A Day in the Life of Your Shoes


I'm greeny meany
Jun 18, 2004
A Day in the Life in Your Shoes

Basically this thread is to tell people what you would do on a normal school/work day. What do you do when you get up the the moring, and what usually happens at school. Have fun with it!

I'll go first:

6:40- i wake up. Then I go take a shower, put lotion on, then brush my teeth.

6:55- Blow dry my hair

7:10- Get dressed, do my hair then put on some jewelry.

7:26- Go downstairs and eat breakfast

7:33- Go to the bathroom, brush my teeth again (keeping my teeth clean for when i get braces) then mouth wash.

7:40- Go on LPF

7:50- Go to school

8:00- I enter the building the proceed to make it through English without falling asleep. Then history, and science.

11:47- Choir, all you do is talk and sing. Then lunch.

12:45- Go outside for recess! Thats the fun part! My friends can do crazy ****!

1:10- Go to the rest of my classes

3:15- School is over! I either go home or stay for play practice.

3:30- I get home if i didn't go to play practice, i'd take the dog out then go on LPF.

5-7:30- We have dinner at sometime in that time range.

9:00- go on LPF

After that it depends on what i feel like. Lol I have the exact time for everthing, I have OCD so yea i make sure my schuedule doesn't change.
Should this be called A Day In The Life In Your Shoes not of your shoes? I was excited about talking about my shoes for a second. I have super cool Tony Hawk boarding shoes with skull laces and a Pink Panther button and a Reboot button. Alright, I'll shut up now,. my days are usually boring anyways.
Lets see,

5:30- get up, offer prayers

5:45- treadmill

6:30- Workout (different daily for dif muscle groups)

7:00- take shower

7:30 get dressed/ eat breakfast

7:45- get dropped of to school early by dad


4:00- eat a quick snack

4:15- start homework and go on computer at the same time

5:30- offer prayers again

6:00- dinner

7:30- offer prayers last time for the day

8:00- stay on pc after hw

9:30- come one here or whatever

11:00- play counter strike

12:00- go on hacking forums

12:30- do some reading

1:00- watch some tv

2:00- go to sleep or stay on pc for a little longer
Ok, here we go!

6:30am: Wake Up
6:40am: Finally get out of bed
6:45am: Go downstairs, eat breakfast, go on LPF...
7:00am: Hop in the shower
7:10am: Dry off, put on deodorant, brush teeth, get dressed
7:30am: Get on LPF
7:32am: Go out to the bus stop
7:40am: Get on the bus
8:00am: Arrive at school
12:20pm: Lunch Shift
3:00pm Go out to the carpool line and wait for my mom to pick me up
3:30pm: Get in the car
3:45pm: Get home
3:50pm: Get on LPF, Log onto AIM & MSN ; or go outside
5:00pm: Do homework if I feel up to it
6:00pm: Eat dinner
6:20pm: Get back online
7:00pm: Yell at my mom for something
9:30pm: Get offline
10:00pm: Get in bed and talk on phone/watch tv/something like that
11:00pm: Go to sleep
^He's insomnic lol.

A usual school day:

6.30 - Alarm goes off - Look at the time, usually say "Urgh jdlksfksf soo tired" to myself and fall back to sleep.
6.40 - Alarm goes off again, it has an annoying ringtone so I turn over and turn it off.
6.50 - Alarm goes off again. Turn on some music REALLY loud to wake me up. Lie in bed for another 5 / 10 mins trying to open my eyes lol.
7.00 - Head off to bathroom to wash, get changed, brush my teeth etc.
7.15 - Go back into room, turn on the radio. Also hit my sister and tell her to wake up as well. Brush my hair and get all my school crap ready.
7.30 - Head downstairs and find something to eat.
7.40 - Friends comes over and we walk to the bus stop.
8.30 - Arrive to college. Usually sat down catching up on homework *I'm lazy* or read a newspaper. Usually still too tired to talk at this time.
9.00 - First lesson starts. Oh the joy.
(Have all my lessons)
4.00 - College ends. Head for the bus stop.
5.00 Arrive home around this time. I always need a toilet at this time lol. Just sit around watching tv and chatting to people.
6.00 - Dinnertime.
6.30 - Go on the computer. LOg in yahoo and aim, and these forums. Stay on for ages =D
(Anything happens between here)
10.00 - Head off upstairs and go to the bathroom / shower to wash and wash my hair.
11.00 - Turn on some music for a bit and do a bit of homework.
11.30 - Go to bed =D

