> Washington, DC. And the decision was made to try to go intercept
> Flight 93."
> Fraudulent use of Voice Splicing Modules allowed the 9/11
> Commissioners to float contradictory claims, saying the NMCC learned
> of the hijacking at 10:03 a.m., and NEADS never followed Flight 93 on
> radar and was first alerted only at 10:07 a.m.
> 9:37 a.m. F-16 fighters scrambled from Langley when Flight 77 crashes
> at 9:36 a.m., NEADS is dismayed to find fighters headed east over the
> ocean. At the time the Pentagon is hit, according to Craig Borgstrom,
> he and the other Langley pilots are hearing a lot of chatter over
> their radios, but nothing about airliners crashing into buildings. He
> says they are "all three on different frequencies getting orders from
> a lot of different people."
> After 9:37 a.m. Jeremy Glick calls wife, Lyz, from Flight 93 describes
> hijackers as Middle Eastern-looking. We allege that fraudulent use of
> the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why Glick is alleged to
> have said that the three put on red headbands (later used as evidence,
> having survived the fiery crash!), stood up, yelled, and ran into the
> ****pit. Glick's phone remains connected until the very end of the
> flight.
> http://911research.wtc7.net/disinfo/deceptions/docs/bandana.jpg
> 9:39 a.m. The Flight 93 hijackers transmit over the radio: "Hi, this
> is the captain. We'd like you all to remain seated. There is a bomb on
> board. And we are going to turn back to the airport. And they had our
> demands, so please remain quiet." The controller responds, "United 93,
> understand you have a bomb on board. Go ahead" We allege that
> fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why
> Cleveland flight control continued to wait for FAA superiors to notify
> 9:40 a.m. The transponder signal from Flight 93 ceases, plane tracked
> using primary radar by Cleveland flight controllers and at United
> headquarters where altitude can no longer be determined. The red team
> uses the Dead-Pilot Flight Data to vary the plane's speed possibly to
> avoid interception or change destination or expected time of arrival.
> 9:40 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Air traffic manager in control tower at
> Johnstown-Cambria County Airport, 70 miles east of Pittsburgh,
> receives a call from Cleveland Air Traffic Control reporting a large,
> suspicious aircraft about 20 miles south of them, descending below six
> thousand feet. Less than a minute later, Cleveland calls a third time,
> saying to disregard evacuation.
> 9:41 a.m. Newark, New Jersey, flight controller talking on the phone
> to an FBI agent who says about Flight 93: "We suspect that this
> aircraft has now been taken over by hostile forces." The FBI has been
> in contact with Deena Burnett and informed of what her husband, Flight
> 93 passenger Tom Burnett, has been saying since at least 9:34. Unclear
> where in the chain of command details of these Flight 93 calls reach.
> 9:42 a.m. From Flight 93, Mark Bingham calls his mother and says, "I'm
> on a flight from Newark to San Francisco and there are three guys who
> have taken over the plane and they say they have a bomb." We allege
> that a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains
> why there is an alternate version of this conversation in which
> Bingham says, "I'm in the air, I'm calling you on the Airfone. I'm
> calling you from the plane. We've been taken over. There are three men
> that say they have a bomb."
> 9:44 a.m. NORAD briefs the NMCC teleconference on the possible
> hijacking of Delta Flight 1989. Captain Charles Leidig, temporarily in
> charge of the NMCC, mentions the Delta Flight and comments, "that
> would be the fourth possible hijack."
> 9:45 a.m. After getting authorization to use an Airfone to call his
> family, passenger Todd Beamer is able to speak to Verizon phone
> representative with FBI listening in. Beamer says he has been herded
> to the back of the plane along with nine other passengers and five
> flight attendants. Twenty-seven passengers are being guarded by a
> hijacker in first class, which is separated from the rest of the
> aircraft by a curtain. One hijacker has gone into the ****pit. One
> passenger is dead (that leaves one passenger unaccounted for-
> presumably the man who made a call from the bathroom, thought to be
> Edward Felt). The two pilots are apparently dead. We allege that
> fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why
> there is a conflicting version of a conversation which states 27
> passengers were in the back, and Beamer saw four hijackers instead of
> three.
> 9:49 a.m. FAA Command Center has just twice warned FAA headquarters
> that United 93 is now "29 minutes out of Washington, DC." Someone at
> headquarters says to someone at the Command Center, "they're pulling
> Jeff [last name unknown] away to go talk about United 93." Command
> Center replies, "Uh, do we want to think about, uh, scrambling
> aircraft [NORAD fighters]?" FAA headquarters replies, "Uh, God, I
> don't know." Command Center says, "Uh, that's a decision somebody's
> gonna have to make probably, in the next ten minutes." FAA
> headquarters answers, "Uh, ya know, everybody just left the room."
> Apparently there is only one person at FAA headquarters who is
> authorized to request military assistance. Ben Sliney, the FAA's
> national operations manager at its Herndon Command Center, is told
> that no one can find them.
> 9:49 a.m. Commander of NORAD (General Ralph Eberhart) directs "all air
> sovereignty aircraft to battle stations fully armed." Another account
> says calls to bases to scramble don't begin until about 10:01 a.m.
> With a couple of exceptions, other fighters do not actually start
> taking off until about 11:00 a.m.
> 9:53 a.m. We allege that a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice
> Splicing Modules explains an otherwise bogus ****pit voice recording
> which suggests that the hijackers were so concerned passengers might
> retaliate they urged that the plane's fire axe be held up to the
> ****pit door's peephole to scare the already terrified passengers.
> 9:53 a.m. FAA headquarters informs the FAA Command Center that the
> deputy director for air traffic services is talking to Deputy
> Administrator Monte Belger about scrambling aircraft after Flight 93.
> We allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules
> allows the FAA to make claims when neither Belger nor the deputy
