A Favor


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2005
Okay-so I try not to be the sappy type. But at this point, I'm having a hard time not being emotional. My brother left for Iraq Friday, and is currently hanging around in Kuwait waiting to be transported to Fallujah to train the Iraqi troops.
I'm not handling it quite as well as I thought I would. It hardly crossed my mind before today, and now I'm having a difficult time not thinking about it.
Anyhow, I would appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers right now. I'm scared, he's scared, and it's a tad stressful. I think the worst of it all is not knowing when I will be able to talk to him again, not knowing if he's going to be home when they say he is. Or if he will be back at all-even though I know in my head that in all likelihood he will be fine-it's still difficult to convince myself otherwise. So please-regardless of your religion (or lack thereof), I would appreciate any prayers or thoughts sent his way. Thanks.
My thoughts and wishes are with you, your brother, and the rest of your family as well. hugs My ex (who is now a very good friend) is going to Kandahar, Afghanistan at the end of this week - I sort of understand (but he's not my family).

You know I have the highest regard for our service men and women, especially the ones deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

I think it would be foolish not to be scared and concerned. But you must take comfort in the fact that he is in the company of America
angie said:
Okay-so I try not to be the sappy type.
Good, I hate crybaby's.

But at this point, I'm having a hard time not being emotional. My brother left for Iraq Friday, and is currently hanging around in Kuwait waiting to be transported to Fallujah to train the Iraqi troops.
It was his decision.

I'm not handling it quite as well as I thought I would. It hardly crossed my mind before today, and now I'm having a difficult time not thinking about it.
This pisses me off. Why do so many people fear for someones life when they are gone from town, yet never feel that when they are only a block away ?? Perhaps it is the reality of, or at least the perception you get, of what life is like in Iraq.

Anyhow, I would appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers right now.
I won't give you any prayer, but I will share my thoughts.

I'm scared, he's scared, and it's a tad stressful.
You are scared of losing him, that is normal, he is scared of dying, that reality check will make him a better man when he returns home.

I think the worst of it all is not knowing when I will be able to talk to him again, not knowing if he's going to be home when they say he is.
It's the military, expect to be able to communicate when THEY say he can.

Or if he will be back at all-even though I know in my head that in all likelihood he will be fine-it's still difficult to convince myself otherwise.
Thinking evil thoughts only leads to grey hair.

So please-regardless of your religion (or lack thereof), I would appreciate any prayers or thoughts sent his way. Thanks.
Angie, I don't think what you want is prayers and thoughts sent HIS way, you want them sent YOUR way. I understand the thoughts you have. And if there is one or 4 things that I can say to get my feelings on the whole situation across it would be first of all, that no matter what... life goes on.. I think that is the most important lesson of life anyone could ever know. Next, you need to know that life will ALWAYS have it's ups and downs. The time you, or your brother or anyone else spends with life and who they spend it with, is either happy or sad because of the way people try to live with each other. Some like us live in a world of capitalism and democracy, while others in this world, live in tyranny, and torture and oppression. You need to keep in mind that your brother is essentially going on a mission to help the world... at least a hungry, unhappy, unhealthy part of it... he by himself will NEVER change the world, and he is merely an expendable drone to the cause of freedom, but he is doing his part in the way he felt he should to make the world better.. Sadly, the efforts do come with a price for some. But, back to what I originally said... life goes on... and for every person who gave his life... thousands more are gaining a new found life away from a life of torture and pain.

So no matter how minor his job, or how safe it may be, he is doing his part. He is someone to be proud of, and when he returns, he will have pride in his own life till he grows old and dies.

If fate strikes him a fatal blow, he still has people who are proud of what he did for the world, and it will show by the way you grieve.

But the way I see it... he ain't dead yet.. why the **** are you grieving when you should be celebrating him for the person he wants to be ??
My thoughts are with you and your family Ang. I try to tell everyone I meet who has a loved one in Iraq, I appreciate the sacrifice they and their family are making...
My thoughts and prayers are with you. As well as with all those who have, or are and there family's, who have to make things work while there gone.

THANK YOU Active military and veteran's!
What's that you say Tired?

I don't pray much but you and your brother are in my thoughts and - I wish you well.
I have two cousins over there right now and my thoughts turn to them often. My thoughts now bend toward your brother, angie. God bless him, for he is one of this generations greats.

Thanks everyone. I do appreciate it.
I am somewhat comforted-my brother called Mamacita this am. Those who are already there have told him Fallujah has been very quiet. Things should be a-okay. I'm still worried and think of him often, but my moment of despair is over. And I am proud of him-and everyone else over there.
angie said:
Thanks everyone. I do appreciate it.
I am somewhat comforted-my brother called Mamacita this am. Those who are already there have told him Fallujah has been very quiet. Things should be a-okay. I'm still worried and think of him often, but my moment of despair is over. And I am proud of him-and everyone else over there.

I hope you can see I'm not making light of this situation but have you ever wondered why it seems that the people who have loving families, sisters, brothers, wifes, husbands, children end up being the ones who are sent into situations like this? Is it just because the media focuses on these, are their stories more remarkable then the guy who has no one to care if he is dead.

My heart goes out to the families of the people who are left behind here. My ex-husband for instance, no one would have missed him but his Mother..why can't they take more people like him. I was thinking the same thing on 9-11, why couldn't it be the people that everyone hated, or the people who had no families...We heard one story after another of someone who died leaving behind so many loved ones...maybe the media realizes the ones who have no one are not going to make a good story.
Lethalfind said:
I hope you can see I'm not making light of this situation but have you ever wondered why it seems that the people who have loving families, sisters, brothers, wifes, husbands, children end up being the ones who are sent into situations like this? Is it just because the media focuses on these, are their stories more remarkable then the guy who has no one to care if he is dead.

My heart goes out to the families of the people who are left behind here. My ex-husband for instance, no one would have missed him but his Mother..why can't they take more people like him. I was thinking the same thing on 9-11, why couldn't it be the people that everyone hated, or the people who had no families...We heard one story after another of someone who died leaving behind so many loved ones...maybe the media realizes the ones who have no one are not going to make a good story.
It's probably because it doesn't make a good media story. If there's no one mourning their death, what do they really have to talk about? Not that they don't matter, because they do. But tragedy buys ratings.