Wasn't that exciting *cough*.
6:30am or 7:30am- wake up
7:35am- take a shower (if i haven't done the night before)
7:45am- iron clothes
7:50am- listen to music
8:10am- get dressed
8:11am- listen to music again
8:16am- leave house, walk to school
8:25am- get to school
8:28am- depending on the day i'll go to spanish 1 or science
12:05am- go to lunch
3:45pm- school is over
3:50pm- walk around and talk to my friends
3:55pm- i start walking home
4:05pm- get home
4:10pm- check my emails/ listen to music
4:25pm- i start cleaning the dirty ass kitchen like always
4:35pm- finish/ go upstairs and surf the net
5:00pm- listen to my ipod
5:10pm- get back on the internet
7:00pm- eat dinner
7:10pm- get back on the internet
10:00pm- watch girlfriends on upn
10:30pm- get on the internet
11:00pm- take a shower if i feel like it
11:30pm- try to do some homework
11:40pm- watch tv/listen to music/get on the internet
12:30am- go to bed (depends on how sleepy i am)
6:00 wake up and push the snooze buttom on my alarm.
6:09 push the snooze button again
6:16 push snooze button
6:25 push snooze button
6:34 push snooze button
6:43 push snooze button
6:52 push snooze button
7:01 I finally get out of bed and take a shower
7:15 brush my teeth, do my hair, put a little makeup on, etc.
7:32 go outside and listen to my cd player while I wait for the bus
7:40 I get to school and go to my homeroom where I hang out with my friends, make fun of my teacher who makes fun of me back, or franticly try to get whatever homework I forgot to do done
8:00 Physical Science starts
8:48 Spanish
9:40 Break where I go to my 3rd classroom and hang out with my friends
9:50 Pre algebra
10:45 Geography
11:33 English
12:15 Lunch
12:50 Gym
1:45 Study Hall
2:30 Word Processing
3:20 Go home
3:40 Go on computer, read, visit my grandparents, talk to my freinds, listen to Linkin Park etc.
8:30 Watch South Park
9:00 Watch more TV
10:00 Wach Family Guy and start homework (if there is not too much to do otherwise I start it earlier)
10:30 Watch Futurama
11:00 to 12:00 try to get to sleep
2:00 wake up and try to get to sleep
4:00 wake up and try to get to sleep
5:30 look at clock groan about how I don't get enough sleep and try to assure myself that I can still get a little in the half hour I have left
6:00 start all over again.
linkinparkrunaway said:
6:00 wake up and push the snooze buttom on my alarm.
6:09 push the snooze button again
6:16 push snooze button
6:25 push snooze button
6:34 push snooze button
6:43 push snooze button
6:52 push snooze button
7:01 I finally get out of bed and take a shower
7:15 brush my teeth, do my hair, put a little makeup on, etc.
7:32 go outside and listen to my cd player while I wait for the bus
7:40 I get to school and go to my homeroom where I hang out with my friends, make fun of my teacher who makes fun of me back, or franticly try to get whatever homework I forgot to do done
8:00 Physical Science starts
8:48 Spanish
9:40 Break where I go to my 3rd classroom and hang out with my friends
9:50 Pre algebra
10:45 Geography
11:33 English
12:15 Lunch
12:50 Gym
1:45 Study Hall
2:30 Word Processing
3:20 Go home
3:40 Go on computer, read, visit my grandparents, talk to my freinds, listen to Linkin Park etc.
8:30 Watch South Park
9:00 Watch more TV
10:00 Wach Family Guy and start homework (if there is not too much to do otherwise I start it earlier)
10:30 Watch Futurama