> director recall this discussion and do not believe the conversation
> took place. When questioned about this, Belger will point out that
> there are military people on duty at the FAA Command Center and in a
> situation room at the FAA's Air Traffic Organization, and that they
> are participating in what is going on. In addition, Belger will later
> tell the commission that he thought the NMCC was on the hijack net and
> would therefore have received notification on this channel at the same
> time as all other agencies.
> 9:44 a.m. Tom Burnett calls his wife, Deena "I know we're all going to
> die. There's three of us who are going to do something about it." We
> allege however that a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing
> Modules explains why Barnett specifically mentions a plan to regain
> control of the airplane over a rural area as if he had the choice!
> 9:55 - 10:15 a.m. Defense officials "There were no military planes in
> the skies over Washington until 15 to 20 minutes after the Pentagon
> was hit" Pentagon insists it had air cover over its own building by 10
> a.m., 15 minutes after the building was hit. However, witnesses did
> not see any until "closer to 11."
> After 9:55 a.m. The Langley F-16s headed to Washington are told that
> all planes in the US have been ordered to land, someone from the
> Secret Service gets on the radio and tells the pilots, "I want you to
> protect the White House at all costs". Pilots state they are never
> given clear and direct orders to shoot down any plane that day
> 9:55 a.m. The red team disengaged the decoy Flight 93's autopilot,
> presumably to fly the plane with Carlyle Canada and MDA's IAP software
> with the plane flying at 7,000 feet west of the Pentagon. The red team
> reprograms Flight 93's Dead-Pilot Flight Data and navigational system
> with the code for Washington's Reagan National Airport, just four
> miles from the White House, with an arrival time of 10:28 a.m. a
> minute later, at 9:56, "the destination code for [Flight 93] in FAA
> computers was changed from 'SFO,' the code for San Francisco, to
> 'DCA,' the code for Reagan National Airport in Washington. That
> indicates a red-team air traffic controller changed the destination
> which is typically requested by [live] pilots." Twenty-five minutes
> earlier, a red-team agent had radioed in and requested a new flight
> plan from the FAA, with a final destination of Washington.
> 9:57 a.m. One of the hijackers in the ****pit asks if anything is
> going on, apparently meaning outside the ****pit. "Fighting," the
> other says. We allege however a fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice
> Splicing Modules to suggest Flight 93 passengers reached the ****pit
> using a food cart as a battering ram and a shield. Why an alleged
> 'digital enhancement of the ****pit voice recorder' revealed the sound
> of plates and glassware crashing around 9:57 a.m. and voices shouting
> "In the ****pit! In the ****pit!" heard. Why someone outside shouts,
> "Let's get them." Why hijackers pray "Allah o akbar" (God is great).
> Why a hijacker says, "Should we finish?" Why another one says, "Not
> yet." And why passengers say "Give it to me!" "I'm injured" "roll it
> up" and "lift it up".
> 9:58 a.m. Todd Beamer ends phone call with a Verizon phone company
> representative saying that they plan "to jump" the hijacker in the
> back of the plane who has the bomb .. "awful commotion" "Oh my God,"
> and "God help us." He lets go of the phone but allegedly leaves it
> connected. We allege, however, that fraudulent use of the convoy's
> Voice Splicing Modules explains why we get these disjointed dialogs
> such as, "Are you ready guys? Let's roll" (alternate version: "You
> ready? Okay. Let's roll"). Alleged sounds of fighting in back of plane
> about a minute after such sounds in the front. CeeCee Lyles says
> "they're getting ready to force their way into the ****pit"). A little
> later she allegedly screams, then says, "they're doing it! they're
> doing it! they're doing it!" Her husband hears more alleged screaming
> in the background, then he hears an alleged "whooshing sound, a sound
> like wind," then more screaming, and then the call breaks off.
> 9:59 a.m. A man dials emergency 9-1-1 from bathroom on plane, "We're
> being hijacked" The operator reports, "He heard some sort of explosion
> and saw white smoke coming from the plane and we lost contact with
> him." One minute after call begins, line goes dead. We allege that
> fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why the
> mentions of smoke and explosions on the recording of his call can now
> be denied and why the person who took call is not allowed to speak to
> the media.
> 9:59 a.m. Air Force Lieutenant Colonel working in White House Military
> Office joins the NMCC conference and states he had just talked to
> Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley. The White House
> requests: (1) the implementation of Continuity of Government measures,
> (2) fighter escorts for Air Force One, and (3) establishment of a
> fighter combat air patrol over Washington, D.C." Counterterrorism
> "tsar" Richard Clarke gave the Continuity of Government orders a few
> minutes before from inside the White House.
> 10:00 a.m. The transponder for Flight 93 briefly turns back on, plane
> at 7,000 feet, stays on until about 10:03 a.m.
> 10:00 a.m. Hijacker pilot, presumably Ziad Jarrah, has been rolling
> the plane sharply to the left and right. We allege that fraudulent use
> of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why this novice pilot
> can calmly stabilize the plane and appear to ask another hijacker, "Is
> that it? Shall we finish it off?" Another voice answers, "No. Not yet.
> When they all come, we finish it off." The pilot starts pitching the
> nose of the airplane up and down. A few seconds later an alleged
> passenger's voice can be heard saying, "In the ****pit. If we don't
> we'll die!" Another voice says, "Roll it!". By 10:01, pilot stops
> pitching and allegedly says, "Allah o akbar! Allah o akbar!" ("God is
> great"), then asks, "Is that it? I mean, shall we put it down?"
> Another hijacker allegedly responds, "Yes, put it in it, and pull it
> down."
> 10:00 - 10:06 a.m. No calls from Flight 93. Several cell phones that
> are left on record but only silence. We allege that fraudulent use of
> the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explains why Todd Beamer does not
> hang up but nothing more is heard after he puts down the phone. The
> alleged silence lasts two minutes, then there is screaming. More
> alleged silence, followed by more alleged screams. Finally, there is a
> mechanical sound, followed by nothing. The second silence lasts
> between 60 and 90 seconds. Near the end of the ****pit voice
> recording, loud alleged wind sounds can be heard.
> 10:00 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. Canadian Captain Mike Jellinek, overseeing
> NORAD's Colorado headquarters, lies when he claims he heard Bush give
> shoot down order.
> 10:01 a.m. Pilot of small plane sees Flight 93 three miles away with
> United Airlines colors. Flight control asks him the plane's altitude,
> and then commands him to get away from the plane and land immediately.
> He sees plane rock back and forth three or four times before he flies
> from the area. FAA Command Center tells FAA headquarters a nearby
> plane had seen Flight 93 "waving his wings." In a manner consistent we
> believe with the red team's use of a Missile Gyroscope Module. The
> 9/11 Commission says, "The aircraft had witnessed the radical
> gyrations in what we believe was the hijackers' effort [they couldn't
> fly large jets] to defeat the passenger assault."
> 10:02 a.m. The ****pit voice recording of Flight 93 was recorded on a
> 30-minute reel, which means that the tape is continually overwritten
> and only the final 30 minutes of any flight would be recorded. We
> allege that fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules
> explains why the version of the tape played to family members begins
> at 9:31 a.m. and runs for 31 minutes, ending one minute before the
> plane crashes, thereby leaving relatives suspecting the tape been
> tampered with or even reconfigured.
> 10:02 a.m. a Flight 93 hijacker says, "Pull it down! Pull it down!"
> The airplane rolls onto its back as one of the hijackers shouts,
> "Allah o akbar! Allah o akbar!" However, there are questions as to
> whether the voice recording actually ends at this time. We allege that
> fraudulent use of the convoy's Voice Splicing Modules explain
> disconnects between these quotes and quotes given in previous accounts
> of what the ****pit recording revealed. For instance, in other
> accounts, passenger voices saying, "Give it to me!" "I'm injured," and
> "Roll it up" or "Lift it up" are heard just before the recording ends.
> 10:03 a.m. NMCC learns about the Flight 93 hijacking at this time.
> Since the FAA has not yet been patched in to the NMCC's conference
> call, the news comes from the White House. The White House learned
> about it from the Secret Service, and the Secret Service learned about
> it from the FAA. NORAD apparently is still unaware. Four minutes
> later, a NORAD representative on the conference call states, "NORAD
> has no indication of a hijack heading to Washington, D.C., at this
> time."
> 10:03 - 10:10 a.m. According to NORAD, Flight 93 crashes at 10:03 a.m.
> However, a seismic study concluded crash happened at 10:06:05 a.m.
> Before 10:06 a.m. In the tiny town of Boswell, about ten miles north
> and slightly to the west of Flight 93's crash site, witnesses saw a
> passenger jet lumbering through the sky at about 2,000 feet with the
> plane dip its wings sharply to the left, then to the right in a manner
> consistent, we believe, with the red team's use of a Missile Gyroscope
> Module The wings level off and the plane keeps flying south,
> continuing to descend slowly.
> Before 10:06 a.m. The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse
> Detonation Module explains why Flight 93 starts to break up before it
> crashes with debris found very far away from the crash site. The plane
> obliterated upon landing, except for one half-ton piece of engine
> found some distance away. Some reports indicate that the engine piece
> was found over a mile away. Later, FBI will cordon off a three-mile
> wide area around the crash, as well as another area six to eight miles
> from the initial crash site. Smaller debris fields are also found two,
> three, and eight miles away from the main crash site.
> Eight miles away, residents speaking of a second plane in the area and
> burning debris falling from the sky. At about this time, the red team
> peels off the United 93 drone from the en-route airway of the decoy,
> and flies towards Canada where the dead-pilot flight boxes can be
> removed camouflaged by the "Clear the Skies" order from Ben Sliney.
> The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse Detonation Module
> explains why residents outside Shanksville reported "discovering
> clothing, books, papers, and what appeared to be human remains ..
> collected bags-full of items to be turned over to investigators.
> Others reported crash debris floating in Indian Lake, nearly six miles
> from the immediate crash scene. Workers at Indian Lake Marina said
> that they saw a cloud of confetti-like debris descend on the lake and
> nearby farms minutes after hearing the explosion..." "It just looked
> like confetti raining down all over the air above the lake."
> Before 10:06 a.m. Anthony Kuczynski flown toward Pittsburgh alongside
> two F-16s piloting NATO E-3 Sentry AWACS plane, with advanced radar
> and surveillance equipment that could be used to direct fighters to
> their targets. He was just about to intercept Flight 93 when it
> crashed. He says, "I was given direct orders to shoot down an
> airliner." (E-3s are unarmed, so, if this account is accurate, the
> order presumably applied to the fighters Kuczynski was accompanying.)
> Five years after the attacks, Bill Keaton, a Cleveland flight
> controller who tracked Flight 93 as it flew eastward is asked whether
> there were fighters in the vicinity when it crashed. He replies,
> "[T]hat goes beyond the scope of what I can comment on."
> http://www.saunalahti.fi/fta/NATO_AWACS_SI-2.jpg
> Before 10:06 a.m. Accounts of the plane flying upside down - He sees
> it fly overhead, banking hard to the right. It is 200 feet or less off
> the ground as it crests a hill to the southeast. "I saw the top of the
> plane, not the bottom." He sees a plane flying overhead unusually low.
> The plane seemed to be turning end-over-end as it dropped out of sight
> behind a tree line. He sees the plane spiraling and flying upside down
> (in a manner consistent, we believe, with the red team's use of a