11:00 to 12:00 try to get to sleep
2:00 wake up and try to get to sleep
4:00 wake up and try to get to sleep
5:30 look at clock groan about how I don't get enough sleep and try to assure myself that I can still get a little in the half hour I have left
6:00 start all over again.
i watch family guy and futurama at the same time as u!!! lol
6:30-wake up
7:00- leave house as a zombie
7:10- get grande mocha frapaccino with whip cream
7:20-8- get to school and look out for creepy stalker
8:20- get disturbed by pimply, ugly, she-man teacher who wears leather skirts
8:25-3:25 -classes classes classes
3:25-5:00- go to the gym and work out (or get fries @ good stuff, depends on what mood im in)
5:00-10:00-go on computer, watch tv, listen to music, do homework or contemplate whos i can copy the next day, all at once
10:00-11:00- sit down in front of altar and do any magical things i need to do (lol only a few would get what im saying)
11:00-6:30- toss and turn in bed
7:15-alarm clock
7:30-get out of bed
get dressed
brush teeth put on make up
8:00-go to bus stop
8:20-get to school
8:45-first class
3:45-end of school
4:15-get home eat something
4:25-watch tv
6:00- go on computer
7:30-take shower
8:00-sit in room listing to music or writing or drawing
8:30-go back on computer
10:00-get off computer
10:30-get in bed
11:30-fall asleep
my day is so boring
6:30am - Alarm goes off, which I silence in my sleep
Between 7:10am to 7:40am - Wake up, shower, shave, do hair, and get out of house
7:50am - Get to school, collapse in band room
8:10am - School starts, Band.
9:03 - Creative writing
9:55 - Algebra 1, where I feel like a flunky surrounded by 8th graders.
10:40 - Art, where I talk with friends and listen to music. Very little art going on there.
11:30 - Journalism, where I screw around and procastinate my work.
12:10 - God bless the lunch hour, and god save the kids who have to eat the slop. Consists of chatting, screwing around, gossip, and plenty of random stuff.
1:30 - English class with my short, fat, sexist, controlling, and insane English teacher.
2:20 - Study Hall
3:10 - Jailbreak
3:20 - Home and Happy
Between 3:20 and 9:00 - eat, lounge, procastinate, play video games
9:00 - Log onto LPF and MSN
11:30'sh - Get off internet, and do homework
Sometime after Midnight - Finish homework or fall asleep on the homework

Repeat, stir, and add caffiene. The recipe for my life.
my day is kinda random... it depends whether i'm working, i'll do a day when i'm not working, it's more fun

1030/1130 - wake up/get up
1135 - turn on computer, go get milk in, pick up post etc etc
1140 - go on LPF, listen to music, chat to a few people on MSN
1230 - do workout, stretchs, exercises
1300 - go make lunch, eat lunch
1330/1345 - go have shower/bath, get dressed
1415 - go back on computer, check LPF and other forums
1500 - call up a few people, see what they're doing
1515 - go out, go to town, doss about there
1600 - go to plantation (it's a cafe i go to, where grungers, emo kids, rockers etc etc hang out)
1800 - get kicked out of plant
1810 - either go out with a few people, have a few drinks... or go home
1900 - home, dinner
1930 - go on computer, forums, MSN
2100 - call rowan, talk for like 30 mins
2130 - go back on computer for a bit
2300 - put on a film, relax on my sofa
0100 - go back on computer, check forums,
0200 - go to bed
0230 - fall asleep