> Missile Gyroscope Module) not much higher than the treetops, before
> crashing.
> The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse Detonation Module
> explains why there are so many accounts of a sudden plunge and more
> strange sounds .. two loud bangs before watching the plane take a
> downward turn of nearly 90 degrees. It dropped all of a sudden, like a
> stone," "It dropped out of the clouds." The plane rose slightly,
> trying to gain altitude, then "it just went flip to the right and then
> straight down." "there it was, right there, right above my head-maybe
> 50 feet up. ... I saw it rock from side to side then, suddenly, it
> dipped and dived, nose first. Upside down and a sudden plunge - loud
> bang and sees the plane bank to the side .. plane wobbling right and
> left, at a low altitude of roughly 2,500 feet, when suddenly the right
> wing dips straight down, and the plane plunges into the earth "There
> was no smoke, it just went straight down. I saw the belly of the
> plane." "It came in low over the trees and started wobbling. Then it
> just rolled over and was flying upside down for a few seconds (in a
> manner consistent, we believe, with the red team's use of a Missile
> Gyroscope Module) and then it kind of stalled and did a nose dive over
> the trees."
> Before and after 10:06 a.m. A second plane, described "as a small,
> white jet with rear engines and no discernible markings," is seen by
> at least nine witnesses flying low and in erratic patterns, not much
> above treetop level, over the crash site within minutes of the United
> flight crashing .. "It was white with no markings but it was
> definitely military, it just had that look. It had two rear engines, a
> big fin on the back like a spoiler on the back of a car and with two
> upright fins at the side. I haven't found one like it on the Internet.
> It definitely wasn't one of those executive jets. The FBI came and
> talked to me and said there was no plane around. ... But I saw it and
> it was there before the crash and it was 40 feet above my head. They
> did not want my story-nobody here did" The FBI later says this was a
> Fairchild Falcon 20 business jet, directed after the crash to fly from
> 37,000 feet to 5,000 feet and obtain the coordinates for the crash
> site to help rescuers. The FBI also says there was a C-130 military
> cargo aircraft flying at 24,000 feet about 17 miles away (see 10:08
> a.m. September 11, 2001), but that plane wasn't armed and had no role
> in the crash .. Note that this is the same C-130 that flies very
> close to Flight 77 right as that planes crashes into the Pentagon (see
> 9.36 a.m. September 11, 2001).
> After 10:06 a.m. The remote triggering of an illegally-embedded Pulse
> Detonation Module would totally destroy the airplane and thus explain
> what witnesses saw when they reached the Flight 93 crater, "I was able
> to get right up to the edge of the crater. ... All I saw was a crater
> filled with small, charred plane parts ... no suitcases, no
> recognizable plane parts, no body parts. The crater was about 30 to 35
> feet deep." "There's a crater gouged in the earth, the plane is pretty
> much disintegrated. There's nothing left but scorched trees." "If you
> would go down there, it would look like a trash heap. There's nothing
> but tiny pieces of debris. It's just littered with small pieces." "I
> didn't think I was in the right place. I was looking for a wing or a
> tail. There was nothing, just this pit. ... I was looking for anything
> that said tail, wing, plane, metal. There was nothing." "If they
> hadn't told us a plane had wrecked, you wouldn't have known. It looked
> like it hit and disintegrated." "It was very disturbing to think all
> the remains just disintegrated.... There were no large pieces of
> airplane, no human remains, no baggage." "Never in my wildest dreams
> did I think half the plane was down there." Bob Craig of FBI's
> evidence-gathering team later explains what is supposed to have
> occurred: "Turn the picture of the second plane hitting the World
> Trade Center on its side, and, for all intents and purposes, the face
> of the building is the strip mine in Shanksville [where Flight 93
> crashed]." When the plane's two black boxes are later discovered (see
> September 13-14, 2001), they are reportedly found 15 and 25 feet
> inside the crater.
> 10:42 a.m. FAA tells White House it cannot account for three planes in
> addition to four that have crashed. FAA head Jane Garvey notifies the
> White House that there has been another crash. Only later does she
> learn the reports are erroneous."
> We believe that immediately after the crash of United 93, Carlyle
> Canada's red team agents began to plant, spoliate, remove and spin
> evidence that would otherwise have explained how Captain Jason Dahl
> was killed.
> We further believe that these post-event crimes were coordinated
> through Boeing's Iridium and MDA's operational systems ..
> .. "that allows military personnel to securely create, send and
> receive messages around the world. Our naval combat trainers employ
> computer-based simulation software for military training, providing a
> safe and effective alternative to traditional field exercises. Public
> safety relies on effective collection, management and distribution of
> information. Our experience in real-time databases, secure wireless
> networks, and dedicated Internet infrastructures forms the basis for
> police information solutions on local, regional and national levels.
> Today, local and regional police are using our police records system
> to file and retrieve critical information from fixed and mobile
> workstations."
> http://www.mdacorporation.com/systems/defence.shtml
> Notes: "McConnell Solves "Murder on United 93""
> Tentative List of Dead-Pilot Flight Box Modules, Frauds and
> Defendants
> 1. Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module: Tracks pilots - dead or alive - and
> planes for real-time event arbitrage. Carlyle AXA sells life insurance
> on pilots to mobbed-up labor union pension funds; then buys life
> insurance on the same pilots through AXA Re. When pilots are murdered,
> AXA Re shares collective kickback with killers, mob bosses, militants
> and racketeering private-equity groups. Defendants include Henri de
> Castries, Claude Bebear, Hillary Clinton, Barzan al-Tikriti (Clinton's
> Iraqgate partner just hanged in Baghdad), Yeslam bin Laden and Tom
> Gunn (OMERS) Paul Desmarais Sr. and Maurice Strong.
> 2. Missile Gyroscope Module: Remote guidance with GyroChip (QRS 11)
> gyroscope (Raytheon's Maverick missile) of Boeing passenger jets as
> pilots - dead or alive - begin "Final Approach Corridor" into targets.
> Defendants include: Joyce E. Tucker (Boeing BEAGLES), Hillary Clinton,
> Joe Giroir, John Deutch, Daniel Friedmann, Mohammad al-Zaibak, John
> Shalikashvili, Air Navigation Data of Ottawa and NAVCAN.
> 3. Voice Splicing Module: Splices conversations through virtual war
> rooms. Red team `stages' al-Qaeda hijacking of various decoys and
> drones using remote actors, witting or unwitting FAA air traffic
> controllers and onboard pilots dead or alive. Defendants include: Ben
> Sliney, Arthur Coia and Micki J. Daily (Laborers Local 2097),
> Lansdowne Technologies and Parisien Research of Ottawa, Tomoye
> (Gatineau), Groove (Beverley, MA), Thomas Malone (MIT Center for
> Coordination Science), Buzzy Kronguard (CIA and Boeing Iridium
> Satellite), Osama bin Laden (Boeing Thuraya Satellite).
> 4. Transponder Bypass Module: Blocks pilots - alive or dying - from
> keying in "HJCK" four-digit code to alert 'blue-team' air traffic
> controllers. Converts a fleet of 'co-operating' Boeing civilian
> passenger jets into a non-cooperating net-centric attack of smart
> cluster bombs. Used by red team to overwhelm blue-team defenses during
> the decoy-and-drone and stand-down maneuvers in 'Amalgam Virgo' and
> 'Global Guardian' war games of 1-2, June 2001 and 9/11. Defendants
> include Francois Bujon de l'Estang (French Ambassador to U.S.
> September 1995 - December 2002; Chairman of Citigroup France in
> January 2003, Director Thales in May 2004), Major General Rick Findley
> (NORAD), Vice Admiral SA Fry USN (JCS), LTGen John Campbell USAF-CIA
> (Retired) and John Deutch.
> 5. Pulse Detonation Module: Times firing of explosives or incendiaries
> in wings and fuselage to generate high-temperature shock waves (white
> flashes!!). Vaporizes pilots and the majority of physical evidence of
> murder, arson and insurance fraud. Defendants include: Martec
> (Gatineau, Quebec), John Deutch, Alfonso Gagliano (Bonanno crime
> family) and Frank McKenna.
> 6. Planting of evidence: Saboteurs and/or mobsters embedded with
> labor unions plant evidence at Logan Airport and Ground Zero to
> suggest 'al-Qaeda' hijackings. Defendants include Hussain Al-Hussaini
> (Alleged Iraqi agent both at Murrah Building OKC to destroy BATFE
> offices and later at Logan Airport), George Soros (Waste Management
> Inc), Frank McKenna and Leo DiRubbo, reputed associate of Luchese
> crime family, with AMEC, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. through Teamsters Local 813,
> Hillary Clinton, Arthur Coia and Micki J. Daily through mobbed-up FAA
> and Laborers Local 2097.
> http://tapscottscopydesk.blogspot.com/2005/09/before-able-danger-and-mohamed-atta.html
> http://www.nlpc.org/olap/UCU2/04_22_10.htm http://www.nlpc.org/olap/UCU2/04_17_05.htm
> 7. Spoliation of evidence: Mobbed-up construction, sanitation and
> demolition unions flush evidence down sewers at Ground Zero and mix up
> materials at the scene of the murders at the Pentagon. Defendants
> include, George Soros (Waste Management Inc), Frank McKenna and Leo
> DiRubbo, reputed associate of Luchese crime family, with AMEC, Jimmy
> Hoffa Jr. through Teamsters Local 813, Hillary Clinton, Arthur Coia
> and Micki J. Daily through mobbed-up FAA and Laborers Local 2097.
> 8. Removal of evidence: Mobbed-up construction and demolition unions
> truck evidence from Ground Zero to Fresh Kills land fill and off to
> China and India. Defendants include, George Soros (Waste Management
> Inc), Frank McKenna and Leo DiRubbo, reputed associate of Luchese
> crime family, with AMEC, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. through Teamsters Local 813,
> Hillary Clinton, Arthur Coia and Micki J. Daily through mobbed-up
> Laborers Local 2097, Ben Sliney ("Clear the Skies to Canada")
> 9. Spinning of evidence: Up to 20 corrupt agencies engaged in bogus
> ongoing NATO (?) continuity-of-government exercises to disrupt and
> sidetrack investigations. Defendants include, John Shalikashvili,
> Bruce McConnell and Kris Marcy with McConnell International, George
> Soros, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Harold Ickes "Shadow Party" with
> lawyers, lesbian (or bisexual) and laborers entrapment networks and
> media and Hollywood made Ben Sliney a star while backer paid perjurers
> in "United 93" movie.
> 10. MindBox Hedge Fund Fraud: MindBox software is a decision-support
> tool used during 9/11 war games for insider trading, money laundering,
> hedge-fund, private-equity, event-arbitrage and property and life
> insurance frauds. Arbitrage of panicked capital markets, especially a
> contrived four-day closure of the New York Stock Exchange after 9/11,
> generated trillion-dollar hedge fund profits for which the wrongful
> deaths of eight pilots was considered 'collateral damage'. Defendants
> include: George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Carlyle Canada's Paul
> Desmarais Sr. and Maurice Strong, Darleen Druyun, Jamie Gorelick,
> Kristine Marcy, Brian McConnell, George Soros, David Rockefeller,
> Thomas Barnett, Frank McKenna, Frank Carlucci, Jim Baker, Arthur
> Levitt, John Biggs, Board of Directors of Boeing and 50 special
> investors in the CAI Private Equity Group.
> http://www.hawkscafe.com/061306.html
> American affiliates of French American Foundation red-team in the
> bogus 9/11 war game, include Joshua B. Bolten (1999), Deputy Chief of
> Staff, The White House, Ian Brzezinski (2001) Deputy Assistant
> Secretary for Defense for European and NATO Affairs, U.S. Department
> of Defense, General Wesley K. Clark (1983), Former President William
> Jefferson Clinton (1984), Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton (1983),
> Charlotte Hallengren (1999) Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, Strategic
> Planner, The Joint Staff, Pentagon, Kori N. Schake (2001) Director for
> Defense and Strategy Requirements, National Security Council.
> http://www.french-american.org/srt/extra/flb/minisite/show?location.id:=1381&id:=123
> French affiliates of French American Foundation red-team in the bogus
> 9/11 war game, include Henri de Castries (1994), Directeur G
<TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com> wrote:

> ...........Captain Dahl boarded a decoy Boeing
> 757-222, presented to him and the public as United Airlines Flight 93
> flying out of Liberty International Airport.
> The decoy was painted in United Airlines colors and carried an
> illegally-modified flight box with a Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module....

Just how would they get the decoy in there and the original plane out
without the airlines or the airport knowing?
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:43:14 -0700, TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden wrote:

> Pilots should send this signal the moment a hijack situation is known;
> it takes seconds to perform. We believe red-team use of remotely-
> operated Transponder Bypass Modules explains why none of the hijacked
> pilots were able to send the HJCK signal on 9/11.

This is pivotal because it is so basic. The TBM can be speculation or
theory but, right or wrong, nothing accounts for the fact that no plane
sent any hijack signal out. The probability of this happening under the
official version approach zero against. This increases the possibility
that some sort of transponder by-pass was in place or that some other
extra ordinary situation, technical or otherwise, happened way outside
the realm of guys with box cutters, or whatever this week's official
version might be.

I can't say that everything said here is accurate but this fact alone
means it isn't necessarily all false.
the_blogologist wrote:

> <TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...........Captain Dahl boarded a decoy Boeing
>> 757-222, presented to him and the public as United Airlines Flight 93
>> flying out of Liberty International Airport.
>> The decoy was painted in United Airlines colors and carried an
>> illegally-modified flight box with a Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module....

> Just how would they get the decoy in there and the original plane out
> without the airlines or the airport knowing?

Marvin Bush?

Virtus Tutissima Cassis
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:47:35 -0700, James McGill <jmcgill@email.arizona.edu>

>TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com wrote:
>> A Chronology of Murder on United 93

>Your vivid imagination won't dull Occam's Razor.

Neither will your one-liner critique with no detailed rebuttal.
ZerkonX wrote:

> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:43:14 -0700, TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden wrote:
>> Pilots should send this signal the moment a hijack situation is known;
>> it takes seconds to perform. We believe red-team use of remotely-
>> operated Transponder Bypass Modules explains why none of the hijacked
>> pilots were able to send the HJCK signal on 9/11.

> This is pivotal because it is so basic. The TBM can be speculation or
> theory but, right or wrong, nothing accounts for the fact that no plane
> sent any hijack signal out. The probability of this happening under the
> official version approach zero against. This increases the possibility
> that some sort of transponder by-pass was in place or that some other
> extra ordinary situation, technical or otherwise, happened way outside
> the realm of guys with box cutters, or whatever this week's official
> version might be.
> I can't say that everything said here is accurate but this fact alone
> means it isn't necessarily all false.

When I went to the crash site outside of Shanksville, the guy operating the
temporary memorial told me that debris was scattered over a 12 mile
distance. I specifically asked him if that was paper and light stuff, or
just any kind of airplane part. He said "all kinds of plane parts". I
don't know what hit the ground up there, but debris does not bounce 12
miles from a plane crash.

Virtus Tutissima Cassis
Hatto von Aquitanien wrote:

> ZerkonX wrote:
>>On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:43:14 -0700, TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden wrote:
>>>Pilots should send this signal the moment a hijack situation is known;
>>>it takes seconds to perform. We believe red-team use of remotely-
>>>operated Transponder Bypass Modules explains why none of the hijacked
>>>pilots were able to send the HJCK signal on 9/11.

>>This is pivotal because it is so basic. The TBM can be speculation or
>>theory but, right or wrong, nothing accounts for the fact that no plane
>>sent any hijack signal out. The probability of this happening under the
>>official version approach zero against. This increases the possibility
>>that some sort of transponder by-pass was in place or that some other
>>extra ordinary situation, technical or otherwise, happened way outside
>>the realm of guys with box cutters, or whatever this week's official
>>version might be.
>>I can't say that everything said here is accurate but this fact alone
>>means it isn't necessarily all false.