yeh thats a usual day, depending on work
Well i normally get up around 6:10-6:30, and get a shower, wonder what i'll wear. 6:45 or so get out of the shower, take medicine, get dressed. Put on some Antonio banderas cologne, off to the bus at 6:55. Chill at the bus stop and listen to music, talk to friends. Bus comes. I mind my own business in seat 5 on the left side where the heater is :thumbsup: . Still listening to some LP while hip hop is played over the bus radio. And everyday fresh 83' how we do comes on so i listen to that. fresh like uhh, impala uhh, chrome hydralics, 808 drums... oki'l stop.. yeah get to school around 7:20, talk to my best friend Andy by the gym about our intramural basketball team and how good we are, and about preppy idiots, or what we did or who we saw at the YMCA last time we where there. Off to enviromental science where I’m normally late, listen to my teacher misprounce water as " walther". Dawg shutup. I’m bored right now so I’m gonna get into more of the intricate stuff…, I don’t say much so its just an hour of sitting. I’m quiet by nature and I don’t like being the center of attention so I avoid talking, unless I have to. So yeah, 8:35 class over, when I walk by this girl that I like and she likes me, but she has a bf at the moment so it’s an interesting moment in the day. Down to the gym, play voleyball or basketball or whatever where doing that day. Listen to coach smith yap about something, id even know what he’s talking about… then nutrition break, yeah. Chill for a lil while, ttalk to andy, other peeps on my basketball team. This girl always walks by, she’s absolutely gorgeous. I’m about to go pump some iron just so I could get a chance with her, wow she is beautiful. Anyway, third hour, annoying teacher. Don’t wanna talk about her. Then to lunch. Chill in the library, go on LPF, slam3, which is a graphics crew I am on. If the libraries closed I’ll just go into a computer class down in the art hall, aint no one ever in there. 4th hour, accounting, I normally fade away from reality in that class, just day dream. 5th hour, ugh… 6th hour, boring. I shoulda mentioned I have my headphones on all dya, I cant do anything without music, don’t go anywhere without it. Music is life. Idk 2:35 schools over go on bus, think about what I f’ed up today, and what else I’ll f up later. Get home. Such a lonely feeling going home. Yeah. I normally just think about my sorrow, pretty depressing I know. Just sift through my problems, wihle I design a wallpaper or something, think about what I lack, what I’ve missed. Normally on the computer, listening to music. Then eventually ill run 1.5 miles. Come home, listent o more music till about 2:30 AM then start the whole process over again.
My days are really boring as usual

7.00 - dad calls me to get out of bed
7.10 - get up, put some clothes on etc.
7.15 - go downstairs to eat
7.30 - brush teeth, do my hair and put on some make-up
8.00 - go to school
11.00 - break thank god :rolleyes:
11.15 - lessons start again
13.00 - another break :D , i usually talk and laugh alot in the break
13.20 - lessons start again
15.10 - school's over *jeej* go back home
15.20 - lie on the bank for a few minutes *i'm lazy :rolleyes: *
15.35 - homework *worst time of the day*
16.15 - go on the internet, on LPF and msn
17.30 - eat
18.00 - shower.. *I usualy stay in the shower for a hour*
18.30 - ehm draw or write something and listen to music
17.30 - go on LPF and other forums and msn
21.30 - dad starts to scream that i have to get off the computer
21.45 - dad gets pissed and i go offline
22.00 - brush my teeth and go to bed