> When I went to the crash site outside of Shanksville, the guy operating the
> temporary memorial told me that debris was scattered over a 12 mile
> distance. I specifically asked him if that was paper and light stuff, or
> just any kind of airplane part. He said "all kinds of plane parts". I
> don't know what hit the ground up there, but debris does not bounce 12
> miles from a plane crash.

Nothing bounced 12 miles from the crash site. The guy you supposedly
spoke with doesn't know what he's talking about.
On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 06:33:04 -0700, nobody@nowheres.com (the_blogologist) wrote:

><TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com> wrote:
>> ...........Captain Dahl boarded a decoy Boeing
>> 757-222, presented to him and the public as United Airlines Flight 93
>> flying out of Liberty International Airport.
>> The decoy was painted in United Airlines colors and carried an
>> illegally-modified flight box with a Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module....

>Just how would they get the decoy in there and the original plane out
>without the airlines or the airport knowing?

How? Maybe you should ask ICTS, http://tinyurl.com/389t72,
the Israeli-owned company in charge of security at many of America's biggest
airports. ICTS was (is?) managing security at Liberty International Airport.
ICTS also managed security at Boston's Logan Airport, from which the 9/11 planes
took off for the World Trade Center. ICTS, registered in The Netherlands,
operates its passenger screening operations through its US subsidiary, Huntleigh

In article <F46li.11873$ya1.9267@news02.roc.ny>, vandar69@yahoo.com says...

>> When I went to the crash site outside of Shanksville, the guy operating the
>> temporary memorial told me that debris was scattered over a 12 mile
>> distance. I specifically asked him if that was paper and light stuff, or
>> just any kind of airplane part. He said "all kinds of plane parts". I
>> don't know what hit the ground up there, but debris does not bounce 12
>> miles from a plane crash.

>Nothing bounced 12 miles from the crash site. The guy you supposedly
>spoke with doesn't know what he's talking about.

nbc news sez 3-4 miles radius for the debris field:

CNN sez :"Investigators leading the probe of the Pennsylvania jetliner crash
said they found debris six miles away from the crash site. "

Pittsburgh Tribune-review sez 2 miles for bone fragments:

"Investigators also descended on nearby Indian Lake. The resort community two
miles from the crash also became part of the official search area after small
pieces of crash debris were recovered from the 750-acre lake.

"By Wednesday morning, crash debris began washing ashore at the marina.
Fleegle said there was something that looked like a rib bone amid pieces of
seats, small chunks of melted plastic and checks.

Who are you going to believe, Vandar or eye-witnesses?
Why Vandar posts crap that can be refuted in 5 minutes of using google is
beyond me.
Vandar wrote:

> Hatto von Aquitanien wrote:
>> ZerkonX wrote:
>>>On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 16:43:14 -0700, TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden wrote:
>>>>Pilots should send this signal the moment a hijack situation is known;
>>>>it takes seconds to perform. We believe red-team use of remotely-
>>>>operated Transponder Bypass Modules explains why none of the hijacked
>>>>pilots were able to send the HJCK signal on 9/11.
>>>This is pivotal because it is so basic. The TBM can be speculation or
>>>theory but, right or wrong, nothing accounts for the fact that no plane
>>>sent any hijack signal out. The probability of this happening under the
>>>official version approach zero against. This increases the possibility
>>>that some sort of transponder by-pass was in place or that some other
>>>extra ordinary situation, technical or otherwise, happened way outside
>>>the realm of guys with box cutters, or whatever this week's official
>>>version might be.
>>>I can't say that everything said here is accurate but this fact alone
>>>means it isn't necessarily all false.

>> When I went to the crash site outside of Shanksville, the guy operating
>> the temporary memorial told me that debris was scattered over a 12 mile
>> distance. I specifically asked him if that was paper and light stuff, or
>> just any kind of airplane part. He said "all kinds of plane parts". I
>> don't know what hit the ground up there, but debris does not bounce 12
>> miles from a plane crash.

> Nothing bounced 12 miles from the crash site. The guy you supposedly
> spoke with doesn't know what he's talking about.

There are numerous reports of debris scattered as far away as New Baltimore
PA. The calls to police, etc., are simply not consistent with the fiction
that this was only bits of paper and other light materials.

Virtus Tutissima Cassis
In article <mtmdnd_WBJtJYwnbnZ2dnUVZ_vWtnZ2d@comcast.com>
n...@isp.com (Dersu Uzala) wrote:
> Who are you going to believe, Vandar or eye-witnesses?
> Why Vandar posts crap that can be refuted in 5 minutes of using google is
> beyond me.

Well, Vandar is a shill and it's his job to spin/damage control for the treasonous perps.
Dersu Uzala wrote:

> In article <F46li.11873$ya1.9267@news02.roc.ny>, vandar69@yahoo.com
> says...

>>> When I went to the crash site outside of Shanksville, the guy operating
>>> the temporary memorial told me that debris was scattered over a 12 mile
>>> distance. I specifically asked him if that was paper and light stuff,
>>> or
>>> just any kind of airplane part. He said "all kinds of plane parts". I
>>> don't know what hit the ground up there, but debris does not bounce 12
>>> miles from a plane crash.

>>Nothing bounced 12 miles from the crash site. The guy you supposedly
>>spoke with doesn't know what he's talking about.

> nbc news sez 3-4 miles radius for the debris field:
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Shanksville+debris#
> CNN sez :"Investigators leading the probe of the Pennsylvania jetliner
> crash said they found debris six miles away from the crash site. "
> http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/planes/attack/cnn_earlyproberesults.html
> Pittsburgh Tribune-review sez 2 miles for bone fragments:
> http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_12967.html
> "Investigators also descended on nearby Indian Lake. The resort community
> two miles from the crash also became part of the official search area
> after small pieces of crash debris were recovered from the 750-acre lake.
> "By Wednesday morning, crash debris began washing ashore at the marina.
> Fleegle said there was something that looked like a rib bone amid pieces
> of seats, small chunks of melted plastic and checks.
> Who are you going to believe, Vandar or eye-witnesses?
> Why Vandar posts crap that can be refuted in 5 minutes of using google is
> beyond me.

Virtus Tutissima Cassis
Figaro wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Jul 2007 06:33:04 -0700, nobody@nowheres.com (the_blogologist)
> wrote:
>><TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> ...........Captain Dahl boarded a decoy Boeing
>>> 757-222, presented to him and the public as United Airlines Flight 93
>>> flying out of Liberty International Airport.
>>> The decoy was painted in United Airlines colors and carried an
>>> illegally-modified flight box with a Dead-Pilot Flight Data Module....

>>Just how would they get the decoy in there and the original plane out
>>without the airlines or the airport knowing?

> How? Maybe you should ask ICTS, http://tinyurl.com/389t72,
> the Israeli-owned company in charge of security at many of America's
> biggest airports. ICTS was (is?) managing security at Liberty
> International Airport. ICTS also managed security at Boston's Logan
> Airport, from which the 9/11 planes took off for the World Trade Center.
> ICTS, registered in The Netherlands, operates its passenger screening
> operations through its US subsidiary, Huntleigh Corp.


Virtus Tutissima Cassis
Rev. 11D Meow! wrote:

> What? The Most Simple Explanation
> Being It's A Cheney/PNAC Black Op!!!
> Be Afwade
> Be Vewwy Vewwy Afwade.
> Dickless Cheney Is Hunting Wabbit.
> In YOUR Back Yard.

Funny you should mention that.


> "James McGill" <jmcgill@email.arizona.edu> wrote in message
> news:f715qv$jch$1@onion.ccit.arizona.edu...
>> TimOsmanOsamaBinLaden@gmail.com wrote:
>>> A Chronology of Murder on United 93

>> Your vivid imagination won't dull Occam's Razor.

Virtus Tutissima Cassis
On Jul 11, 1:40 pm, Nomen Nescio <nob...@dizum.com> wrote:
> In article <mtmdnd_WBJtJYwnbnZ2dnUVZ_vWtn...@comcast.com>
> n...@isp.com (Dersu Uzala) wrote:
> > Who are you going to believe, Vandar or eye-witnesses?
> > Why Vandar posts crap that can be refuted in 5 minutes of using google is
> > beyond me.

> Well, Vandar is a shill and it's his job to spin/damage control for the treasonous perps.

Where did valiant vandar run off to, anyway?

Come back Vandar! The cows is in the corn.
Dersu Uzala wrote:

> In article <F46li.11873$ya1.9267@news02.roc.ny>, vandar69@yahoo.com says...
>>>When I went to the crash site outside of Shanksville, the guy operating the
>>>temporary memorial told me that debris was scattered over a 12 mile
>>>distance. I specifically asked him if that was paper and light stuff, or
>>>just any kind of airplane part. He said "all kinds of plane parts". I
>>>don't know what hit the ground up there, but debris does not bounce 12
>>>miles from a plane crash.

>>Nothing bounced 12 miles from the crash site. The guy you supposedly
>>spoke with doesn't know what he's talking about.

> nbc news sez 3-4 miles radius for the debris field:
> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Shanksville+debris#

That's not 12 miles.

> CNN sez :"Investigators leading the probe of the Pennsylvania jetliner crash
> said they found debris six miles away from the crash site. "
> http://911research.wtc7.net/cache/planes/attack/cnn_earlyproberesults.html

That's not 12 miles.

> Pittsburgh Tribune-review sez 2 miles for bone fragments:
> http://www.pittsburghlive.com/x/pittsburghtrib/s_12967.html
> "Investigators also descended on nearby Indian Lake. The resort community two
> miles from the crash also became part of the official search area after small
> pieces of crash debris were recovered from the 750-acre lake.
> "By Wednesday morning, crash debris began washing ashore at the marina.
> Fleegle said there was something that looked like a rib bone amid pieces of
> seats, small chunks of melted plastic and checks.

That's not 12 miles.

> Who are you going to believe, Vandar or eye-witnesses?

Believe the facts.
Nothing bounced 12 miles from the crash site.

> Why Vandar posts crap that can be refuted in 5 minutes of using google is
> beyond me.

You've refuted 3-4 miles, 6 miles, and 2 miles. Will you be refuting 12
miles any time soon?
lorad474@cs.com wrote:

> On Jul 11, 1:40 pm, Nomen Nescio <nob...@dizum.com> wrote:
>>In article <mtmdnd_WBJtJYwnbnZ2dnUVZ_vWtn...@comcast.com>
>>n...@isp.com (Dersu Uzala) wrote:
>>>Who are you going to believe, Vandar or eye-witnesses?
>>>Why Vandar posts crap that can be refuted in 5 minutes of using google is
>>>beyond me.

>>Well, Vandar is a shill and it's his job to spin/damage control for the treasonous perps.

> Hey!
> Where did valiant vandar run off to, anyway?

It's called life. You should try one sometime.