and at 7.00 it starts all over again
Everyday is different to me, so I'll give you a monday, and one fresh out of this semester at school. Let's go:
7h00 - Wake up. Get out of bed immediately so I don't give in to the temptation of falling asleep again. Stumble to the bathroom, get ready for school. Put some cold water on my face, so I wake up better.
7h15 - Get dressed, run to the kitchen to grab some cookies. Like I already wake up the latest that I possibly can (I should wake up at like 6h30, so I could have time to have a proper breakfast), I can't afford to waste any time spreading butter on bread or anything. I eat a couple of cookies and that's that.
7h25 - Dress my jacket, get discman in my pocket, pick up my backpack, put headphones on, turn discman on. Leave the house.
7h30 - Get to the bus stop.
7h35 - Bus arrives. Get in the bus. Look around for somewhere to sit on.
7h55 - Curse the damn traffic.
8h15 - Bus arrives destination. Stumble out of the bus, feel the cool wind on my face and start walking faster. I walk up and down streets for about 10 minutes until I reach the other bus stop.
8h25 - reach the other bus stop. Wait impatiently for the bus that will take me to college.
8h30 - Bus arrives, it's super crowded. I try to squeeze around people and find a good spot for me, and I always fail. People push me and step on me. I get angry and curse the damn bus. Watch one or two arguments arise between people that want to sit down but can't because no one will give them their seat.
8h50 - Bus arrives destination.
8h55 - I arrive the classroom, in my city's Botanical Garden. I find some friends there. We talk about our weekends, and talk about how sleepy we are.
9h00 - Teacher walks by. We say curses under our breath lol. He opens the door. We go in, and find a nice spot by the middle of the amphitheater, where we can doze off, if needed, without being seen.
9h15 - Boredom starts to settle. I start drawing where I should be taking notes, my friend sitting next to me is playing "Prince of Persia" on his cell phone. I start watching him play.
9h30 - Look to the watch for the 10th time.
9h45 - Take some more notes to stop the urge to fall asleep.
9h55 - Excitement takes place, class is almost over.
10h00 - Dispair settles. The teacher doesn't seem to notice its 10h00, and that the class should end by now. He rambles on.
10h05 - We start squirming on our seats.
10h07 - Teacher finally realizes what time it is and leaves the room. Immediately, the teacher of the next subject comes in. Result: we have no break.
10h20 - This subject is pretty much worse than the one before. At this time I'm generally lost in the middle of hundreds of enzyme names. I start drawing again.
10h30 - people sitting next to me start watching me draw. We make a couple of jokes.
10h35 - Teacher makes warning for us to shut up.
10h45 - Teacher makes his 3rd joke of the day. He thinks he's funny.
10h50 - I start counting down to the end of the class. I finished the drawing, now I try to take some notes.
11h00 - class finally finishes. We go to the bar to eat something.
11h03 - I find out that there's nothing there I want to eat. I remain hungry.
11h07 - We go to the class room. A different one, with horrid unconfortable wood chairs. We chose our seats carefully. Teacher starts class.
11h20 - Taking notes and trying not to fall asleep.
11h30 - Me and my friend next to me exchange messages by writing in each others papers. We don't want to call attention upon us by speaking.
11h45 - Feeling anesthetized. I just want the class to end.
12h00 - class finally finishes. I am about to colapse from hunger and sleepyness. Me and my friends decide where we're going to lunch. Usually in a mall nearby, or some little restaurant.
1h00 - having lunch and talking cheerfully.
1h50 - get to college again, this time in another building, because we're taking a zoology class, and not a botany one. Secretely hope for the teacher to not come.
2h00 - teacher arrives. Curses under our breath again, and we get into the lab.
2h05 - Teacher starts explaining our practical work. For the next two and a half hour we prance around the lab, making some experiment that has to do with animal phisiology. Something about blood coagulation or something. Play around a little bit, until the teacher notices and yells at us.
4h30 - class finishes. We take our lab coats off and rush to the bus stop. We're having another class in another building in half an hour. We hope the traffic is not too bad.
4h40 - reach the bus stop. Traffic is terrible. We run to another bus stop.
4h45 - Traffic seems better here. Buses start coming, but none that goes to where we want to go. We begin to get mad. I curse the traffic again.
4h55 - Bus arrives. We rush in and try to squeeze between the people again. We get stepped on and pushed around. I get mad again.
5h07 - we get off bus and run to class.
5h10 - we get to the classroom, knock on the door. The teacher lets us in despite our 10 minute delay.
5h30 - We dress our lab coats, sit around doing something to some little plants for an hour more. We laugh and play around a little.
6h30 - class finishes. Lab coats off again and we leave the botanical garden. We walk to our transportations: some to the bus, others to the subway, others to the car. My friend gives me a ride home, which is cool, means I don't have to curse the buses again.
6h40 - We get in the car and head off to the highway. We listen to some cool music and talk along the way.
6h50 - Highway is jammed. We curse the traffic.
6h55 - talking and joking around. Traffic doesn't seem to be getting any better. We start making bets on how long it'll take us to get out of there.
7h05 - traffic gets better. We start going faster. We rejoyce.
7h15 - we get a shortcut to my house. Curse a couple of bad drivers, drive trough some streets that are narrow because some wise asses decided to park the cars on both sides of the street, and get to my house.
7h20 - We say goo bye, I leave the car and get home.
7h25 - I'm home now. I drop my backpack and turn on the computer. Find something to eat.
7h30 - eat and surf the net. Come to LPF 'till dinner time.
8h30 - dinner time
9h00 - dinner over. Go to my room and study the lab protocols for next day classes. Log on to MSN. Check out who's there and chat for a while. Sometimes, I also make a couple phone calls to some of my best friends. I tell them how crappy my classes were, they tell me how crappy their classes were, and we try to decide who had it worst.
10h30 - sometimes I watch a movie, or just keep on chatting on MSN, or posting on LPF.
Midnight - get to bed and try to get some sleep.

This was a Monday in my life :D